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Seeking Spiritual Assistance - Opportunity to Evolve

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:27 PM
WARNING: This post will be long, and I ask that only those who think they have something worth sharing, should post here. This thread will be serious, and I must ask that you give me the courtesy and respect that I offer unto you. I am not well taught on "proper" speaking, but I will speak and form my thoughts as such..

[Note: Any questions that I have for myself,( or key points) that I am seeking assistance for will be bolded following a passage]

[Note: The purpose of this post is not for myself [well for this body, in some cases] but it is to broaden the knowledge. If I brought something here that is used by you (the reader) and make you think and allows for a comparison to your own life, which results in some growth..then I have done what I aimed to do.]


I feel as if the name given to my body is un-important. You may know me as GreeneLight, OP, or whatever title you wish to give me.

Background Information:

I was incarnated into this body on November 3, 1993. My birthstone is a Topaz. I grew up just outside of Boston, MA. My earliest memory that sticks out to me as a child (Meaning I do have other memories, but this one sticks out the most) is when I participated in my First Communion, I specifically remember that I was the only child out of around 20 who was wearing a black suit instead of a white one.

My childhood was a rough one. [I do understand that there are those out on this planet who are experiencing/experienced worse than I have, but lets just focus on this body]. This body has brought my conciousness a lot of problems..or "tests" as I see them. This bodys vibrations are very disturbed..I have lived in it with ADD/ADHD [of which I was prescribed medication as a child...and put back on recently] , many joints that are able to be dislocated, pains in my back, neck, a severe Speech Impediment that is still with me [was also present, but did not last as long, in my siblings and other in my relatives] severe asthma, some allergies, as well as a severe overweight problem as a child that brought much trauma.

Along with these physical traumas, a psychological trauma was also brought with them. My many disfunctionalities as a body led to criticism from peers, severe alienation even in my own home, constant periods of aloneness and sadness, and periods of time when I have felt abandoned. My physical family has been and still is very dysfunctional. There is much stress and tension among the members, and I [being theyoungest of 3 children] have been a mediator at the age of 18..for ADULTS at the ages of 27, 24, and even 50 [my sister, brother, and mother]

Life as a child at home was filled with fear, anxiety, constant torment, and physical/mental/emotional abuse. I was left alone in my home a lot as a young child..many fears were created..especially from the dark..or the unkown to me at the time.

I attended a public high school, where my spiritual growth took a huge advance. I began to participate in sports year round, and truly could 'feel' myself evolving deep inside, that someone was aware of these things.

I now attend a University where I study Electrical Engineering, with 2 minors in Math and Renewable Energy. I have been initiated into the Delta Chi (chi fraternity. I play Lacrosse and have multiple jobs.

My 'self' does not care about these studies.. I never had an idea of what I wanted "to do" in this existence. I have lived and learned that my higher self seeks a challenge. I have not chosen all of these sports, clubs, community service, hard majors, hard schedules because I have interest in them. "I" chose them because they are a challenge. "The road less traveled"..if you will.

Introduced to the Ra Material

One day, not to long ago [weeks] I was chatting with my friend Mike, someone who I have known forever..literally. He came to me while in conversation and stated that because of what I was talking to him about, that he would open me up to the Law of One. He said that this information could possibley change my 'life'. And it did...

The Ra Material brought me much understanding, which led to DivineCosmos..which led to David Wilcock..which led me to the agenda by HiddenHand, knowledge of the chakras, wanderers, infinty, and many many more things.

As I sought more knowledge..everything "CLICKED". My experiences, my trials, tribulations, anxieties, struggles, feelings, all made SENSE.

My life then changed for the better. I became 'humbled' in a sense. I began to seek the love in this moment, began to see the 3rd density for what it was. I began my final stretch to Ascension.

My daily life almost revolved around this new knowledge. I found myself being drawn to the stars. Walking to my class every morning, turned into a meditation of sorts.

I found myself thinking much much more. I began to WANT to seek others. To make sure they were having a good day, were doing well in there current lives, I feel more confident when I walk around..knowing that there is only One of us here, and that I am are me..and we are One.

I began to communicate to the One creator and to my higher self..or just the One [if you understand]. I began to seek a physical sighting..not of a UFO really, not of an Alien, but SOMETHING.

