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'Bigfoot' DNA sequenced in upcoming genetics study

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posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:38 AM
First Full Facial Footage of Bigfoot? UPDATE (I remember this from almost two years ago) I got a feeling were in for the same let down (nothing) link

nothing out yet on above

The Kentucky Footage
Soon to be Released as part of “The Erickson Project” Documentary

I am one of the few people lucky enough to have viewed the best clip…
Much more detailed than the Patterson/Gimlin Film

Here is just some of what you are going to see:

edit on 28-11-2012 by RUFFREADY because: spelin of cores

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:14 AM
TV news interview of Dr. Melba Ketchum:

Does Bigfoot have human DNA?

Not a whole lot of details, but she does say that the DNA samples were analyzed by multiple labs, including state and university labs but with no specific labs named. And she says they started with forensics lab testing to verify that the DNA was not contaminated.

Personally, I'm open-minded enough to wait for the full results to be available for other experts to view, analyze, attack, etc. before deciding what I think.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

I thought the Erickson Project was the original project that Ketchum was working for, but, for whatever reason, the lead "researcher" decided to tap out and sold all the rights, alleged film footage, photos, and other rumored stuff that's never seen the light of day to Ketchum.


Link: Erickson Project now called Ketchum Project

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:41 AM
OK..things are coming out in the wash, as they say....Dr.K just did a live interview.

Dru, you do know if you have questions you could call her publicist right...???

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:08 PM
I heard on cost2coastam that one of the hair samples contained it’s follicles due the hair being torn out when it got caught up on a fence surrounding garbage cans. This has an air of credibility to it as bears for example seem to be becoming bolder as their natural food sources are becoming scarcer.

As for a species to remain hidden for the 15,000 (although the same program claims that they are well known to Native Americans), I would find it more credible if they where some sort of human who have de-evolved. Maybe via deliberate genetic manipulation or a reaction to GM crops are turning off certain genes like a cancer.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 05:22 PM
Meldrum has decided to ''temper'' his comments after all, apparently doing his own damage control after his rather unkind, uninformed facebook post yesterday.
''Dr. Ketchum provides a much more reasonable interview for a Houston news program. She acknowledges the prematurity of the announcement (I believe she could have stopped short of discussing her unpublished results, however). She does conclude by saying the publication is anticipated in a matter of weeks not months (we’ve heard that before, but I hope this time it is indeed accurate).

Please don’t get me wrong. I truly hope she has the brass ring. I want very much for her study to be legitimate and significant. To that end I want to see her navigate the publication process properly and successfully!''

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by reject

15,000 years seems a long enough time to me! The Chinese have reported sightings in their own National Forests of red-haired Bigfoot, there is of course, the white-furred Yeti in the Himalayas. More to the point about a species appearing about 15,000 years ago, even a hybrid, is how do they account (even across the supposed 3 variations or sub-species) for the quick evolutionary track that has apparently taken place region-to-region?

The Yeti with it's white overcoat blending perfectly with the snow and ice, the Chinese 'red-fur' being able to hide in a more temperate or even sub-tropical forest, and the North American (land-bridge crossing) brown/black species.. it's all so Darwinianly perfect.

Last but not least, in a general reply to the kidnapping-bigfoot theory: My first thought when I began reading those posts was 'Kidnapping? And here I thought most of them threw sticks, stones, and/or ran away from human-encounters.' I mean, really? When so often reports come in and they take a 'curious' or even 'frightened' approach from the creature-in-question, where (and WHY?) are these missing kids being hauled off to? The secret land of Apeia where they're used as... ???? I guess my real issue with that is I just don't see any purpose for the Sasquatch to nab a kid and run away with it.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 08:18 PM

I am one of the few people lucky enough to have viewed the best clip…
Much more detailed than the Patterson/Gimlin Film

Here is just some of what you are going to see:

edit on 28-11-2012 by RUFFREADY because: spelin of cores


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

How genetically similar to us would a Bigfoot have to be before killing one could be considered murder?

