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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by onebigmonkey

They are creating an illusion. I realize they can't get the entire Earth in LEO. They are using the window to make the earth appear as if they are 130,000mi out. It becomes entirely exposed as they take whatever they have on the window off and the window glows blue. They are in LEO. I don't see how this can be debated.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:51 AM

reply to post by onebigmonkey

They are creating an illusion. I realize they can't get the entire Earth in LEO. They are using the window. It becomes entirely exposed as they take whatever they have on the window off and the window glows blue. They are in LEO. I don't see how this can be debated.

First of all, I have no idea what you are trying to claim about the window. Please explain. Second, they cannot possibly have been in low Earth orbit. Communications in space are strictly line of sight. If they were in low Earth orbit, their radio and television transmissions would have passed from one ground station to another. There would have been periodic loss of signal. Even today, no satellite below Geosynchronous orbit can be continuously monitored. The Deep Space Network developed for Apollo would have been useless. Those giant dish antennas cannot turn quickly enough to track a satellite at close range.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by FoosM

Watched the video you posted and I will have to say, it is made up of out of context clips and the very aspect pointed out toward the end of the video on mind control marketing. This video is planting subconscious thoughts into the listeners mind that what is be said is the truth.

I would especially like to see the citations for all the clips that were used. OH, and by the way, where in the world are parts 1 and 3 to this interview?

I don't know this Allan Weisbecker, but a lot of what he is stating is the same garbage of the main HBers like Allen, Rene', Sibrel and the now infamous Jarah White. All bozos in their own right.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by DJW001

NASA controlled ALL of the communication. IF they are lying about the entire mission then who knows? I edited my post. I don't know why it contained that underscore.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:59 AM

reply to post by onebigmonkey

They are creating an illusion. I realize they can't get the entire Earth in LEO. They are using the window to make the earth appear as if they are 130,000mi out. It becomes entirely exposed as they take whatever they have on the window off and the window glows blue. They are in LEO. I don't see how this can be debated.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

That video has been thoroughly debunked.

Show me the window in this part of those videos:

The Earth was seen small and far away when filmed through the window. Granted, there was a time in that video that the entire window looked blue (which is what fed the idea of this "LEO hoax" in the first place), but that window could have looked blue at that time because of glare. Prior to the movie taken through the Earth-facing window, they darkened the inside of CM to reduce glare (so the video of the Earth could be made). When the video was done, they brought up the lights, and we get the glare.

Plus, similar to onebigmonkey's post about weather patterns seen on the whole earth in that video, here is another excellent post by ATS member "St. Exupery" in a thread that debunks that video:

edit on 3/31/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I'm sorry but the astronauts were lying in that video. They stated they were up against the window filming the Earth when they weren't. This was exposed when someone walked in between the camera and window (there shouldn't have been the space to do this) and when the lights came on and the person filming was a ways back from the circular window. They lied and this was proven. The enormous blue glare that filled the entire window would not be possible at 130k out.

edit to add: apparently today the word "window" will give you an "_" for some odd reason. I've seen it in a few responses.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:14 AM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I'm sorry but the astronauts were lying in that video. They stated they were up against the window filming the Earth when they weren't. This was exposed when someone walked in between the camera and window (there shouldn't have been the space to do this) and when the lights came on and the person filming was a ways back from the circular window. They lied and this was proven. The enormous blue glare that filled the entire window would not be possible at 130k out.

edit to add: apparently today the word "window" will give you an "_" for some odd reason. I've seen it in a few responses.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

The people that a pushing that "window hoax" also don't see to want to show you all parts of those the videos (which is not surprising). They edit and cherry pick just the parts that support their stories, but ignore the parts that show that the earth was small and far away, like we can see in the video below.

In this video, 3tarting at about the 5:55 mark and again at the 7:15 mark, we can see the entire earth looking small and far away, and we can also see the edge of the window:

Now, why didn't the people pushing the hoax agenda include this part of the video?

Edit: You can't type the word "window" with a "." immediately after it. It is some sort of HTML or computer code that gets read as a "_". You can leave a space (as in "window .") or capitalize the W (as in "Window.")

edit on 3/31/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I've never seen that video. Is that of the same mission as the video I'm referring to? It doesn't appear to be so. Either way, that's pretty convincing footage that would be much harder to fabricate.

edit: I see that it is the same mission.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:32 AM

reply to post by onebigmonkey

They are creating an illusion. I realize they can't get the entire Earth in LEO.