November 17, 2012 - 12:11 AM

[Note: this excerpt..was taken from the 'Notes' application in my iPhone. The words here are the actually things I wrote on that date..when the explained event occured

Weirdest thing, was looking at the sky, marveling the stars..and thinking about my higher self, and One, and everything..and I saw this shooting star..I think? But it was perfectly in my view..RIGHT WHERE I WAS LOOKING. It was as if it ripped the sky open. It came and went so quick, but left a trail for only a second.It was a thick trail that stretched across the sky [about 2 -3 inches in length if you held up your index finger and thumb that length apart]. However, it did not shoot left to right, and did not shoot across the whole sky. It went vertical. From ground up and looked as if it was in a round path. It came INTO my view..went up [left a trail] and 'left' the plane.

Any thoughts on this would be great

edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: Forgot..

edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: Change punctuation

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:29 PM
Written Notes by 'ME'

[Note: these notes were all written in moments of heightened understanding..also some/most were also written while/ after smoking marijuana

November, 11 2012 - 9:51 PM (end of writing)
Title: Why/ What We See

My understanding of what this all is, what 'we are' (from here on out, any word, or basically any controlled vibration of the infinite possibilities that suggest a definition or understanding of this mind/body/spirit complex, should be in quotes to suggest they are 'mine' ; not against your will. ) is that these things ; trees, grass, animals..and this mind/bosy/spirit complex understand the illusion by the One..are all 'mediums' for our/the consciousness as it goes about its path to the octave [an infinite path..or just infinity]

They are just the illusion that we see of what 2nd density 'illusions' should be.  But..they ARE ME, they ARE YOU, and WE, and INFINITY..the CREATOR..the ONne.

This 'body' is what I use as a medium for (As Ra does to 'get to "us" '..or what really is all of 'them' at a 'younger' stage). They are helping us through a stage that they have already been and technically, still are on. THIS is why we are here, and WHAT we are here for…I am so happy.

Following this writing, I experienced almost a ecstasy and I think was a release of '___'. I was extremely happy, and my visuals of the world around me was extremely vivid and alive.

Added at an unknown time…

This would explain such old, tall trees..but.. I am not sure if they are just 2nd density beings that have still not passed on? are they stuck?

Would also explain what I have heard of walking trees. For on other 3rd density worlds [or any density as a matter of fact] just represent an illusion of that environments view on what a 2nd, 3rd, 4th..etc..density being would look like.

November 11, 2012 - TIme Unkown

[I know that I was at a fellow Delta Chi brother's, girlfriend's apartment and I was just sitting and watching, observing how they interacted]

Title (Given at the time of this OP : November, 26 2012): Interaction between Two Souls in Love

Enjoying life..sitting and enjoying the fact that, watching these two mind/body/spirit complexes that are on there specific paths..found each other. Two 3rd density beings have finally found each other after infinity..and seeing and understanding that..the love. These are two beings who needed each other to survive at this point ['survive' may be understood in your own way..for I have mine] for one reason or one "point in time" or another. But..that love still existed at one point.

November ,14 2012 - 1:02 AM (Time of completed writing)

[this date just so happens to be this bodies 'brother's' birthday ]
Title: Define: Infinte Knowledge

My "understanding of infinity, and how it applies to our distortion of the "knowledge" of what that 'is' defined as in our mind complex , is that it is so formerly infinite,  that it will  never cease. However, even stating, or thinking that it even would cease, would imply the thought of it even having an end. But, infinity has a distortion of 'an end' in these mind/body/spirit complexes. So therefore, the knowledge we 'seek' to 'understand' is forever and infinite. Forever One with themselves…as One; with such 'distortions'.

Upon finishing this note, I ws IMMEDIATLEY filled anxiety, and infinite understanding of what is. I began to get very scared, and wanted that feeling to end [as described by Ra] and I had to leave where i was. My location at this time, was sitting under the stars at a picnic table, that lies on the border of 3 trees that forma  triangle, at my UNiversity.

Added a different time:

What we seek, is infinite, therefore we, in this mind complex, our being, or as well call out "true you" are forever infinite.

November 14, 2012 - 10:58 PM

Title: This Vehicle (Body)

We ARE not what WE ARE. This thing, this earth-body, or vehicle to just that. It is nothing but a vessel to get us from Point Point Z, whilst experiencing the illusions and distortions as well as the catalyst (tool(s) of creation) of 'detours' that are B, C, D, E….Y.