Personally I would consider the deliberate killing of a chimp or gorilla to be a morally reprehensible act. The idea that someone would deliberately kill a member of a species that was even closer to us, perhaps even a hybrid homo sapiens, is even worse.

They seem to be doing fine as long we leave them alone. We shouldn't be killing them just to satisfy our curiosity. There must be other ways of confirming their existence (dna evidence a case in point) other than just shooting one.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:21 PM
CNN and Time have picked it up as well as an abbreviated interview on GMA.

Human Rights lawyers will, I assume, have to wrangle over the BF issue. I also imagine where they fall in the evolutionary tree is going to be looked at. It's a legal can of worms regardless.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
reply to post by Druscilla

Well Les Stroud will be searching for bigfoot in the not to distant future. He's had two encounters he said in this interview a few days ago (follow link) and really wants to go "alone" to find it once and for all he said.

I think going it alone is the best bet. Going alone presents low impact threat, and higher opportunity for close encounter if these things do indeed exist. It's almost like presenting oneself as bait.

reply to post by Lonewulph

I've been doing solo adventure/survival wilderness trips as far away from civilization as I can get for many sundry years. I'm typically 50-100 miles or more from the nearest sign of any human habitation or structure on any map when I go on a trek.
I'm not hunting Bigfoot. I'm simply getting away from people and exercising some excellent hind brain activity in survival as well as doing some wonderfully strenuous physical exercise.

I'm gone anywhere from a week to a month.
I keep MREs as a fallback, but, part of planning any trip is familiarizing with edible/medicinal wild plants, as well as what local fauna, including edible bugs to expect.

I've never once encountered or experienced anything that would indicate Sasquatch was real and I've sometimes been in areas supposedly saturated with Sasquatch sightings.

I take a sat phone and GPS for emergencies. I ensure I've numbers to local emergency, as well as direct helicopter rental.

If I ever were to sight a bigfoot, I'd like to think that I would indeed do anything I could to kill it. For one, being alone in the wilderness, it'd be an unknown animal and thus a very high potential as a threat.
I know bears, cougars, wolves, and other animals such that they're not really a threat except for certain times of year and situations which you can avoid or manage with experience.
Sasquatch, however, would be an unknown and unknown equals threat.

If I were successful in killing one, they're reported to weigh in at 600lbs or some such. Who's going to drag that kind of weight anywhere for any length of time, even with an ATV?
GPS. Sat Phone. Helicopter. Go.
While waiting, take lots and lots of high quality pictures and video if possible of every inch of the animal.
Ensure to set up a 360 clear view defensible position, especially convenient for helicopter landing.
Damn the cost of the helicopter ride. You'll be able to buy your own private helicopter with the $10million you get for the body plus book/movie rights/sales, etc.

Well from what I hear...IF you succeeded in killing one, it would be the last thing you ever kill!

I hear they either rip a person limb from limb or simply pop the head off as if we're a doll.

Do some research and hear what some other hunters have said. One comes to mind where the hunter says he and his friend spotted one and his friend shot it. Almost immediately one charged from their flank and grabbed his friend. Twisted his head off, grabbed his rifle and then walked back into the woods.

Another report is of a guide leading some tourists out and encountering one. He foolishly shot the bf which didn't drop it or even seem to hurt it. According to the tourists the bf proceeded to rip the guide apart and then walk off.

There are multiple reports of people shooting them and it not even seeming to phase them. I wouldn't risk it.

The other problem is it seems they are never alone. So if you do shoot one you are immediately attacked. Thus you wouldn't have a chance to collect any body or money.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy

Originally posted by Druscilla

Thanks for that.
Those pesky Scooby Doo government Agents are always showing up to ever so conveniently ruin things aren't they?

I know you meant this as a joke (
) but someone early mentioned how the government knows all about sasquatches but is taking the attitude of "if they don't cause any trouble, just leave them be." Inferring it is the cryptological version of the "Don't ask, don't tell" scenario....