And as you are seeing the entire Earth in the video they are, ipso facto, not in LEO which is where you said they were.

They are using the window to make the earth appear as if they are 130,000mi out. It becomes entirely exposed as they take whatever they have on the window off and the window glows blue. They are in LEO. I don't see how this can be debated.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

I don't see how you can argue that they are in LEO when you just stated that you can't see the whole Earth from LEO and yet there it is.

The Earth was broadcast live on TV. The position of the terminator exactly matches the time they broadcast it. The images were published on the front page of the next day's newspapers showing a storm that was only visible on that day. How do you think they managed this given that the only way they can get a colour TV broadcast of Earth from space is by being in space with a TV camera?

No-one walked in front of a camera, no-one peeled anything off a window, no-one has proved they were in LEO. LEO requires a change of receiver station about every 10 minutes. This footage, and there is a lot of it, came entirely through Goldstone California.

Try looking at this page - you can see one of the newspaper front pages, dated press photos and even a photograph taken of a TV screen.

Here are much longer sequences of those Earth views
edit on 31-3-2014 by onebigmonkey because: added web link

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

So this is one of four videos? Apparently not the same as the one I was talking about.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:08 AM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

So this is one of four videos? Apparently not the same as the one I was talking about.

I don't know what you mean by "one of four".

I'm simply showing other videos from Apollo 11 that clearly show a far-off whole Earth (not one taken in LEO) that can be seen in whole against the edge of the CM Window. These parts of these videos were not shown in the video purporting that Apollo 11 never left low earth orbit (LEO), and that the "illusion" of a whole Earth was cause by a stencil cut-out in the window.

The video I showed indicates the hoax pushers were wrong (maybe disingenuous?) about their theory that the Earth was filmed in LEO through a stencil cut out. The videos I posted show that the whole, small, and far-off earth could be seen.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

"the Apollo 11 crew made not one, but FOUR television broadcasts during the coast phase of their alleged voyage to the moon. According to the Spacecraft Films DVD, the first one was filmed at 10:32GET (Ground Elapsed Time); the second was filmed at 30:28GET; the third at 33:59GET; and the fourth was filmed at 55:08GET. The first, third and forth broadcasts were all a continuous video with no edits. But the second video (the one where the earth clearly disappears behind the window), is just a jumble of random interior and exterior shots"

Seems a bit like a production. I realize this notion is not possible to people whom adamently defend Apollo but the people that would be behind faking this, if it were, would be very precise IMO. I mean, you can fool a man on the other side of a television or radio. It's been done before. The fact that Buzz and Neil stated they were up against the window, when they weren't - should present to many that they were in the process of a production where they are leading the viewer one way, yet doing something completely opposite.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:52 AM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

"the Apollo 11 crew made not one, but FOUR television broadcasts during the coast phase of their alleged voyage to the moon. According to the Spacecraft Films DVD, the first one was filmed at 10:32GET (Ground Elapsed Time); the second was filmed at 30:28GET; the third at 33:59GET; and the fourth was filmed at 55:08GET. The first, third and forth broadcasts were all a continuous video with no edits. But the second video (the one where the earth clearly disappears behind the window), is just a jumble of random interior and exterior shots"

Again, I would refer you to my website. Even without listening to the audio (recorded against time stamps in the transcripts) you can prove quite conclusively when the videos were taken by looking at a) where the terminator is and b) the weather patterns as shown on satellite images that would not have been available to them when they made the broadcasts. The TV footage shows exactly what should be there because it is genuine. There is no way that it could have been faked.

Seems a bit like a production. I realize this notion is not possible to people whom adamently defend Apollo but the people that would be behind faking this, if it were, would be very precise IMO. I mean, you can fool a man on the other side of a television or radio. It's been done before. The fact that Buzz and Neil stated they were up against the window, when they weren't - should present to many that they were in the process of a production where they are leading the viewer one way, yet doing something completely opposite.
edit on 31-3-2014 by cestrup because: (no reason given)

and here's where you stray into opinion rather than fact. You haven't shown us anything that looks like proof for what you're arguing. You can very easily fool someone on the other side of a camera - ask Bart Sibrel, Bill Kaysing, Jarrah White, or any of the other fraudsters out there who are relying on your lack of knowledge about the Apollo missions to fool you.

