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Pole flipping, survival, prep, origin conspiracy, animal philosophy etc.

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posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 04:45 AM
I have been studying pole reversal a bit here and a bit there when I first heard about the possibility 14 years ago. To the people curious of a mini ice age we are over due for one by 50 thousand years, we are on borrowed time. Pole reversals are not a gradual process; unless you consider the process restarting, right after the last flip...which is true...but the last stage is what we are experiencing now, large bubbles of areas showing N when it should be S on a compass. There are computer models of the magnetic reversal; it forms the bubbles the bubbles lopsided just enough, then boom it flips all at once. If you've ever played with magnets, you can see how fast a magnet flips to align with another.

Ok, so it flips what happens on the surface? This is were things get hairy, some think the earth will halt and reverse rotation, some think the whole planet will flip Antarctica is where the North Pole is and vice versa, some people think both, some think rotation won't be affected. If it does any of the above, the earth will be washed over with water...there are giant waves frozen in time in Antarctica from a flash freeze, slowly frozen water freezes smooth.

I don't believe in a literal bible, or god. But some of these creation stories from religions over lap and say the same things. It's best to look at the oldest ones you can find and read for the commonalities.

Is the story of Noah, just that a story hiding real truth or possibility behind it? We can clone, from dna. Just how big of a craft do you think simple DNA strands of all species would take up? What does the oldest written religion say? We were created in jars, to be servants...sounds like cloning and test tube dna babies yes? Is the Noah story a past event AND a prophecy for what keeps repeating here? Have we been here and done this cycle at least 5 times before already? The same mount of times core samples says the earth has flipped? Are we headed there again?

How far advanced did some of the previous humans get? Did they create and live on some of the planets and moons? There are giant tubes on the moon that make little sense. There are metal pipes in the mountains of China that go all the way through the mountains that have been there before we ever had the capability to work metal. Carving out red sandstone I can see it's very soft...but megalithic granite stones cut and polished smooth larger than an average house...yes quite probably from us; but not in this current world since the last ice age.

History is knowledge, very valuable...if the wealthiest families go under ground, or up in space before this coming catastrophe. While everything washes over and settles again...where will history and invention be? With them of course...what have we been doing with the internet since it began? putting all our knowledge and ideas into an unrecoverable format. If reduced to rubbing sticks together for fire for the few that do survive, outside a planned exactly are we supposed to get to it? with no electricity or power system all electronics are useless garbage.

What about guns? You have to protect them from elements; clean them, have ammo. How many that survive do you think have the ability to cast a bullet, cast or reload a cartridge and have geological knowledge to make gun powder? Most of these bullets will fly away as s. is h.t.f. anyways. What can the average person make and build all by themselves that's useful? Say a person can cast metal into a motor, can they also refine it and find the raw material alloys and build the tools using stone and dirt? extract oil to fuel it too?

Most people are specialized in one field, and know little of the rest of the process, unless its a hobby...even then do they know how to do that hobby all by them selves from scratch? Creating everything needed? Or taking risks to seek out and scavenge possible remnants left behind after the waters recede?

All of this is food for thought; people prep...but are they just hoarding? I suggest packing away documents how to manuals history and expanding your knowledge. I know a lot of this stuff the how to's from scratch, casting, minerals etc. but I am not a prep I do not stock either. I can and could survive in a global shtf. I believe we are animals by nature; we repress tendencies and desires to live and be social in a functioning society. If you plan and prep you may want to get in touch with your animal should be called when Society hits the wont exist, it will be chaos, total anarchy at first, people pack and herd together naturally, after things settle little tribes will form and build.

I'm not social a animal, or societal animal, I am a tolerant animal that has no care for personal survival, I just exist with a bunch of other animals, thinking they are something else, that a bunch of made up crap matters, and and afterlife....ha the gall of it all. I will walk to ground zero and catch the first one happily between my teeth, to escape the madness of this made up monkey business that doesn't really matter.

Please note, this is a mental purging; if any of the above is real or not doesn't matter to me...I wrote it because it may matter to some that cling and find life precious. I see it as just a natural process, it's meaning varies from person to person hence the problem; and why we can't just exist in harmony. Food, rest, elimination, inhalation exhalation is all we really need. Everything we tack on to and around this is the problem of the human condition...I just cope, I am not free of empathy...I do care about people and family.