Just wanted to point out that opinion is highly flawed for anyone who knows how the government works, especially in these days and times. Our government is headed for a serious financial crisis. Think how much money it could capture on a worldwide level for "physically finding, scientific discovery of, and potential product revenue" relating to something like Sasquatch??? If they knew it was there and could verify it's existence to the world, they'd do it in a heartbeat just for the revenue. No way they'd allow that little meal ticket to go unused in this political and financial climate.

Originally posted by Druscilla
We'd then thereby have the opportunity to raise our own little baby Sasquatches without the furor of controversy forced captivity from the wild might bring about.

Of course you'd have PETA all over you. Good one, though...

It was myself who pointed it out and it isn't flawed. I have witnessed it myself.

Another soldier who witnessed a bf attempted to take it higher up the chain. When he got past the level where they just laughed, he was informed by, I believe it was the General, that he or anyone else better not shoot one.

There's a reason they aren't too crazy about the existance of BF being known. My speculation ranges from: It would open a HUGE can of worms with them being a kind of human, to the BF may "know" too much about our history.

They roam freely around military installations! If there were anything that could be done, it would be. As someone once told me, it maybe that our government knows they can't control them any way.

Imagine if it's acknowledged that they are as intelligent as us, only choosing to live wild. Would we give them Constitutional Rights? Would one be charged for what our society deems as a crime? If so.....
who's going to arrest them and where will they be kept?

How would our society react to knowledge that we have "people" who commit crimes, yet our government can't do a thing about it? How many disappearances would then be pinned on them?

Like I said, a HUGE can of worms...

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
reply to post by Druscilla

Well Les Stroud will be searching for bigfoot in the not to distant future. He's had two encounters he said in this interview a few days ago (follow link) and really wants to go "alone" to find it once and for all he said.

I think going it alone is the best bet. Going alone presents low impact threat, and higher opportunity for close encounter if these things do indeed exist. It's almost like presenting oneself as bait.

reply to post by Lonewulph

I've been doing solo adventure/survival wilderness trips as far away from civilization as I can get for many sundry years. I'm typically 50-100 miles or more from the nearest sign of any human habitation or structure on any map when I go on a trek.
I'm not hunting Bigfoot. I'm simply getting away from people and exercising some excellent hind brain activity in survival as well as doing some wonderfully strenuous physical exercise.

I'm gone anywhere from a week to a month.
I keep MREs as a fallback, but, part of planning any trip is familiarizing with edible/medicinal wild plants, as well as what local fauna, including edible bugs to expect.

I've never once encountered or experienced anything that would indicate Sasquatch was real and I've sometimes been in areas supposedly saturated with Sasquatch sightings.

I take a sat phone and GPS for emergencies. I ensure I've numbers to local emergency, as well as direct helicopter rental.

If I ever were to sight a bigfoot, I'd like to think that I would indeed do anything I could to kill it. For one, being alone in the wilderness, it'd be an unknown animal and thus a very high potential as a threat.
I know bears, cougars, wolves, and other animals such that they're not really a threat except for certain times of year and situations which you can avoid or manage with experience.
Sasquatch, however, would be an unknown and unknown equals threat.

If I were successful in killing one, they're reported to weigh in at 600lbs or some such. Who's going to drag that kind of weight anywhere for any length of time, even with an ATV?
GPS. Sat Phone. Helicopter. Go.
While waiting, take lots and lots of high quality pictures and video if possible of every inch of the animal.
Ensure to set up a 360 clear view defensible position, especially convenient for helicopter landing.
Damn the cost of the helicopter ride. You'll be able to buy your own private helicopter with the $10million you get for the body plus book/movie rights/sales, etc.

Well from what I hear...IF you succeeded in killing one, it would be the last thing you ever kill!

I hear they either rip a person limb from limb or simply pop the head off as if we're a doll.

