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posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:26 PM
Do you think its possible to "attract" the attention of whatever secret organizations/powers are out there?

ASSUMING they exist and dont like the truth to come out, how would you get them to target you?
What sort of things would make you a threat to them?

Also, have you ever been targeted or watched or do you/did you ever suspect it?

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:35 PM
Thanks for reminding me.

I have a Facebook account - and half proudly! (so no lectures).

After infecting me with timeline and asking me to authorize a whole bunch of other 3rd party stuff (kindly rejected).

I noticed they has installed various new features to help you log your life events in more detail.

My favorite being the "Notes" section.

So I added a note.

Something along the lines of:

"Dear Facebook, why are you and your surveillance team trying to coerce all us dear users in to recording our lives and opinions on Facebook for your spying and data collecting purposes? Here I grant you your wish, and promise to update my Facebook each and every day with my Anarchist bull crap, detailing and revealing the Elite and your selves for what they are."

Just for my own amusement - that was last week by the way.

I woke up the next day to see it had been removed from my Facebook.

I'll re-post it again tonight to see if I gain the same results.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:55 PM
First question... WHY?! In God's name, why would anyone want this? I'm not kidding because you're not kidding by appearances.

To drop all the crap, B.S. and fantasy-land...I've become the focus of federal attention three times that I know of where it wasn't the result of other people drawing attention to me as a secondary thing. The 1995 Murrah Bombing in Oklahoma City, a deliberate effort taken in the late 1990's to test and trigger Gov't reaction if 'key words' really existed on the net....they do and it did by the way....and the last time being the Chicago NATO Summit. I don't count Occupy because I willingly entered that situation with my eyes wide open to walking onto a stage with a Law Enforcement audience. That went without saying and still does, IMO.

The OKC thing was the FBI...they were...Official. Is the best way to put it. I was among many thousands called in and "interviewed" over that because Unsub #2 and I happen to have a keen physical resemblance, or so some people thought at the time. There was nothing pleasant about it though....and some details about HOW that was handled left no question in my or my families mind that if I hadn't shown up as "requested" the following morning for an "interview"...I wouldn't have been asked the second time and it would have been far more serious in less comfortable surroundings.

The keyword trigger was enough to scare me bad...because my friends and I were TRYING to cause what we did but on many levels, truly didn't believe it was possible or actually existed. Proving it and having hits flood our network system from .gov and .mil stuff in all directions for the rest of the night was attention getting and educational. A lesson I've never forgotten.

The final one? I'm not getting into but to say it happened, ATS *IS* watched in at least the same casual way each of US come and read the stories. Government and Law Enforcement don't need warrants to go where the public can and of course they go here as much as anyone else. Many, I believe, come for as much the same reasons we do as any purpose to their jobs. However.... What's said here IS seen there and...occasionally, reacted to when lines are crossed.

If you ever get what you'll NEVER want to succeed again. The people who'll come to discuss someone's fascination are the type stories here talk about daily and while your right to remain silent sounds really neat in movies and works very well with Police Officers.....Federal Agents at the level your talking about aren't Police Officers and "National Security" makes almost anything 'acceptable' and 'necessary'. It's a funny thing about rights.....but they only stand as far as they can be defended in court. When a Federal Agent has absolutely no intention that you'll ever go to court.....your rights become absolutely meaningless to them.

Careful what you wish for. Some day, you may really get it.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by ObservingYou

ok you do that and tell us what happens lol

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

i had an interesting experience when i got out of the service, a guy came into my work and knew who i was, he was military by the looks of him(demenor, haircut).

i was a cashier at the time and this guy came in to get gas, he was the only customer in there and he started a friendly chat with me, being in customer service i obliged, he started asking general chit chat type stuff, am i going to school, hows work so so on. i then asked what he did and he said military. so i replied that's cool i recently got out and he asked what i did in the military. so i told him, and he gave me an odd look, and then just keep looking. to stop the awkward silence i put my hand out and said my names so and so it was nice talking to you sir but i got to get back to work.(i figured we had engaged in enough conversation for him to know my name and i wanted his). he says yeah i know who you are, ive read all about you, he then paid 20 dollars for gas on his white suv turned around and left i never saw him again.