We ARE not what WE AE, what illusions we see of the true you, the One, infinity.

November 14, 12:58 PM
Title: Trust vs. Belief

The 'difference' between trust and belief. IN believing an event will happen, is to say that it is something different; something created, that is away from Oneness. To truly understand Oneness, you must trust that this event will occur,but not to 'occur' that it will become of itself as it should ; whenever it was agreed upon to happen in the first place.

Trust, as if you were placing all responsibility of an events outcome in the hands of another…you 'trust' in them so much, that you in fact KNOW 100% that it will be accomplished with complete fulfillment.

With belief comes doubt, with trust comes the One.

edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: puncuation

edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:30 PM
November 18, 2012 - 2:26 AM
Title: Connection

In the beginning, it started with infinity. Then infinity become consciously aware of its own existence, of itself..just as we do as human beings of this 3rd density. What this means is that - or what this is saying - is that up until your EARLIEST memory as a physical child, you had NO knowledge of your own existence. So this is same for INFINITY, for the One.Then infinity wanted to experience itself, so it then represented itself as 'separate' consciousness of One. However, each consciousness has it's own representation of itself, and of itself, and of itself..all down to Yahweh, Logos. Which is what we are.

November 18 2012 - 1:29 PM
Title: Remembering cont..

Remembering, in the context of which I speak…of which the proof, of the occurrence of understand..for infinity [/i

November 18, 2012 - 12:50 AM
Title: Definition of You

'You" are defined as 'you' by the choices made during the experiences you are led to.

What I understand about my 'Self'
[Note: These are in no meaningful order]

-- I have a passion for music. Even though this body is only 18 years of age, I have this strong connection to music of all ages. I find myself listenging to music from Marty Robbins, and The Ink Johnny Slipknot..and to House/Electornic Music. In my spare time I am a House/Electornic music DJ/Producer.

I feel a STRONG bond to this electronic music, it puts me in a differnt place, a different mindset. I have noticed that I listen to the same songs a lot because it 'clicks' with me..they make me 'day dream' we call it

--I love playing Lacrosse, I have played Football (I was the captain of the team in Highschool) but I dont have a passion or compasson for it.

-- I love to help others

This is what confuses me the well as brings me the most knowledge. It is almost a subconsious desire to always put OTHERS ahead of myself. Words cannot describe fully what this means. It is by my nature on this planet to live service to others, without knowing it. I cannot help is just what I have learned thrugh my life experiences.

--I am uncomfortable with myself..

Many gravity wells have been created in my life. The self concioussness from the Speech Impediment, as well as past obesity as blocked my Root Chakra.  I wish to forgive myself, as well as those who have used it against me..but I am confused in this process

--My Speech is the key?

My 'self' is not afraid of large crowds, is not afraid of what a girl will say when i approach them. I feel as if deep in my core I have INFINTE INTELLIGENCE to offer, but I am PHYSICALLY restricted by this body. THIS is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING...I find myself getting into deep conversations trying to understand the problems of others as if they were my own, without the intention of doing so.

It has crossed my mind long ago [before being opened up to the Ra Material and the Law of One] that I was put here for a reason. However, I was given this speech impediment as an obtsacle to overcome. I understand things better than most. I am a LOGICAL thinker..this is what has become of my life experiences. I constantly find myself giving advice to others, helping others in there problems by offering an unbiased and logical point of view. The problems of others, as seen in my mind, are not problems at all because I understand how to go about solving the problem.  What is the meaning of this?

--Music is another key

This is critical. Music is my life, music has helped me through some of the most traumatic and exhausting parts of my life. I believe that through Music, I can really meditate well..I have the ability to 'be' in the now..through my conciouss mind. However, my intuition is focused on the music. When that happens, I begin to think about life, about the questions I am confused on.

The only real thing I have 'wanted to do' in this music. When I work on my producing application, I get LOST in it. Time/Space..Space/Time does not exist. I can sit at my computer and just perfect my sounds down to a 't'. I enjoy creating these sounds. I understand this as being my passion. I have reoccurring daydreams/fantasies..but never anyu actual DREAMS [in sleep] of being on a stage in front of thousands of people just feeling all the energies..and being happy because I KNOW that the people int he audience are HAPPY and enjoying the moment because of ME.

