A new Cochrane study argues the second of two reasons for controlling Internet access: Unfettered Internet access breeds crime � and illness. Cochrane
published the study following two US agencies� release of previously embargoed medical and scientific research into the public domain.
�Using the internet to manage a chronic illness can leave you in worse health than before you logged on. �The reviewers said the study had important
policy implications because of the worldwide proliferation of online health programs, often at significant public expense.�
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Free Internet access coupled with open access to medical and scientific information threatens the very foundations of global corporate power. If
recently released research is repackaged for general consumption and hits the mainstream, it�s pretty much game-over. The issue is heating up, and the
lines are drawn.
In October, the National Institute of Health (NIH) thwarted corporate pressure on the Senate and made Open Access to medical information a contractual
obligation for NIH funding. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made this online announcement:
�Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is now an open access journal � all content is freely available to everyone online immediately after
publication. We believe that the open exchange of scientific information will lead to the greatest progress for global health. That�s why we have also
opened up over 30 years of peer-reviewed research to anyone who wants it.�
Taken together, the recently released NIH and EPA research provides solid evidence linking world wide epidemics and widespread genetic mutations with
environmental contamination. The facts show underlying infectious cause � and the health, food manufacturing and wastewater management industries are
all implicated in disease transmission. Other industries also are incriminated � common chemicals and various contaminants accelerate disease
progression, and trigger new disease mutations.
So-called �diseases of civilization� are epidemic world wide, causing mass premature deaths and budget-breaking early dysfunction and disability in
survivors. Nations around the world face caring for multitudes of relatively young no-longer-productive citizens, euphemistically termed the �aging
population.� Population projections from the CIA and others have shown a significant yet unexplained drop in population growth for several years.
However, the evidence suggests the projections are overly optimistic; the 6th Mass Extinction is real, and human survival is on the table. The
situation can only be contained by massive clean-ups using new technologies like nano-filters and special enzymes for microbial decontamination.
The worst terrorist threats pale in comparison to actual present reality. The world is already under biological attack � and bio-terrorists have
nothing to do with it.
The health industry is the largest in the world today, worth trillions of dollars each year � and arguably the foundation of global corporate economic
power. At present, the same few mother corporations cause and spread disease, then profit from treating secondary symptoms. The global structure is
supported by corporate ability to own information and control its flow.
Corporate efforts to block the Open Access movement have been thwarted � the research is free on the Net. The only way to block the information flow
now is to prevent public access, and the only target left is the Internet itself. The FBI recently shut down Indymedia. Watch for a stepped-up
campaign showing that unfettered Internet access breeds illness and crime. Expect more viral censorship, shut downs and pressure for international
Internet regulation.
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[edit on 22-10-2004 by Banshee]