reply to post by mydarlia
OP screw the nice words, THAT WON'T HELP YOU
how about practical advice
OP you said your mother has cancer, have you tried the
sodium bicarbonate, maple syrup treatment
use search on ATS, get the information, also get the liposomal vit C information
it will do wonders for cancer and other diseases in higher dose
You mentioned, someone has MS, here is a woman who beat MS,
granted it took some money to do it
You mentioned your dad picking at wound, your dad either has Melanoma cancer
OR he has mental disorder, you need to talk to him to figure out which it is
so you can help him
I am sorry, I am sorry for poo you are in, but you must rise above it,
use your head, become a thinking machine if necessary, help
your family, be resourceful, find a way
accept a #ty job if need be, follow my advice for cancer in this post
if you do nothing
YOU WILL ALL DIE, one by one.
And no, I am not kidding.
edit on 29-11-2012 by JewAgainstZionism because: (no reason given)