Do some research and hear what some other hunters have said. One comes to mind where the hunter says he and his friend spotted one and his friend shot it. Almost immediately one charged from their flank and grabbed his friend. Twisted his head off, grabbed his rifle and then walked back into the woods.

Another report is of a guide leading some tourists out and encountering one. He foolishly shot the bf which didn't drop it or even seem to hurt it. According to the tourists the bf proceeded to rip the guide apart and then walk off.

There are multiple reports of people shooting them and it not even seeming to phase them. I wouldn't risk it.

The other problem is it seems they are never alone. So if you do shoot one you are immediately attacked. Thus you wouldn't have a chance to collect any body or money.

Wow, quite the camp fire stories you're telling here - and just as true....

So there was a hunter watching his buddy's head being twisted off by a Bigfoot, and a guide who was ripped apart by another one, in front of eyewitnesses and all... Only I'm sure there is no dead headless hunter or pieces of a guide anywhere. Care to point to a source? That must have been a big story....

What a load of bull.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Caver78
CNN and Time have picked it up as well as an abbreviated interview on GMA.

Human Rights lawyers will, I assume, have to wrangle over the BF issue. I also imagine where they fall in the evolutionary tree is going to be looked at. It's a legal can of worms regardless.

No need to despair over ethical conundrums, since there won't be any proof for Bigfoot, and most definitely not from Mrs. Ketchum.

The more I hear her, the more certain I am that it will play out pretty much exactly as I said a few pages earlier in this thread.
edit on 29-11-2012 by nv4711 because: typo

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Yes, we'd like to see some sources for your, erm, stories.

Hunters have guns. If I were a hunter watching a friend getting ripped to pieces by an animal, I would would be firing at it non-stop until it dropped, or I ran out of ammunition.

Whatever the case, we would indeed like to see your sources. Simply saying "do your research; it's somewhere online" is antithesis to any kind of informed and educated conversation on the topic.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by MarrsAttax
reply to post by Druscilla

How genetically similar to us would a Bigfoot have to be before killing one could be considered murder?

Personally I would consider the deliberate killing of a chimp or gorilla to be a morally reprehensible act. The idea that someone would deliberately kill a member of a species that was even closer to us, perhaps even a hybrid homo sapiens, is even worse.

They seem to be doing fine as long we leave them alone. We shouldn't be killing them just to satisfy our curiosity. There must be other ways of confirming their existence (dna evidence a case in point) other than just shooting one.

That's a question for the courts.
To kill, or not to kill is certainly a quandary for some.
For me, it's not. If there's 9ft tall naked people covered in hair stomping around the forest, and it was necessary to kill one for the rest of civilization to see to prove that there are indeed 9ft tall naked people covered in hair stomping about the woods, then, the answer is obvious.

Additionally, there's a matter of recognition in getting them protected.

Right now, if there's a bigfoot that falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, that bigfoot never existed.
With proper protection, that bigfoot that falls in the forest can get assistance if wanted.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Yes, we'd like to see some sources for your, erm, stories.

Hunters have guns. If I were a hunter watching a friend getting ripped to pieces by an animal, I would would be firing at it non-stop until it dropped, or I ran out of ammunition.

Whatever the case, we would indeed like to see your sources. Simply saying "do your research; it's somewhere online" is antithesis to any kind of informed and educated conversation on the topic.

Lmfao, I love these computer toughies. If I was there, I woulda done -insert bravery- That's a straw man argument, at best. Fact of the matter is, you've no idea what you'd do. Probably check for the nearest mall to buy a new pair of undies cause of the chocolate pudding you left in the ones you were wearing.

If these things are proven to exist, at 9ft 600+ lbs, I've no doubt they could do damage like that & probably take damage like nothing we've seen. I've heard stories of grizzlies not going down with multiple rounds at close range.

Still laughing at the fact you would've done what you said. People that talk like you are the LAST people I want to have beside me in a fight.

Internet tough.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:08 PM
For any one interested the Ra Material sheds some light on the "big foot" explanation.

