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Our Solar System Is Passing Through The Milky Way Galactic Plane December 21, 2012

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posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

If time zones won't apply anymore, wouldn't that mean that the Earth had stopped rotating?

Isn't that sort of one of the purposes of time zones in the first place--to keep day and night hours somewhat consistent across the planet??

how do you explain that? (oops I mean how are you going to parrot the Andromeda councils explanation?)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Time zones will become stable again after January 2014.
Gravity effects time.
The 3D/4D split will last for about 1 year as the Earth evolves.
Some background information for you.
When Bob Lazar first got hired at S4 his supervisor Dennis brought him up to speed on
gravity wave dampening fields.
There was a bowl with a candle in it.
Dennis lit the candle and then moved it to a center area of 3 gravity wave generators that focused
at a common center point. They were 120 degrees apart.
A clock analogy would be 12 o'clock , 4 o'clock & 8 o'clock positions.
Dennis turned on the power supplies and the candle remained lit but the wax did not appear to be
Time didn't completely stop but it was slowed way down.
All electrical equipment would shutdown if caught in a dampening field unless it was shielded.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

That's nice and all, but you didn't answer my question at all.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

They have done tests with atomic clocks.
One on the ground and another flying in an aircraft at 30,000 feet.
They synchronize them before the flight.
When the aircraft lands, they don't match.
Time is not constant.
You may find this video interesting. The video is bad but the audio is good.
Bob is full of info. In other interviews he calls them gravity wave generators but then
switches back to gravity wave amplifiers near the end. He looks so young.
They filmed this at Rachel, Nevada 1991.

edit on 28-11-2012 by TauCetixeta because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2012 by TauCetixeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

To answer your question, the Earth will continue to rotate.
The time anomalies will just give the airlines a headache.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by eriktheawful

Indeed and I did think about that as I was typing up my post, but it is clear people don't even understand the most basic of basics, so didn't wish to confuse them

I was assuming said "singularity" started out life with insignificant mass compared to the Sun..Obviously, if it had a star or two for starters before hand, things would get ugly...

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by eriktheawful

Indeed and I did think about that as I was typing up my post, but it is clear people don't even understand the most basic of basics, so didn't wish to confuse them

I was assuming said "singularity" started out life with insignificant mass compared to the Sun..Obviously, if it had a star or two for starters before hand, things would get ugly...

The singularity wouldn't think so:

*que Cookie Monster* STARS! NOM NOM NOM NOM!

Actually (and more seriously) Wouldn't micro singularities evaporate quickly? Especially if they suddenly found themselves in the core of a sun? I can't quite remember.

Need to go dig my old books out on this. Been a while, and all the theories may have changed by now on them, hehe.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by eriktheawful

From what I have gleaned from Mr Hawkins awesome brainage is that any singularity will evaporate, over time and especially if it has nothing left to eat.. I assume, should one find it's way into our Sun, it would gorge itself. That said, I have heard from boffins that even if CERN made one that then found its way into the earth, it would be so small it would take billions of years to eat our planet... How true that is, I don't know....
edit on 28/11/12 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by eriktheawful

From what I have gleaned from My Hawkins awesome brainage is that any singularity will evaporate, over time and especially if it has nothing left to eat.. I assume, should one find it's way into our Sun, it would gorge itself. That said, I have heard from boffins that even if CERN made one that then found its way into the earth, it would be so small it would take billions of years to eat our planet... How true that is, I don't know....

Yes, that's what I've read too (the taking a very, VERY long time for it to eat up the earth, so you could imagine it would take even longer to consume the sun), however, I'm thinking of singularities on a subatomic level.

It's been theorized that right after the big bang, there may have existed a multitude of these things, but that they can not last long. Something about they evaporate quicker than they can intake mass.

So say one of these micro ones were to suddenly appear in the sun (or the Earth for that mater), it would be gone quicker than it could grow......

Unless I'm completely not remembering correctly (guess I should go look it up again, hehehe).

