Before i start i will answer 90% of all the questions with one answer.
Yes white people are a race no matter if we are British ,Russian, south african,ect..we are a race of white people.
With that said in today's time's with all of the multiculturalism and mix breeding and the idea we are all people.
I agree we are all people and all want love.
But the White race is disappearing at a alarming rate sure there still here but there 50/50 and let's use our president as a figure head here he is
our first Black president.
Same thing happens with every mixed baby born.I have 3 kids all mixed they fill in black/African american on paper's not white.So do not take this as
i hate certain race's...i do not.
But the fact remains at the rate we are mixing our own race out of existence i give us maybe 50 to 75 year's before we are a endangered species.
Even if my daughter decide to marry a white man and have a baby..the babies will still be black in EVERYONE'S eyes even on her birth certificate it
is labeled so.
and same goes for my sons.Again nothing wrong with that i love them the same..But the point is millions of years of my white breeding is gone for
ever.It took millions of years for me to be born white because none in my family tree mixed.
But i broke the mold and threw away what millions of year's of my family tree never did for love.
Selfish of me in a way if you think of it that way.
I was the only son of my father..the family line stopped and started with me...
I look at my kid's i DO NOT see my father or mother or me in them or even a long lost grandparent..
So in a way my family tree is dead and now there is a big fork where a white family turned black.
This is happening all over the world and people do not think in long run what you have done.
Once you mix you seed with another race you have a hybrid.It will never be white it will always be the race of the counterpart.
I am not saying it's wrong to love someone of another race and respect them and even have mixed children.
Just think hard before you do you the white person throws away Your white heritage Your partner does not..So in a way that relationship is one
sided from the start.
The multirace groups that grew the most were the white and black population (by 134% to more than 1 million people) and the white and Asian
population (by 87% to about 750,000).
People who reported a background of mixed race grew by 32% to 9 million between 2000 and 2010. In comparison, single-race population increased
134% growth population via the census.
How long at this rate do you think the extermination of the white race in america is fulfilled?
10 year growth of mixed was 32%..vs same race these number's there will be only one race of people all mixed breeds in 75 to 100 year's
in america.
Take it all in with out racism please..and try to understand i am just pointing out we are destroying all of our heritage by doing this..and if you
are ok with it and consider love more important that millions of year's of your heritage So be it .....i did it so i can not throw stone's as i live
in a glass house here.
Thank you.