The evidence is completely unequivocal: the images of Earth were not filmed in LEO. They were filmed on a specific date, from space, by a combination of Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. It is the only logical explanation that is supported by actual historically verifiable facts. All other explanations have no supporting evidence and are based on a combination of prejudice and a lack of basic understanding about science in general and these missions in particular.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by onebigmonkey

I've never tried to state this is anything other than my opinion. I'll take a look at your site though, buddy (I already have BTW and you've put in quite a bit of work). But like I said - if this were a production I'd expect it to be quite meticulous in attempting to be "genuine"

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:12 PM

...and here's where you stray into opinion rather than fact. You haven't shown us anything that looks like proof for what you're arguing. You can very easily fool someone on the other side of a camera - ask Bart Sibrel, Bill Kaysing, Jarrah White, or any of the other fraudsters out there who are relying on your lack of knowledge about the Apollo missions to fool you.

Correct. The fraudsters who made this video purporting that they never left LEO based their ENTIRE theory on the fact that there is a blue glare that fills the Window. They then twisted, manipulated, and cherry-picked the evidence in order to support that idea. I find it telling that they ignored all of the other evidence that showed they were NOT in LEO, but were actually in a trans-lunar trajectory far from Earth.

I can't be sure exactly why the people pushing this hoax theory would choose to ignore the evidence that does NOT support their claim, but one of the only reasons I can think of is that they are being intentionally disingenuous about their claims.

reply to post by onebigmonkey

I've never tried to state this is anything other than my opinion. I'll take a look at your site though, buddy (I already have BTW and you've put in quite a bit of work). But like I said - if this were a production I'd expect it to be quite meticulous in attempting to be "genuine"

I don't think the idea of putting a stencil cut-out in a window of a craft in LEO hoping to fool people into thinking it was a far-off Earth in the window is very "meticulous".

And what level of evidence do you need before you don't dismiss that evidence by simply saying
"well, I expect them to be meticulous in their attempt to be 'genuine'".

edit on 3/31/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:34 PM

Soylent Green Is People

...and here's where you stray into opinion rather than fact. You haven't shown us anything that looks like proof for what you're arguing. You can very easily fool someone on the other side of a camera - ask Bart Sibrel, Bill Kaysing, Jarrah White, or any of the other fraudsters out there who are relying on your lack of knowledge about the Apollo missions to fool you.

Correct. The fraudsters who made this video purporting that they never left LEO based there ENTIRE theory on the fact that there is a blue glare that fills the window. They then twisted, manipulated, and cherry-picked the evidence in order to support that idea. I find it telling that they ignored all of the other evidence that showed they were NOT in LEO, but were actually in a trans-lunar trajectory far from Earth.

I can't be sure exactly why the people pushing this hoax theory would choose to ignore the evidence that does NOT support their claim, but one of the only reasons I can think of is that they are being intentionally disingenuous about their claims.

reply to post by onebigmonkey

I've never tried to state this is anything other than my opinion. I'll take a look at your site though, buddy (I already have BTW and you've put in quite a bit of work). But like I said - if this were a production I'd expect it to be quite meticulous in attempting to be "genuine"

I don't think the idea of putting a stencil cut-out in a window of a craft in LEO hoping to fool people into thinking it was a far-off Earth in the window is very "meticulous".

edit on 3/31/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

Data can be manipulated especially if controlled by basically one entity. I don't claim to know what they put over the window but when they pulled something off, it was an illuminating blue hue that filled the cabin. Also, why would they state they were up against the window in the craft when it is shown that they are not; in fact, they are 5+ ft from the window (estimation). I don't doubt that they could have pulled this off. I don't doubt that they would have factored in how future audiences might scrutinize this effort.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:53 PM


reply to post by FoosM

I went and read your debates on the old "Aussie Whips.." thread (link in your sig). Very impressive and I tend to side with you. It all seems so fabricated IMO. I'm not completely shut off to men walking on the moon but the more I dig into it; it becomes more clear. Especially the video of the astronauts in LEO but were claiming to being 130,000mi out using a window to portray an earth from near lunar orbit. I mean, WTF? Armstrong is even stating to be 130k out when it's totally obvious they're using trickery.

