posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:15 PM
My first UFO experience that I can remember happened in 1979.
I was 13 and very frustrated with my life and was ready to walk into a lake and drown myself. I sent a mental message to the aether. The message was -
if there is anyone listening I need some answers now, otherwise this is it for me.
Shortly thereafter, 'they' showed up. I saw what appeared to be about five spotlights searching the ground and the surrounding trees and landscape,
moving in tandem like the legs of a spider. I ran out into my back yard to see from where these lights originated.
Much to my disbelief, there was a large metallic craft hovering over my neighborhood and the lights were attached to the bottom of it. As soon as I
saw this, one of the lights swung up and shined directly into my face.
Instantly, I was standing in my driveway shoulder to shoulder beside a tall man who was holding some kind of device in his hand. He was standing to my
left. I was instructed in my mind to interact with this gadget. The communication was telepathic. I started punching buttons with my left hand like
Data from Star Trek (I'm right handed mind you).
At once I felt much better, as if I had somehow altered my vibration, for lack of a better description. Then, instantly, the tall man disappeared. I
felt abandoned and wanted to go with him, and ran back out into the yard to look for the UFO. It was also gone.
After a few minutes of coming to grips with what had just occurred, I went into my house. My mother was furious and wanted to know where I had been,
as she had been looking for me for hours. I explained that I had never left the yard, which made her even more angry. About three hours of missing
time and an ass whipping was the result.