my theory is that they were checking on me due to the higher level security clearance i had, and since i didn't really leave on the best of terms(nothing bad, just got caught partying one to many times) maybe they thought i was some sort of risk. and then i got really paranoid remembering all the shots i was given, cause mind you this was about the time rfid tech was first being shown to the public. but in the end i figured they just tracked me down through my money trail. but to this day i wonder why did i get so many shots? and what were they, we were told they were vaccines, but with the government you never know.

i suggest if you want to be black bagged you get a hold of classified documents that only people with a high security clearance have acsess to and release them to the public or sell it on ebay, im sure that will draw attention

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
First question... WHY?! In God's name, why would anyone want this? I'm not kidding because you're not kidding by appearances.

To drop all the crap, B.S. and fantasy-land...I've become the focus of federal attention three times that I know of where it wasn't the result of other people drawing attention to me as a secondary thing. The 1995 Murrah Bombing in Oklahoma City, a deliberate effort taken in the late 1990's to test and trigger Gov't reaction if 'key words' really existed on the net....they do and it did by the way....and the last time being the Chicago NATO Summit. I don't count Occupy because I willingly entered that situation with my eyes wide open to walking onto a stage with a Law Enforcement audience. That went without saying and still does, IMO.

The OKC thing was the FBI...they were...Official. Is the best way to put it. I was among many thousands called in and "interviewed" over that because Unsub #2 and I happen to have a keen physical resemblance, or so some people thought at the time. There was nothing pleasant about it though....and some details about HOW that was handled left no question in my or my families mind that if I hadn't shown up as "requested" the following morning for an "interview"...I wouldn't have been asked the second time and it would have been far more serious in less comfortable surroundings.

The keyword trigger was enough to scare me bad...because my friends and I were TRYING to cause what we did but on many levels, truly didn't believe it was possible or actually existed. Proving it and having hits flood our network system from .gov and .mil stuff in all directions for the rest of the night was attention getting and educational. A lesson I've never forgotten.

The final one? I'm not getting into but to say it happened, ATS *IS* watched in at least the same casual way each of US come and read the stories. Government and Law Enforcement don't need warrants to go where the public can and of course they go here as much as anyone else. Many, I believe, come for as much the same reasons we do as any purpose to their jobs. However.... What's said here IS seen there and...occasionally, reacted to when lines are crossed.

If you ever get what you'll NEVER want to succeed again. The people who'll come to discuss someone's fascination are the type stories here talk about daily and while your right to remain silent sounds really neat in movies and works very well with Police Officers.....Federal Agents at the level your talking about aren't Police Officers and "National Security" makes almost anything 'acceptable' and 'necessary'. It's a funny thing about rights.....but they only stand as far as they can be defended in court. When a Federal Agent has absolutely no intention that you'll ever go to court.....your rights become absolutely meaningless to them.

Careful what you wish for. Some day, you may really get it.

I'm just curious. I was in probation for about 4 years because i used to skip school to meditate and research fringe/conspiracy stuff. I was a gifted student from 3rd grade up until 9th and i was always getting tested and getting letters from private organizations.

I was even taken from my parents for a time and put in a group home so they could determine what i was up to haha. They locked me up from 7 am to 5 pm in a small white room in the local juvenile center for about a month because i often walked out of the school, can you believe that? And i was the only one too, everyone always asked me what else i had done because most of the kids were druggies and got into fights and they told me it was weird that i was there simply because i skipped school.

Back then i was really naive, i mean i was smart, but somewhat of a submissive dork and looking back i realize how weird it all was and i often wonder how the hell i got into and out of that mess. Its like one day they were watching me and the next, i disappeared and never heard from them again.