I just have no compassion for people that live in a constant cycle of hurting themselves and others...for junk not required to live or be happy, and force others to exist with more complications than necessary for basic survival...I know there's a desert island out there for me some where...but my mind serves as one well enough.

Mods: this post touches a lot of areas; this spot was my best feel free to move it where ever.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Pole reversals are not a gradual process; unless you consider the process restarting, right after the last flip...which is true...but the last stage is what we are experiencing now, large bubbles of areas showing N when it should be S on a compass


What do you define as "gradual"?

Most estimates for the duration of a polarity transition are between 1,000 and 10,000 years.[8]

Ok, so it flips what happens on the surface? This is were things get hairy, some think the earth will halt and reverse rotation

Who exactly are the "some" people? The same guy who said Nibiru was coming to drop Iron Oxide and destroy Earth?

some think the whole planet will flip Antarctica is where the North Pole is and vice versa, some people think both, some think rotation won't be affected.

Rotation won't be affected because the magnetic field is caused by rotation, not vice versa.

If it does any of the above, the earth will be washed over with water...there are giant waves frozen in time in Antarctica from a flash freeze, slowly frozen water freezes smooth.

Source? Not saying there hasn't been flash freezing in Antarctica, but no source does not allow any explanations to be offered by people who are familiar.

Is the story of Noah, just that a story hiding real truth or possibility behind it? We can clone, from dna. Just how big of a craft do you think simple DNA strands of all species would take up?

Noah put the animals on board two by two didn't he? No mention of test tubes. I get where you are going, but the literally translations are pretty telling of a big wooden arc.

How far advanced did some of the previous humans get? Did they create and live on some of the planets and moons?

Very doubtful as there were no remnants to suggest man has ever advanced into anything close to the technologies we have today.

The rest of your thread is really just a recap of a multitude of nutty ideas out there that is quite ambiguous. Your platform can't be discussed without throwing all reasoning into the wind. Sorry.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by boncho

As I said; I don't care if this smattering is real or not, you'll find many threads on ATS with bits of all of these ideas; if you're wanting me to cite and debate go debunk yourself; perhaps other members well read and versed on these topics will have the wherewithitall to inform you on these topics; or care enough to, if you learn to use the search function as well as the quote button, you could be more informed, on these topics.

I peeled the banana for you so feel free to stick it where ever you want to...

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

...but the last stage is what we are experiencing now, large bubbles of areas showing N when it should be S on a compass

which alledged ` large areas ` - please give lat / long co-ordinates

nither aviators nor mariners are reporting any unexpected compass errors - sho why should we believe you ?

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 05:12 AM
Wow, trying to cover the whole of ATS in one thread.......not gonna work mate, without at least citing some sources, or info.

I recently watched a documentary regarding pole shifting. It is indeed believed that it happenend before, according to soil samples found in Australia.

However, it was concluded that a pole shift would take at least 1 million years to happen. Its not something that is going to happen overnight, or in the time span of a few hours.


posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 05:49 AM
Fine...I'll give some citation, if you've read almost all of ats like I have it would be a no's pointless to cite when someones mind is made up, or looking to troll, when I am just purging information that connects...and could care less if any of this is real or not, i'm already checked out and given up on humanity...none of this information is a necessity but a curiosity; does anything you worry about bother your pet? Nope, so why does it bother you? If you really care you'd research the topics yourself...this is a post on a forum not an English assignment.

Pole flip, etc. :
Animations and lecture links

Frozen waves:

Moon Pipes:
Basic ATS search

Chinese pipes:

There's more but as I said if a topic really interests you and it matters; you'd look at all angles not whatever is the most agreeable to yourself to begin with, then snatch a side and defend with gritted teeth; as I stated this is why we are where we are...with war and famine caused by other crap that matters not in the very least if you take a serious look.
edit on 30-11-2012 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 06:19 AM
I've always enjoyed your posts and found your reasoning intelligent, so feel free to purge. I've wondered many of the same things and regarding pole reversal what the OP means is that at the end of the process there is a sudden large movement. I get that and believe it has happened before as frozen mammoths in Siberia are mute testimony of.
There are also many large erratic boulders on top of mountains with their magnetic orientation going the wrong way in relation to other rocks nearby. Velikovsky wrote about this in one of his books. Brilliant guy who doesn't get enough credit imo.