-- Lucid Dreaming

I began Lucid Dreaming in 2009. This was something that fascinated me. I TRULY wish to unlock the full potential of my dreams. But in the present. I am lacking dream recall severely. With the knowledge of what dreams are at this current time, I know that this will be another Key to it all.

See my First Dream Journal:

[updates will be made]

My First Dream Journal


I know understand Karma..and it has been great to me. I do not 'seek' good a sense. But I allow myself to choose path
edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:30 PM

I started smoking marijuana my senior year of high school. However, I always knew that it was never something I did to "fit in". I was always against smoking marijuana up to that point. I did not have a  reason why, that was just how I was raised to view it. I scolded people that I knew smoked for no reason at all, in what we would define a 'reason' as. In the present space, smoking has opened up doors to me. I feel as if I want to only smoke by myself because of how I think/understand, and how I view things as a whole. I very much value this time.

--The Number 3

I do not know what it is..but the Number 3 has been very apparent in my life, and in the past few weeks..very visible. I have been seeing 3 everywhere; the gas pump I use, the number assigned to the basketball I get when renting one out at my gym, or just at any occurrence. It must mean something..

The Wanderer

The topic of the Wanderers is something that fascinated me from the get go. Once I sought more knowledge, it made it clear to me that I must be a Wanderer.

This is one of the notes I have written during a state of heightened understanding; I left this out of the NOTES section in the OP)

Date:  November 14, 2012 - 10:57 PM
Title: Wanderer..?..?..?

I must be a wanderer as they call it. It makes too much sense, the early childhood hells, the torment, the isolation, the ALIENATION [ as stated by Ra in 'Wanderer' Section], the scared feeling of innocent mis-understanding, the constant thought of always being conciouss of my choices between the catalyst of Lucider..was hidden in plain sight .

The physical 'deformities' [ not as intense as in some other cases of 3rd density deformations], this stutter that [ i previously beleived] severely LIMITS my process of understanding of this place..this place that I am not truly originated from..for if I was..I wouldn't BE what/how I am IN THIS MOMENT.

This moment, however, is infinite..forever..therefore if I feel this way in this moment..I do/always have/will be.. in every moment that there is/was.

I have to be naturally 51% positive in nature. I HAVE TO makes to much sense for me not to be. I am now beginning to remember my 'past' ..remembering my Oneness. Thanks be to the One infinite creator, for this chance, this free will to find out who i truly am..who I WAS [/]

This topic is something that I can use to tie in this whole post together. The knowledge that I have acquired one the past month has truly changed my life here. I have such understanding of Ra, One, Maya, Ascension, Infinty, the Illuminists, the Pyramids, the beginning, the process.. etc etc.. that it TRULY MAKES SENSE.

I am here now, before you..before myself..seeking assistance in my Ascension. I am open to any and all comments or questions that are offered to me. I will greet them all with respect and love. If one desires to speak to me privately, send me a private message, and Ill try to reach out.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------

Thank You for the patience you have given me in this post. I sense that this post could bring a lot of help to us.
edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight


I have felt the "self to self" communication in a few of your other posts and felt the "vibration" so to speak. I do not mean simply the words alone, or even the meaning of the words.

It is hard to explain properly, perhaps you can relate. It occurs on a level deeper than the words them self. It is not what the words say, it is on a more "intimate" (for lack of a better word) or personal level.

For instance: The fact that I created this avatar yesterday and then read the following quoted part of your post today ~ I have not read any further yet ~ notice the shooting star (perhaps you will sync to something else in the picture

Weirdest thing, was looking at the sky, marveling the stars..and thinking about my higher self, and One, and everything..and I saw this shooting star..I think? But it was perfectly in my view..RIGHT WHERE I WAS LOOKING. It was as if it ripped the sky open.

does not surprise me.

During a more "painful" part of my awakening when I started doubting my sanity at a "key" moment I looked up to the night shy and for the first time, asked for a direct validation that I was not "crazy" and on the correct path.

At the exact moment of that thought crossing my mind ~ just as you say ~ it was like the sky ripped open and a shooting star appeared out of nowhere. Exactly where I was looking.

