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Originally posted by Philodemus
It levels some sober and (potentially) crippling disputations
Please use ex tags when you quote external sources as explained here:
Originally posted by Philodemus
Page 303 reads as follows (and I quote):
I've actually been researching radioactive decay related to another thread here on ATS so this is an interesting topic.
The Assumptions of Radiometric Dating
To recapitulate what has been said regarding the major assumptions on which the radiometric methods are based, we find:
Personally I don't assume that there are no original crustal materials. Perhaps there are some but they haven't been found yet. But some old materials have been found, since that book was published:
1. It is assumed that the earth began as a spinning blob of hot liquid that cooled to from the original rock surface. It is further assumed that, because of the immense span of time during which erosion and rebuilding are believed to have taken pace, none of the original crustal materials are now available for study.
The sources for that last age are dated 1999, 2001, and 2004 so none of this was available in 1984.
The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).[1][2][3] This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples. ...
The oldest such minerals analyzed to date – small crystals of zircon from the Jack Hills of Western Australia – are at least 4.404 billion years old.
I think 2-5 can be paraphrased more accurately as follows, partly because 3 and 4 contradict each other and this explanation resolves the apparent contradiction:
2. It is assumed that the crystals that are selected for radiometric age determination have been formed either by growing from hot liquid, that is, igneous rock, or by metamorphosis.
3. Once the crystal has formed, it is assumed that it is a closed system, that is, no “parent” or “daughter” elements enter of leave the crystal lattice; the only change that takes place is assumed to be decay of the unstable “parent” with time and consequent increase of the stable “daughter”element.
4. When discordant results are obtained from processes operating within the same crystal, it is assumed that there has been loss or addition of the “daughter” product. That is, selective loss of either lead 206 or argon 40 is claimed when the sample appears too young and selective addition or contamination when it appears too old.
5. Contamination of the crystal during its formation by extraneous “daughter” elements has to be taken into account, and it is assumed that the various isotope ratios of the contaminating element were the same at the time of crystal formation as they are today.
The basic equation of radiometric dating requires that neither the parent nuclide nor the daughter product can enter or leave the material after its formation. The possible confounding effects of contamination of parent and daughter isotopes have to be considered, as do the effects of any loss or gain of such isotopes since the sample was created. It is therefore essential to have as much information as possible about the material being dated and to check for possible signs of alteration.[6] Precision is enhanced if measurements are taken on multiple samples from different locations of the rock body. Alternatively, if several different minerals can be dated from the same sample and are assumed to be formed by the same event and were in equilibrium with the reservoir when they formed, they should form an isochron. This can reduce the problem of contamination. In uranium-lead dating, the concordia diagram is used which also decreases the problem of nuclide loss. Finally, correlation between different isotopic dating methods may be required to confirm the age of a sample. For example, a study of the Amitsoq gneisses from western Greenland used five different radiometric dating methods to examine twelve samples and achieved agreement to within 30 Ma (million years) on an age of 3,640 Ma.
Decay rates are pretty well known but some researchers think they have stumbled across some very small deviations so they are challenging the constancy of decay rates as discussed in this thread:
6. It is assumed that the decay “constant”, determined over a two or three-day period and mathematically related to the rate of decay expressed as half-life, has remained unchanged throughout the entire age of the mineral sample.
If all the other universal constants have changed with time, then the nuclear decay constants must also have changed, since they are related, and we would expect to find shorter half-lives in the past. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons there is very little direct evidence. First, the early measurements that were made more than seventy years ago were of rather low precision. In more recent years, the counting technique has greatly improved, with the result that there is now much greater precision; it is somewhat meaningless, therefore, to compare these results. Second, by calling the nuclear decay parameter a “constant”, there is little expectation of a change once a value has been agreed on. Changes that may have occurred could, thereby, have easily been overlooked. From the published half-lives of some of the long-lived radioactive elements, it seems that there is a precision of about one part in a thousand, while there are two cases reported where the half-life is increasing with time. The half-life of protactinium 231 has increased from 32,000 years in 1950 to 34,300 years in 1962, and the half-life of radium 223 has increased from 11.2 days to 11.68 days over the same period.