As for rebuilding society it would be a hard task. As Heinlein put it so well "specialization is for insects", yet our society demands it of us more or less as we seek gainful employment. I've made a conscious effort myself to not get stuck in that role and have managed to stay self-employed and used my free time learning various primitive skills which would allow me at least to live in 19th century standards. I don't know if there's many people like me though but if you have a large enough group hopefully all the important skills would be covered. I just finished watching doomsday preppers and most of them have little or no flexibility or redundancy planning if THSTF. It shows a level of simplicity in thinking most can't escape - even the aware ones. As a species we're in trouble if these are the only folks left to rebuild the world.

Anyways, fun rant. Thanks for posting.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

if you learn to use the search function as well as the quote button, you could be more informed, on these topics.


If you actually read your sources, you might be informed enough to realize they debunk what you said in your OP:

^From the source you posted about frozen waves in antarctica (not waves):

Relevance of the Van Allen Belt? -Again, your source.

Every so often—every 250,000 years on average—the Earth’s magnetic poles reverse polarity.
Your source again. *

Heck, I'm having trouble finding anything that supports your argument in the OP within your own links. Hence why I suggested posting them in the first place...

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by boncho

Perhaps these citations will help you out the most...

It helps to cut off that loud internal dialogue to digest what is being read...I suppose you've been entrenched dug in and waiting for me to post another thread just so you could troll it as well, congratulations...Friday November 30th arrived after the however long it has been since you've been waiting.

Perhaps bold text will clarify I DO NOT CARE IF THESE IDEAS ARE REAL OR NOT, none of these things matter to me at all...I had to purge, exspel, remove, drop, plop, flop this out of my mind...none of these topics are new; so feel free to run and start trolling every post on ATS; with the quickest reflex of your index finger to quote and snip as fast as you can.

Perhaps that is what you need? Quotes...

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarknessPlease note, this is a mental purging; if any of the above is real or not doesn't matter to me...I wrote it because it may matter to some that cling and find life precious. I see it as just a natural process, it's meaning varies from person to person hence the problem; and why we can't just exist in harmony.

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
reply to post by boncho

As I said; I don't care if this smattering is real or not, you'll find many threads on ATS with bits of all of these ideas;

This type of thing is the exact problem I am describing, in the bits you can't even comment on or consider...Keep cutting and never ever ends; it complicates you life, my life, all life would be just fine if I never heard of Antarctica, never saw the moon, never done a lot of useless things to feed the machine of hate and greed and divide and yes debate debunk, get into a tizzy over what exactly?

NOTHING; nothing made up from the human mind, that has zip to do with a basic survival skill, is utterly worthless and pointless and a waste of life. If you want a real debate; debate what you'd rather not touch in the original post...something that has to from from within yourself not parroted cites and nonsense from anyone else; from the very wrinkles you created in your brain yourself from extrapolating data and putting it across your own field of still won't mean you know or understand anything. If you think you do then may Socrates rise from the dead and bite your fingers and tongue from your body, in an instant.

Rationality's pursuit of "Pure Truths" derives from the first Greek philosophers who were establishing the concept of truth, against the opposing force of "The Good". Although rational thought may find truth (or The Truth) it may not be valid for all experiences. Therefore, what is needed is an approach to viewing life that is more varied and inclusive and has a wider range of application. Originally the Greeks did not distinguish between "Quality" and "Truth" – they were one and the same – and that the divorce was, in fact, artificial (though needed at the time) and is now a source of much frustration and unhappiness in the world, particularly overall dissatisfaction with modern life.

Take up your fine razor more sir; and let thine dissatisfaction continue to grow allow the seeds of all this useless knowledge fail you in the ability to really live.

I know I sound harsh; and that I am picking on you...but believe it or not I am helping you to see the truth of reality and how you are watering it and growing your very own dissatisfaction. How would I know this? Sir or Madam I was the very same way as you are're decreasing the quality of your life; whether or not your see this now, one day you will.

Philosophy is sadly a very under worked muscle nowadays; it creates the wrinkliest brain you could ever imagine. The jaw muscle could win a mister universe contest, and echoed information just reflects mindlessly like a mirror.