Again I have not fully read your entire post yet, but felt the need to mention this. I may not have the time to reply properly again until tomorrow evening.

I have a feeling we may have much to speak about.


posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:07 PM
Greetings my friend.

I have felt the "self to self" communication in a few of your other posts and felt the "vibration" so to speak. I do not mean simply the words alone, or even the meaning of the words.

It is hard to explain properly, perhaps you can relate. It occurs on a level deeper than the words them self. It is not what the words say, it is on a more "intimate" (for lack of a better word) or personal level.

Trust in that I understand what you are trying to get across to me. I too know what you refer too by being hard to 'explain' properly. It is something that one does not/almost could not explain in 'words'..or written text.

For instance: The fact that I created this avatar yesterday and then read the following quoted part of your post today ~ I have not read any further yet ~ notice the shooting star (perhaps you will sync to something else in the picture

During a more "painful" part of my awakening when I started doubting my sanity at a "key" moment I looked up to the night shy and for the first time, asked for a direct validation that I was not "crazy" and on the correct path.

At the exact moment of that thought crossing my mind ~ just as you say ~ it was like the sky ripped open and a shooting star appeared out of nowhere. Exactly where I was looking.

This is along the same lines as what I have experienced. The following two weeks after reading the Ra material, as well as the research done on my own time, I too started to question my sanity. My understandings made so much sense that it made everything fake, this body did not know what to believe/ trust in anymore.

However, my nerves have been eased in the past several weeks, through practice and meditation.

One thing I would like to address, that I may have left out...or your mind may have not picked up on.

The 'object' I saw did not shoot 'across' the sky, which is to say in a linear motion from left/right or right/left. It was as if this object was moving towards my position, came into view, turned upwards, and went back 'out' after less than a second of vertical travel. The trail it left was thick and bright.

I have a feeling we may have much to speak about.

I look forward to it.

Namaste, brother.
edit on 26-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 07:21 PM

This is along the same lines as what I have experienced. The following two weeks after reading the Ra material, as well as the research done on my own time, I too started to question my sanity.

We bumped into the Ra Material after thinking we were crazy.

Sometimes the "messages" became overwhelming in the "beginning".

One thing I would like to address, that I may have left out...or your mind may have not picked up on.

The 'object' I saw did not shoot 'across' the sky, which is to say in a linear motion from left/right or right/left. It was as if this object was moving towards my position, came into view, turned upwards, and went back 'out' after less than a second of vertical travel.

Although my mind picked up on it instantly, "I" did not fully comprehend the message in its entirely, things are becoming easier.

I read this a few days ago. Alternative view for "object incoming" theories: Movement in another dimension, and this Time is going to "bounce" as we currently perceive it.,

It takes me time to process certain "subconscious", messages.

Reading more of the OP

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 07:36 PM

-- I love to help others This is what confuses me the well as brings me the most knowledge. It is almost a subconsious desire to always put OTHERS ahead of myself. Words cannot describe fully what this means. It is by my nature on this planet to live service to others, without knowing it. I cannot help is just what I have learned thrugh my life experiences.

--I am uncomfortable with myself..
reply to post by GreeneLight

I understand your frustration, I believe this is because "we": weigh our individual consciousness against the collective at this "moment" in time,

As you "I and Others" have realized, our truest expression of self/form in this density, is that of pure love. This isn't the most comfortable place for that expression of self, but we could learn much IMO.

Perhaps the balancing of wisdom/love is what we shall find our "self' working on in our next "incarnation".

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight

-- Lucid Dreaming I began Lucid Dreaming in 2009. This was something that fascinated me. I TRULY wish to unlock the full potential of my dreams. But in the present. I am lacking dream recall severely. With the knowledge of what dreams are at this current time, I know that this will be another Key to it all.

The link in my signature has a few tips I have found useful with dreaming "lucid" and regular dream recall. Maybe something in the thread will assist you.

--Music is another key This is critical. Music is my life, music has helped me through some of the most traumatic and exhausting parts of my life. I believe that through Music, I can really meditate well..I have the ability to 'be' in the now..through my conciouss mind. However, my intuition is focused on the music. When that happens, I begin to think about life, about the questions I am confused on.

Music has also helped me "fit more pieces" together, I really like the way you have described it above.