What sort of key words are we talking here? wink wink
Share with us, come on, spill the details.
edit on 27-11-2012 by TheGrandWarlock because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by TheGrandWarlock
What sort of key words are we talking here? wink wink
Share with us, come on, spill the details.

So if someone else posts the keyword it's they who will get on the list, not you. right? Sounds like the tactics of an agent provacateur.

You first.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by TheGrandWarlock
What sort of key words are we talking here? wink wink
Share with us, come on, spill the details.

So if someone else posts the keyword it's they who will get on the list, not you. right? Sounds like the tactics of an agent provacateur.

You first.


i would if i knew, but i dont which is why im asking for them.

but i can take a shot at it. Bomb. Terrorist. Conspiracy. Elite. NWO.uhmm secret government " I KNOW THE TRUTH"

okay now lets wait and see if i get a visit

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

I think it is possible. I have suspected it but not so much anymore.....

If you are a "possible threat" they watch and study. If you are a definite threat, you are removed. Still they watch you first.

If they don't know, they take the chance, depending on how much they don't know.

They don't mess around I guess, but they are human and so prone to error. You can work off that, but really you should study them so as to avoid going insane by it. The search for weakness, the projection of weakness not your own, the hidden weakness you are prone to. It can leave you retarded at times. Much wear and tear.

Learn how they tick and see them coming. A universal cloak of whatever they need to look like to you. Learn to see the motive in every person around you. Ask yourself if you believe it. See through it all.

You could go insane though. Just try and make it a fun learning game. Never reveal everything, and then sometimes do. Always keep a box of aces up your ass, and pull them out when necessary. Sometimes, LOSE. Let them get used to you little by little. Or they will freak out and think you are more of a threat than you are. Show them the way you could be as well, or they will see you as a useful tool (idiot) for whatever they need at the time.

Know your limits. When in doubt, be still and watch. If in doubt too long, run.

Be random, be predictable and then not. Make it too much effort for the work. Make the work necessary "just in case".

It is a mental game, so don't you go insane. Find your center and keep it. Be prepared to lose you, and remake you. best advice, AVOID IT, if not master it.

It may not be worth it. But sometimes it is not just curiosity is it? Sometimes it's more of a calling isn't it?

Just some thoughts.

edit on 27-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

that much i know, thanks for the tip,

okay i got another one; Kill the queen. Meat is bad. Fluoride. Mutiny and MK-ultra

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by ObservingYou

I'm going to copy this and post it in my notes on my FB as well..let see what happens..

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:54 PM
OK. Here's what really happens. Believe me or don't. The NSA uses automatic scanners for a place like this: bots that crawl the web just like Google. They look for key phrases using very sophisticated alogrithms; it's not just, "Oh, look! here's the word bomb!" It's a lot more sophisticated than that. If the bot does find something noteworthy the info goes into a secondary scanning process, still 100% automated, to further "parse" (take apart and analyze) the data. If the second scan still suggests the information is noteworthy, it goes to a person.

This person is about 20-25 years old and is usually enlisted in one of the armed forces. There are some civilians at work as well. Indeed, thousands, but they are usually recruited from the enlisted ranks after a first enlistment expires. So they are very young, usually without a college education, but trained very well for their specific technical duties, augmented by computer systems. This young person, an E-4 or E-5, takes a look at the offending passage and makes a quick judgment. Yea or nay? The majority of the time they say, "Nay, this ain't worth a thing," and pass to the next snippet.

Once in a great while your E-4 is unsure, so he passes it up the chain. Here a "senior enlisted" probably an E-6 or E-7, takes a more experienced look and decides what to do. Once again, the hit rate is extremely small. At every point in the chain here probably only 1% of the snippets are elevated to the next highest level, so compared to the initial bot scan that picks on your post, 1% of the bot picks get to Advanced bot. 1% of those get to a human. 1% of those get to advanced human. At THAT point, if it still looks bad, they may launch a cursory investigation.