Here's a Ted talk; we all love them right? It's about how too many choices can cripple you and lower the quality of your life... I believe it to be a very good metaphor or analogy for the point I am trying to make clear to yourself.
For other readers you very well might enjoy this video. The Paradox of choice; by Barry Schwartz

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 07:54 AM
Mods perhaps this thread does belong in rants instead... meh who knows?

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I appreciate the accolades; if you feel it belongs in rant please feel free...sorry I didn't notice you were a mod, when I posted about moving to rants fter I read your post...derp

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I appreciate the accolades; if you feel it belongs in rant please feel free...sorry I didn't notice you were a mod, when I posted about moving to rants fter I read your post...derp

Fine where it is but if you prefer we can move it.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

if any of the above is real or not doesn't matter to me...I wrote it because it may matter to some that cling and find life precious. I see it as just a natural process, it's meaning varies from person to person hence the problem; and why we can't just exist in harmony. Food, rest, elimination, inhalation exhalation is all we really need. Everything we tack on to and around this is the problem of the human condition...I just cope, I am not free of empathy...I do care about people and family.


It matters to other people though. First you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, then when I contradict that you claim I have bad reading comprehension. There's no reason to work yourself up over things that are non-existent, I guess that was my point...

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by boncho

Indeed my friend it does matter to others...and other than tradition and taking up problems others before them created, instead of stopping and saying no. Reminds me of one of the insanity definitions...the keep repeating the same thing expecting a different outcome deal.

I wasn't emotionally irritated, just perturbed why you would just start in with; snippet quotes and debunking, and demanding when I clearly stated none of what I posted mattered to me...Mod Asktheanimals; could clearly comprehend; when I said it was just a purge of many things already stated here on ATS, as a bit of a purging rant.

It is that with some off the wall creativity tossed in. But I suppose, you were just trying to establish some concrete rationality behind the linked together purging...this was hard to see for myself at the time because I just wanted it out of me; still in a selfish purge mood. I was not able to shift gears; and consider the possibility; that you may be trying to debunk; so that others delusional or easily impressed upon don't take the nonsense to heart. If that was your intention deepest apologies.

I try to do the same thing myself here; but I also have a creative side that needs to purge after reading so much fiction blended in with half truths...and some far reaching possibility. I have the need to get this stuff I have been confused where to post this junk storm when I need too...I was thinking maybe rant; but it didn't quite fit the much here at ATS is pure unadulterated tripe; creating unneeded stress and worry for I figured since a lot is pure fiction perhaps the closest fitting forum for what is being hashed the most in the purge.

I see that it is not a good idea; when some things will be taken so literal...i had hoped the disclaimer of none of this matters to me; would debunk the whole post no debate needed...and there you were first post. Bad timing and placement. Perhaps I will just turn these purges from built up tripe that my creative side wants to add to into a short story and paste it in that have to admit there's so many forums on this site; where gets confusing with the "paradox of choice"

If you know of a better place for such a thing turned into a story; in the future Mod Asktheanimals please advise. Because; this type of post is what nearly all of the other ATS posts appear to be to me.

Again Boncho, sorry for the misunderstanding; thanks for doing sort of what I would have done, if I stumbled across this thread if it were written by someone else...and people were taking it seriously or as some absolute; with no repeatable cited scientific proof. I suppose a better disclaimer should have been put forward. When I author, I am a purger of associated cross information from many related sources not a debater....because to me it is a pointless pursuit and pushes away contentment for just living and being in acceptance of what is.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Cool, I think the prep part is accurate...I can appreciate that people wish to hold onto family and fear losing loved ones and wish to do whatever they can to keep things together. In the event the government cannot do the job we pay them and appoint them to do. Their interests(gov) I believe are so scattered along with our tax dollars we get left out in the cold...yeah, we have community to pick up the slack. So maybe it is a bit selfish of me or a feeling of entitlement...that the US needs to solve problems here first. We can't shoulder the world burden...that's what the UN is supposed to do as a world community...I suppose since we are so fortunate, it is our duty to try and lift others out and create stability, since those nations are repressed and have little to no community to help; all of the wealth stays at the top in those, here we can dig out if we don't get complacent...we managed to do it here with no outside help. So on one hand I figure, they could too if we step back, and use sanction when diplomacy for the innocents trading our lives and economy in an attempt to save theirs less important or just futile?