That video gets it completely wrong on that one.

You can't get an entire Earth in shot from LEO - it's not possible. You have to be waaaaay out in space to do that.

Satellites can do that, and the astronauts could have been in one of those planes that simulate zero gravity.
Jarrah W. made a video about this.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by FoosM

You don't happen to know the title of this video, do you? I appreciate taking his info on the subject as well as the apollo supporters.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:01 PM

reply to post by FoosM

I went and read your debates on the old "Aussie Whips.." thread (link in your sig). Very impressive and I tend to side with you. It all seems so fabricated IMO. I'm not completely shut off to men walking on the moon but the more I dig into it; it becomes more clear. Especially the video of the astronauts in LEO but were claiming to being 130,000mi out using a window to portray an earth from near lunar orbit. I mean, WTF? Armstrong is even stating to be 130k out when it's totally obvious they're using trickery.

Thanks! It was an impressive thread, too bad it got locked.
It was quite a learning experience, and a lot of new things would
have come out if it continued.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:11 PM

reply to post by FoosM

You don't happen to know the title of this video, do you? I appreciate taking his info on the subject as well as the apollo supporters.

I cant find the particular video, because JW had his site taken down, and he may not have uploaded all his videos back up.
But, I do have his playlist of the Apollo 11 transmissions and his explanation:

Published on Sep 25, 2012
Over the past few months I have received many emails from people asking me to comment on various videos uploaded by the pro-NASA side. Specifically; they ask me how can the Apollo 11 views of earth be a transparency over the window (as stated by Bart Sibrel and David Percy) when one shot shows the earth vanishing behind the window. I explained this way back in 2007, but unfortunately it seem the propagandists' misrepresentation of the footage continues to this day. I am also asked how NASA got the cloud formations right if these videos were faked. Apparently the clouds formations seen in these telecasts are similar to those seen by weather satellites.

Firstly: the Apollo 11 crew made not one, but FOUR television broadcasts during the coast phase of their alleged voyage to the moon. According to the Spacecraft Films DVD, the first one was filmed at 10:32GET (Ground Elapsed Time); the second was filmed at 30:28GET; the third at 33:59GET; and the fourth was filmed at 55:08GET. The first, third and forth broadcasts were all a continuous video with no edits. But the second video (the one where the earth clearly disappears behind the window), is just a jumble of random interior and exterior shots. The astronauts don't even appear in the same shot as the earth vanishing behind the window. In fact, if you actually watch these in-flight television transmissions closely, you'll notice that the astronauts are never in the same shot as the earth. The camera always blacks out or cuts away between interior and exterior shots. In the film industry, this is called "smoke and mirrors". Anyways, long story short, Bart Sibrel and also David Percy discussed the 10:32GET and 33:59GET telecasts in their respective documentaries. These are the two broadcasts that they say where filmed with a transparency.

In response to the transparency claim, the 30:28GET telecast has been flogged by members of the pro-NASA side over and over again as though all four videos were the same telecast! And not once do they reveal that it is in fact an edited video.
For the record, I believe that these videos in which the "earth" disappears behind the window were filmed in a CSM mockup with an accurate globe on the outside.

At the request of a certain Youtube user who has been confused by the pro-NASA side's representation of these videos, I am uploading all four from start to finish.

Secondly: As stated above, these videos have been compared with photos of earth taken by weather satellites in orbit at the time. Naturally, the pro-NASA side has been quick to call this "evidence". This trait is typical among propagandists: they present a piece of data or video that they don't know how to fake, and they assume that anything they don't know how to fake must be evidence that Apollo was real. Considering that NASA had many weather satellites in orbit long before and during Apollo, and that meteorologists had been using such satellite photographs to predict cloud formations and thus make forecasts for the week's weather, I'd say that's how NASA was able to get the cloud positions right in these videos.

Thirdly: I have also been asked why Sibrel says the telecasts that NASA sent him were "classified" when they are available on the Spacecraft Films DVD set. The footage that Sibrel received carried this title card: "This film of the Apollo 11 Mission was produced as a report film by THE MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER and is not for general public distribution." Furthermore, NASA sent Sibrel this footage in 2000. Spacecraft Films published their copy of it in 2002. It seems to me that NASA decided to declassify this footage after Sibrel leaked it!


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