But these investigations are expensive. They can't chase every lead. When they launch a real investigation you can be sure they are on to something, but the chances they are on to something any of us said are remote. A real jihadist researching bomb making materials is a threat, but ATS is nothing more than a cranky conspiracy site in their eyes. This post might get picked up by bot number one, but will unlikely go any further because, and this is true, it's not a real threat.

edit on 11/27/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

lawmen with guns tend to look for wrabbits more than mice.
They try to set traps for us to catch us
edit on 27-11-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

lawmen with guns tend to look for wrabbits more than mice.
They try to set traps for us to catch us
edit on 27-11-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

i also got some cheese. Interested?

come a little closer and ill give you some

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:54 PM
ask Brandon Raub what he did to get incarcerated. LMAO

On Fakelook, he posted a bunch of notes about freedoms and such bull. But then he started to post song lyrics that had a "darker" meaning to them. And just like that, he was arrested. Black cars and no badges.

He was also ex-military.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

The keyword issue isn't as dramatic as it might sound, although again, the response was educational and nothing I'll forget. To put some context to this, I was between trucking jobs for a bit by choice and focusing on net projects. If you were a gamer way back in the early beta days of Counter Strike ...when it really was just an A+ mod among all the other mods... you may recall a site named Clans United carrying fan content for it and or another, Veteran Gamers Network. One flowed into the other and VGN didn't make it for funding issues but the little dev team I'd put together for that project had the run of a dedicated server I leased for the effort. That gave root and nifty things like IRC servers, which had been a part of both sites. When IRC servers are on your own root level equipment, there is a great deal one can learn beyond simple IP logs.

So that was the general setting for us being too bored and too tipsy from our various corners of the country one evening, conferencing about VGN when the ideas turned to trying to screw with Uncle. I've always been conspiracy minded in a casual way.

It almost seems stupid now, after how the world has changed after 9/11....but back then it was enough to trip triggers. The keyword was Project Rainbow and it was the official project name (many believe) for what you may know better as the Philadelphia Experiment in whats been made in popular fiction/semi fiction on the actual set of events..or events people believe happened. Given the technology seeds I think came of that original experiment series, I think it's likely still a touchy 'nexus' event, where opening that would instantly lead in many other directions to many seemingly unrelated things.

The gaming site context and level of equipment/resources we were using and running is all relevant to how I think the reaction came because the trigger was real enough and that IS what I believe did it for first notice. That was our whole point, after all. However, on this same site were things like diagrams and effect specification charts for Nuclear Hand Grenades or man portable Nuclear Weapons.

(shrug) We were running a gaming net site. Game mods.... These things make for real neat game devices in a fantasy world. I can't help but think in hindsight though, the full automated responses our network monitors were going bananas over for hours weren't helped by the content the first check went on to pick up everywhere. Err.. oops. We hadn't thought of that...and I hadn't until years later.

Regardless of what circumstances tripped it and kept it going, we were all using our own utilities individually to backtrack the IP's that were coming in and checking everything. Many from a little known post in Southern Arizona. Several in Maryland and D.C. and oddly, overseas. .mil's and .gov's. Fort Huachuca though was like throwing a neon sign and warning....which is precisely how we took it when it was made that obvious who was suddenly, for the first time ever, visiting our humble little game site.

(Myth Confirmed in our books

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

Is it........ ASIAGO?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:34 PM
"Note" re-posted to Facebook - it remains so far.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by ObservingYou

yeah same here, bleh, im really bored, what do i have to do to get some men in black to come pay me a visit?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by TheGrandWarlock
reply to post by ObservingYou

yeah same here, bleh, im really bored, what do i have to do to get some men in black to come pay me a visit?

Really easy

Go to your local university and start putting up resistance posters

Put some key phrases in there

"Our group is planning sabotage of government Authority, inquire at the following email if interested in joining"

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