I am sure there is a far reaching plan and goal to benefit everyone in the end that...through all the war and hate mongering that I find hard to see this plan clearly. But try to stay faithful that it can happen, open borders everywhere without threat just to go experience another culture and create mutual understanding.

So in all of this uncertainty, I can understand the prep. But Obama or someone that knows the plan, needs to step up and state it has been too long since a president has done that; and it has just created mistrust. Instead we get...what? In this last POTUS run we got what? Get the economy back on track and bring the troops back home in 2014...both ran on this. I know there's a plan on the table so does everyone else; I remember Reagan describing what we were trying to do and why, at least we knew the that is so hard for the past several in office I dunno.

Maybe we need another forum titled; "Random and off topic" to convolute the choice even further...all of my threads would end up there...

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

But I suppose, you were just trying to establish some concrete rationality behind the linked together purging...this was hard to see for myself at the time because I just wanted it out of me; still in a selfish purge mood. I was not able to shift gears; and consider the possibility; that you may be trying to debunk; so that others delusional or easily impressed upon don't take the nonsense to heart. If that was your intention deepest apologies.


About my only purpose on this forum is to offer a balanced perspective on the content posted. That's all I aim for. Sometimes I'm a little facetious in my effort, but that's my intent anyway.

I try to do the same thing myself here; but I also have a creative side that needs to purge after reading so much fiction blended in with half truths...and some far reaching possibility. I have the need to get this stuff I have been confused where to post this junk storm when I need too...I was thinking maybe rant; but it didn't quite fit the much here at ATS is pure unadulterated tripe; creating unneeded stress and worry for I figured since a lot is pure fiction perhaps the closest fitting forum for what is being hashed the most in the purge

I suggest this.

Anything we cannot prove in effect is fiction, and while there are thousands trying to pass off fiction as fact, sometimes the rest of us just write fiction to get that itch out of our brains. Replying less on people like AJ, Icke, or the like wishing we could make sense of a world that is for the most part, hidden from the average person.

I suppose a better disclaimer should have been put forward. When I author, I am a purger of associated cross information from many related sources not a debater....because to me it is a pointless pursuit and pushes away contentment for just living and being in acceptance of what is.

Well, at least I'm happy to know you're not a nutter.

edit on 1-12-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Maybe we need another forum titled; "Random and off topic" to convolute the choice even further...all of my threads would end up there...


General Chit Chat is pretty close.

The answer you are really seeking can be found in your memories. Think back to high school, to the different cliques, and consider them countries. The nagging voice you always ignore at home (Your parents) is the voice of the people. The administration is the government agencies that surround you.

Now keep associating high school with the world you live in now. Think about it for a little while, and you will see that absolutely nothing, at all, not even a little bit, has changed.

Everything starts to make sense.
edit on 1-12-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by boncho

I see it; that's why I find it pointless and a waste of life focus. Sorry more purging was going on...I have a medical label known as Autism; I incessantly gather information like a troop of ants do when gathering for winter; both useful and is a compulsion that I enjoy, and at the same time cursed with; I wish It weren't the case...because the only way to unburden my mind, from what I don't enjoy keeping to to hit the purge button a.k.a. POST/REPLY.

Thanks for the where to post suggestions; if I posted something in general chit chat such as these things...that nutter label might begin to stick to me here really well.

I appreciate; that you could return with civility and understanding, if you felt pissed on or irritated again; sorry for any distress I caused you.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

No distress at all. I had many of the traits of an autistic person as a youth. It wasn't until I started really looking into things, or making a conscience effort to stop and pause when I processed information that life around me caused less stress.

I remember analyzing things people said to the point of running hundreds of variables through my head before responding to simple sentences. It made for an awkward childhood. In any case, I learned how to manage just by simply relaxing and limit myself to certain ways of expressing myself. Now I rely a lot on taking information and searching for the bias, if I can't see the bias, then I take it as more credible than something full of bias. Which makes for a much easier time breaking down everything that passes by.

Also, as I said before, writing fiction is one of the best outlets the human mind has. There are many different ways you can approach this too beyond the traditional short story, novella or novel.

Consider taking all the things in your OP and put together a mock newspaper for instance. One section of course being the headlines of the things happening, and then personal news stories of how the events are affecting people.

It's just an idea, but could be a fun little project. At the end of the day, it lets you get your creative side out there and you can play around with all the "what if's" of the crazy on the interwebs.


edit on 1-12-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)


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