Although the proposal that nuclear decay has changed over thousands of years cannot be proven, neither can the assumption that it has been constant, and it would seem only fair to consider what a decreasing decay rate would mean. With an increasing rate into the past, this would mean that the half-lives would get progressively shorter further back in time, so that most of the decay would have taken place shortly after the beginning. This would explain why the naturally occurring radioactive elements all have relatively long half-lives today. At the same time it explains the absence of these elements with the shorter half-lives, since these would have long ago decayed past their ten half-live period and not now be detectable.
It was previously mentioned in this chapter that radioactive dates generally get older with increasing depth in the rock strata, and this is taken to be one of the prime pieces of evidence for evolution over vast periods of time. If the sediments were the result of a worldwide flood, however, then the lava flows that were intermixed with the sediments would have been deposited over a brief historical period—a year or so, for example. If this proposal is correct, then most of the radioactive decay took place in the first few days of weeks, and the record preserved in the rock immediately after it became solid. Lava beds that differed in age by weeks or months of each other would then appear to differ by millions of years.
Perhaps it is now possible to see how two observers could come to entirely different conclusions by approaching the same evidence with different preconceptions. The first observer, having been schooled to think in terms of Lyell’s unifromitarianism, would assume that nuclear decay rates were constant throughout all time and from radiometric measurements determine that a certain fossil was, for example, 100 million years old. This value would be accepted by his peers if it conformed to the expected age for that particular fossil creature. The second observer might assume that nuclear decay has been subject to the second law of thermodynamics, by reason of changing permittivity, for example, and the decay rate itself had decreased with time. His mathematical interpretation of the same radiometer measurements for the same fossil would then yield a value of only a few thousand years, and this great difference in age, it will be recalled, came about by the initial assumption on the part of each observer.
Thanks for using the EX tags. I'm willing to consider changing half-lives, if there's some evidence for it, but is there? I've already mentioned the only evidence I know of and it's nothing like what is cited in the book you're quoting. I don't think it's a toss-up between the two choices as he portrays it.
Originally posted by Philodemus
Although the proposal that nuclear decay has changed over thousands of years cannot be proven, neither can the assumption that it has been constant, and it would seem only fair to consider what a decreasing decay rate would mean.
Scientists were actually debating whether the speed of light is a constant, however, as far as I know, none of the viewpoints in the debate would support the idea that the earth is 6000 years old. The real science is interesting though:
Originally posted by Philodemus
Furthermore, how do you contend with someone who can, with apparent ease, simply assume the changing speed of light? (P.S. What is the deal with that anyway? Anyone?)
The article in Nature talks about the possibility of the speed of light changing over the history of the universe. Where this stems from is observational evidence that the "fine structure constant" has changed. The fine structure constant determines the exact wavelength of fine structure lines in the spectra of atoms, and measurements of the spectra of quasars suggest that it many have decreased by 0.00072 +/- 0.00018 % over the past 6-10 billion years (ref in the Nature article).
The authors of the paper argue that since the fine structure constant is equal to the charge on an electron squared divided by Planck's constant times c (speed of light), then for the fine structure constant to change one of these must also change. They go on to provide an arguement as to why they think it much be the speed of light, and that's what caught the eyes of the popular press.
However this article out today on the LANL preprint server argues why dimensionful constants (like c) cannot change, since we can just define them to be whatever we want by changing units. For example if we define units in which the speed of light and Planck's constant are both exactly equal to one (which is commonly done in theoretical Physics), then the fine structure constant is just equal to the charge on an electron squared, and the question has no meaning....
Update: Since then more debate has followed and no consensus has been reached yet by scientists. It's very interesting though.