--The Number 3 I do not know what it is..but the Number 3 has been very apparent in my life, and in the past few weeks..very visible. I have been seeing 3 everywhere; the gas pump I use, the number assigned to the basketball I get when renting one out at my gym, or just at any occurrence. It must mean something..

That is interesting. Roughly 3 weeks or so before my "activation" I had also encountered the "3's" as you mention.. any attempt at explaining it will make you appear "nutty", at least in my case it did.

I am still contemplating this

~ 45.7 Questioner: Are all of us of one of the groups that you mentioned?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall go to the limits of our attempts to refrain from infringement.

Two are a sixth-density origin, [water truck engine noise in background] one a fifth-density harvestable to sixth but choosing to [truck honk] return as a Wanderer due to a loving association between teacher and student. Thus you three [honk honk] form a greatly cohesive group. ~
(Ra Material)

"We" should contemplate that.

Levels of Density (Heaviest is the lowest in the light spectrum):

Mineral Kingdom - Heaviest density

1 Plant Kingdom
2 Animal Kingdom + Lower vibration level Human
3 Higher Vibration Level Human
4 Light Body
5 Soul Body
6 Oversoul
7 Angels
8 Archangels and Ascended Masters
9 Leaders of the Spiritual Hierarchy
10 Universal Gods
11 Absolute Godhead - Purest light Source


Unlike Density, Dimensions encompass entire realities and overlap each other. Lower dimensions are contained within higher ones. For instance, the third dimension contains the lower two.

First Dimension - Existence through a point in time and space

Second Dimension - Magnitude (distance or path) in the time and space

Third Dimension - Depth and existence in the physical universe through choices of paths in time and space

Forth Dimension - Time (movement) through time and space in a higher mode of physical existence

Fifth Dimension - Through Love bridges the worlds of Matter and the worlds of Spirit (Release from duality into love and unity)

The understanding that everything in the Universe is energy and that all energy is at different levels of vibration and frequency, indicates that all planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different levels. Planet Earth is a third dimensional planet with forth and fifth dimension activity in progression. Currently the beings on the planet Earth are estimated to be 60 percent in the third dimensional plane, thirty five percent in the forth and five percent in the fifth.

The planet Earth is currently going through a dimensional ascension, moving from third to fourth with the goal of being in the fifth. For individuals to shift with the planetary ascension, they must individually focus on raising their vibration / frequency level.

Each dimension has seven planes. As vibration levels are raised (by releasing all blockages in the physical, emotional and mental bodies) the shift in frequency uplifts the person to the higher planes. To fully evolve into the fifth dimension the person must open up to unconditional love, expand his/her inner light quotient, be fully forgiving under all circumstances and not generate negative (harmful) thought patterns.

This is not saying "we" SHOULD NOT have negative thoughts. This is saying to watch those old thought patterns running through are head. Once you "watch" them, awareness brings them to light. That way "they" do not get worked into your mind at a subconscious level.

This acts as a reminder to myself.

Still going through the OP's

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight

Thanks for sharing. I see you as carrying an energetic bridge to the oneness. You see the game for what it is and accept the challenge to grow within while thinning the veil for others. I still get caught up in it at times.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:54 PM

-- I have a passion for music.

You may enjoy this guys style.

edit on 27-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by starshift

I still get caught up in it at times.

I think for now that is normal for us, a "back and forth" until we become more comfortable.

For me at least

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:41 AM
me dumb dumb tick tock man but me always fall for wall flowers.

this is decoupage, the remix, circle:

it takes only a single stick to move a thousand birds.

ty for sharing best of luck in the garden maze.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:26 AM

me dumb dumb tick tock man but me always fall for wall flowers.

This sparks much interest..

this is decoupage, the remix, circle:

"I" have a difficult time processing thse sound vibrations for what they really are. Decoupage, the art of gluing colored paper and paint effects?..Hmm, the comparisons...? "I" do not know what you refer to by 'remix'.."I" have a few thoughts.

Circle could mean a lot of things, or One thing.

it takes only a single stick to move a thousand birds.

"I" understand this for what it is to One.

ty for sharing best of luck in the garden maze.

The same to you, my friend. Best of luck to 'you as well.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by starshift
reply to post by GreeneLight

Thanks for sharing. I see you as carrying an energetic bridge to the oneness. You see the game for what it is and accept the challenge to grow within while thinning the veil for others. I still get caught up in it at times.