There are three types of Bigfoot, if you will accept that vibratory sound complex used for three such different races of mind/body/spirit complexes. The first two we have described.

The third is a thought-form.

9.20 Questioner: Are they Bigfoot-type creatures?

Ra: This is correct although we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here.

From my understanding, part of the reason we have "big foot" is to carry on after a possible nuclear fall out on this planet.

9.17 Questioner: Is there any particular race of people on our planet now who were incarnated here from second density?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no second-density consciousness complexes here on your sphere at this time. However, there are two races which use the second-density form. One is the entities of the planetary sphere you call Maldek. These entities are working their understanding complexes through a series of what you would call karmic restitutions. They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.”

The other race is that being offered a dwelling in this density by guardians who wish to give the mind/body/spirit complexes of those who are of this density at this time appropriately engineered physical vehicles, as you would call these chemical complexes, in the event that there is what you call nuclear war.

64.19 Questioner: He also asked—I know this is also unimportant—why there were no Bigfoot remains found after the entities have died on our surface. Could you also answer this? I know this is of no importance but as a service to him I ask it.

Ra: I am Ra. You may suggest that exploration of the caves which underlie some of the western coastal mountain regions of your continent will one day offer such remains. They will not be generally understood if this culture survives in its present form long enough in your time measurement for this probability/possibility vortex to occur.

This material came out in the early 80's.

The Law of One

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by V4SL4ND

That's all very well and nice and all.
You're more than welcome to said opinion.
However, what's the longest you've stayed outdoors, alone, in the wilderness?

I do survival treks with minimal active provision (a few days of emergency MREs for last resort), living off the land, trapping small game with snares rigged from spiderwire fishing line, collecting edible plants, roots, and even bugs. These survival treks typically go from one week, to a month long.

Have you ever had roasted June-bug?

Typically, large predatory animals; bear, cougar, wolves, are of little concern so long as you pay attention and are familiar with their habits and dispositions.
More often, it's the small things that prove a hazard; wood tick, scrapes and cuts that can get infected, personal injury through lack of caution in uneven terrain, and having confidence above your experience.

In all the years I've been doing this; picking spots around the US that are usually 100+ miles from the nearest known human structure, I've never ever once encountered anything linked to or ascribable to the Bigfoot phenomenon.

I'm armed with my late Grandfather's WWII Browning 1911 .45 Pistol on these treks, but, I've yet had need to use it other than a few times where the ammo came in handy as an accelerant for getting a fire started.

I've no hesitation or hangups in trapping/killing small game for food, and I doubt I'd have any hesitation or pause for concern in firing on a large animal though I've yet to have cause to do so.

I'm not speaking from a position of zero experience. Thus, I stand by the assertion that I would not have any hesitation toward firing on a Bigfoot, or any animal threat, especially where the threat is belligerently obvious.

I've encountered large animals at close range in the wild; bear, boar, wolves, cougars. My undergarments suffered no insult. Every incident has essentially been a few moments of cautious blinking at each other where the animal then moved off

You're still welcome to believe what you want, but, I ask again; Have you ever had roasted June-bugs?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:03 PM
OK then, since you've obviously stated you've had fairly ZERO experience with a threat to your life, let alone seeing someone being slaughtered in front of you, you agree with me.

Having a gun at your side doesn't mean you'll use it. Owning a gun doesn't make you brave once the SHTF. I got news for you, I've been in survival situations, & if I saw what we're talking about actually happening?...survival insticts kick in. Fight or flight type sh!t. I've been in that situation before & came out holding my head I can't say I'd do the same thing again if I knew I was a dead man anyway. It's one thing to camp in the woods. It's another to be confronted with death by an obviously raged out killer, while camping in the woods.

Spare me the "I've killed & eaten a squirrel" talk. Us southern folk know how too get filthy for fun.
edit on 29-11-2012 by V4SL4ND because: Pun Shoe Ation.

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