That depends, if one is just pondering what might have happened without any observational evidence to support their idea, which appears to be the case with Ian Taylor's book, or if one is using observational evidence as a basis for suggesting changes.
Originally posted by Philodemus
Now, I gather that we assume the rated change of the speed of c to have remained the same over the course of some 14 billion years or so. That is of course, if we are assuming such in the first place. My question lies there, at that assumption. Is it just as easy to assume that it slowed down far more rapidly in the first initial stages of the existence of the universe and now slows at a far lower rate if it slows at all, as it is to assume that it has always slowed at the rate potentially measured today?
Did you watch the video I posted? You will never get a better answers to these first three questions than those given in the video, in my opinion. The 4th question is more of a statement than a question, even though you put a question mark at the end.
Furthermore, I the vein of the evolution of species, does not the classic scientific method include observation and experimentation before concluding upon a theory? Does science capitulate to the idea that many feel the theory is still but hypothesis? Are not the base assumptions intrinsically unfalsifiable? In much the same way that I can not prove firstly, that an Intelligent Designer made all I see and secondly, that said Designer is to be necessarily concluded to be a benevolent, involved creator whom we should by necessity call “God”?
I'm not a geneticist so I can't help with that, but I have looked for evidence of a great global flood and there just isn't any.
Also, from the things I have read, our genetic lineage is fairly certain due to new developments brought to us by the Human Genome Project and many other initiatives. But can all that we know still be contained with in our understanding of the Biblical Flood? For instance, that 8 people were said to be spared and that these 8 repopulated the world within 4 – 5 thousand years? I wonder if the genetic evidence is really there, or is really not.
I think media is driven largely by corporate greed, so I can buy the idea that GE owned media is not going out of their way to report negative news about Fukushima's nuclear disaster while another branch of GE is simultaneously trying to sell nuclear reactors. This is only logical. Likewise, if a story doesn't have some direct or indirect impact on their business along those lines, I suspect they will choose whatever stories are most profitable, which is probably going to relate to what they think will draw more viewers. Maybe viewers don't like looking at giant ugly dead rotting carcasses while they're trying to eat? I've looked into some of these before and typically these "creature" finds are simply rotting whale carcasses, and the media may be savvy enough to realize this, so they don't embarrass themselves by creating a stir over another dead whale carcass.
Finally, I would like to ask you, why it is that the popular media seems to block the coverage of things that show a potential of unsettling the stance of the popularly held theory of evolution. For instance, when the Japanese fishing boat dredged up the rotted remains of a basking shark and a few over active imaginations labelled it a plesiosaur there was a virtual media blackout in North America in regards to the story. I have to wonder what, if anything, is to be inferred by the contorting of what should be honest evidence for this position or that.
I don't think you're in the minority.
Originally posted by Philodemus
I don't know if am among a minority that finds it just as easy to not decide who's argument is the most sound and yet still arrive at a reasonable humanism with a vibrant set of ethics and morals based on perceived absolutes, but such is the case.
See if the quiz helps you reckon any better, it did help me. Even if it doesn't, it might be fun to try it.
Originally posted by Philodemus
A note about me; I am, as near as I can reckon, an agnostic.
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
The fine structure constant is based on small and disputed observational evidence with changes on the order of one part in 100,000. Different studies have had difficulty even verifying such small changes and in some cases have failed to show any difference. So the debate goes on and more measurements are being made, but that small a change probably wouldn't help Taylor's ideas even if confirmed.
One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. The great pleasure of ignorance is, after, all the pleasure of asking questions. The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen.
-Robert Lynd
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
So both these alternatives view the universe as having two distinct phases:
The phase we are now in, and
An earlier phase which lasted a brief time after the big bang
In either version, the observable properties in this earlier phase would be different than what we observe in our current phase. This is how we try to explain unexplained problems in cosmology like the horizon problem.
In the quantum theory, it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge. Space-time would be like the surface of the earth, only with two more dimensions.[...] So if this turns out to be the case, then the quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility in which there would be no singularities at which the laws of science broke down.