"I" can not help but laugh in agreement, is that not the very purpose, my friend?

I thank you as well, my friend. This is a game We have played an infinte number of times, but on this present go-around.. I trust that I will finally be able to 'speak' The word I have so longed for to 'say': Checkmate

edit on 28-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by usernamehere

it takes only a single stick to move a thousand birds.

Right at the exact moment of reading this I received a direct "message".

edit on 28-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by GreeneLight

"I" have a difficult time processing thse sound vibrations for what they really are. Decoupage, the art of gluing colored paper and paint effects?..Hmm, the comparisons...? "I" do not know what you refer to by 'remix'.."I" have a few thoughts.

These are the only thoughts "I" have on this.


is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art, an aspect of interior decoration, or of cultural and spiritual significance as in a cathedral. Small pieces, normally roughly quadratic, of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae, (diminutive tessellae), are used to create a pattern or picture.

You could also tell a "story" in a Mosaic type manner. "You" would have to replace a few words or labels etc

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by SyntheticPerception
reply to post by usernamehere

it takes only a single stick to move a thousand birds.

Right at the exact moment of reading this I received a direct "message".

edit on 28-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

What were the contents of this message, as understood by your MBSC?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by GreeneLight

Originally posted by SyntheticPerception
reply to post by usernamehere

it takes only a single stick to move a thousand birds.

Right at the exact moment of reading this I received a direct "message".

edit on 28-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

What were the contents of this message, as understood by your MBSC?

It is hard to explain properly, that is why I put the words "message" in quotes.

Maybe you will understand me saying it was a direct communication from the "outside" environment, confirming the truth felt on the "inside".

We have spoken about "coincidence" before. At the time of reading a powerful "coincidence" occurred relating to the words we were reading. This also comes with a shift in "vibration" at the exact moment of the coincidence happening.

As you know explaining these things can make you look "crazy", however after you experience enough of them you begin to "feel" them as well. The only thing that was brought into my mind was a song I had came across after posting the above music videos.

It was a song by The Gundersen Family "Wandering Bird" LIVE @ Cathedrals

This is a beautiful song, I had listened to some of Noah Gundersens music before but happened upon this one recently.

You mentioned your passion for music, perhaps you can find something within this song that may help you "sort out" certain things.

I am trying to find the lyrics but his work and his families is not "mainstream" so it takes a bit more to find things etc.

I am the king of the sparrows… of the sparrows with a broken wing

Oh and I fell in love with a strong wind…with a strong wind and it carried me away

Oooh…Haven’t you heard all of your songs They’re only songs

I am the song of the black bird….of the black bird with the loudest voice

And I wake the sun in the morning…in the morning but the darkness comes

Oooh…Haven’t you heard all of your songs They’re only songs

Oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird

You climb up the mountain to swallow all the ocean (not sure)

You drink to the bottom but oh, still you thirst

And you’re quoting the bible as you pray to the devil

While most of the world is asleep

Oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird

Perhaps your passion for music is why some of my replies to your thread have came in the "form" of music.

edit on 29-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 06:24 PM

What were the contents of this message, as understood by your MBSC?

It is hard to explain properly, that is why I put the words "message" in quotes.

We understood this prior. Hence why 'I' wrote "as understood by your MBSC"

By "understand", we mean; by whatever way your MBSC would 'explain' it in the sound complex it so chooses.

You mentioned your passion for music, perhaps you can find something within this song that may help you "sort out" certain things.

"I" hope that I will.


I am the king of the sparrows… of the sparrows with a broken wing

Oh and I fell in love with a strong wind…with a strong wind and it carried me away

Oooh…Haven’t you heard all of your songs They’re only songs

I am the song of the black bird….of the black bird with the loudest voice

And I wake the sun in the morning…in the morning but the darkness comes

Oooh…Haven’t you heard all of your songs They’re only songs

Oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird

You climb up the mountain to swallow the ocean**

You drink to the bottom but oh, still you thirst

And you’re quoting the bible as you pray to the devil

While most of the world is asleep

Oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird, oh my wandering bird

This resonates deeply. We thank all there is for this beautiful representation.

Perhaps your passion for music is why some of my replies to your thread have came in the "form" of music.

The truth in this would not suprise us.

edit on 29-11-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

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