If there is no boundary to space-time, there is no need to specify the behaviour at the boundary-no need to know the initial state of the universe.[...]The universe would be completely self contained and not affected by anything outside itself.
...the relations between 'natural philosophy' and the craft tradition were distant ones, and their union into our contemporary scientific technology is something quite new in history. The alliance is still not entirely easy, for there is a natural opposition between the practical craftsman and the speculative scientist, which nowadays we tend to forget.[...][T]hey[craftsmen] are at first sceptical whenever an outsider presumes to tell the guild how better to conduct its business.[...]
[...]In the interaction between theory and practice, science has again and again been in the position of debtor, drawing on the craft tradition and profiting from its experience rather than teaching craftsman anything new. It has been said that '' science owes more to the steam-engine than the steam-engine owes to science', and the same thing is true more generally.
Historians agree that Aristotle's views actually retarted man's understanding of nature for two millenia; primarily, it can be seen in retrospect, because his explinations seem so reasonable at first sight.
New ideas are the tools of science, not its end-product. They do not guarantee deeper understanding , yet our grasp of Nature will be extended only if we are prepared to welcome them and give them a hearing. If at the outset exaggerated claims are made on their behalf, this need not matter. Enthusiasm and deep conviction are necessary if men are to explore all the possibilities of any new idea, and later experience can be relied on either to confirm or to moderated the initial claims-for science flourishes on a double programme of speculative liberty and unsparing criticism.
You're welcome. I actually learned something while writing my answers, about the latest research on some of these topics, it's hard to keep up.
Originally posted by Philodemus
Thank you again so much for contributing to this thread.
This type of speculation is not very scientific. One can speculate whether there is or is not any boundary but since it's quite clear there will never be any observational proof either way, it seems like a meaningless discussion, though talking about it may be a fun way to pass the time over a few beers. I don't find it scientific at all though since there's no evidence. But I think you may have missed the point about the horizon problem. You may want to read the wiki on that here and this IS an evidence based issue and not some hypothetical speculation about what is beyond observation:
For instance, we can site S. Hawking when, in A Brief History of Time, he said:
In the quantum theory, it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge. Space-time would be like the surface of the earth, only with two more dimensions.[...] So if this turns out to be the case, then the quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility in which there would be no singularities at which the laws of science broke down.
If there is no boundary to space-time, there is no need to specify the behaviour at the boundary-no need to know the initial state of the universe.[...]The universe would be completely self contained and not affected by anything outside itself.
That's a lot simpler to understand than the quantum mechanics, I think. And I don't see how the quote from Hawking addresses it.
The horizon problem is a problem with the standard cosmological model of the Big Bang which was identified in the late 1960's, primarily by Charles Misner. It points out that different regions of the universe have not "contacted" each other because of the great distances between them, but nevertheless they have the same temperature and other physical properties. This should not be possible, given that the transfer of information (or energy, heat, etc.) can occur, at most, at the speed of light. The horizon problem may have been answered by inflationary theory, and is one of the reasons for that theory's formation.
I don't know his motivations but usually it seems like "creation science" in general is some kind of effort to minimize cognitive dissonance by inventing explanations for data points that don't match one's belief.
I have to wonder what he (and others like him that still argue this to present day) intends to accomplish in the real world. The only thing that he can reasonably hope to do is cast doubt on the current view of the cosmos.
By the end of Chapter IV, I felt as though the author had already exhausted the mine from which he drilled. That being, his obvious and overt disdain for the flawed, stumbling, sometimes incoherent, always maladroit, incommensurable, impetus, implacable, immemorial, beautiful, sanctifying trial of knowledge by man. I daresay it is the mine of fear from whence he bore his lode.
Again, yet another sardonic collection of creation apologetics offered by a man whose chief audience are those who are already in agreement or those who are too infantile not to be.