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful

And now here is a link on Stellar Evolution

Hopefully some members here can read through the links and get a real education based on science and reality instead of the fantasy education that they seem to be getting from TV, movies, and web sites that cater to those who wish to replace reality with fantasy.

Don't be too harsh here, because there is fantasy in science as well ...

If you take the stellar evolution above, you will discover that all stars are created from stellar clouds or nebulae. And that these nebulae, are the remnants of superovas.

The problem here is, that if you wind the clock far enough back, you'll end up with a universe without stars, and without nebulae to create them ... which basically means, that the stellar evolution as stated, is fantasy and not reality. It's a circular reference ...

Not that I agree with the fantasy that is being placed on this thread, that's way off course from anything ...

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:31 AM
It seems that most of the naysayers here have nothing to argue with except:
"oh a new age website huh??"
Is that all you got?

See you all on Dec 22, the longest, endless day off the beginning of the end of days.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:39 AM
I don't have time right now, but I was researching this galactic rift from a different angle, not astronomy, but astrology. I believe that the mayans were astrologists, observing the sky and that that heavenly bodies forming some sort of patterns, allignments, may be a part of this event, rather than an astronomical allignment.

The zodiac cross rotates during the precession of the equinoxes against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross with one revolution in 26.000 years (length of a Great Year or Platonic Year). The Galactic Cross rotates with one revolution in 220 million years (time of the revolution of the Solar System around the Galactic Centre). That’s why the Galactic Cross is regarded as a fixated cross during a precession cycle, its rotation can be neglected.

The two crosses (Zodiac Cross and Galactic Cross) form an eight pointed cross and four times during a precession cycle they overlap. The moments of conjunction are called a Great Celestial Conjunction (for details see our paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’ - Smeykavov, Wicherink 2006). It’s the cosmic event that is associated with John Major Jenkins Galactic Alignment. The next one is occurring right now during era-2012 on the winter and summer solstices...

This is astrology.

Not the end of the world.

Also, if anything, I am beginning to wonder if there is more to this allignement, ie. the gravity rift itself. We're not going to enter that plane physically, in the astrological arrangement we will be in a kind of pattern, with the sun, with that plane. Is that gravity plain the 9/11 pit? I've always wondered what that intense gravity field is.

With astrology its more about standing waves in the ocean/universe, the water of space. I believe they can form portals, natural stargates during configurations.

That is the research I was trying to get into, mystery school concepts of the rift and cycles and stargates.

edit on 1-12-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by DrGod

The SDO is not a New Age website.
Some people see coronal cavities. Others see Andromeda Council Biospheres with the shields

Less than 3 weeks to go.

I wonder what the White House will say?
This website should help 22DEC2012.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

This reminds me of this 2012 classic:

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by DrGod

That looks like spacecraft exiting the singularity.
Tolec says you have to match shield frequency of your scout class spacecraft to the
frequency of the sun you intend to fly into before entering it.
Then you have to enter in the Sol Star Location Code (Entrance) and the
Star you want to (exit) into the Nav Computer. It would be a good idea to choose another G2V star.
If you run into a Reptilian Dreadnought Starship just run back into the stargate.
Nearby Stars - Find the G2Vs

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I always thought if we had some kind of incoming, the moon would be protector, as in a friends dream. Take the hit possibly.

This video however, kind of makes me wonder why the moon looks so odd lately. The clouds are behind it, and that is so odd. I've seen odd moon for a while now.

So what gives?

Moon Projection Update 9/5/2012

I think I'm going to start noticing it more.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:41 PM
I'm going to make a disclaimer for the above post and all my posts about 2012 related things. I do not ever intend to promote doom. Don't even believe in it, but feel Family always, and that the new empire they're constructing will be dealt with. Thats all I have say on that. However, when I find something to explore, or get to the bottom of. That is why I post on 2012 type threads, to analyze what is going on, to see what's up. When something is done by black ops and/or their offworld "friends" for the supposed good or bad, I have trust in the real workings of the entire school and the real Cosmic Team and Family from Beyond lower level planes of existence, knowing nothing matters here. But I do very much want to follow trails on whatever is in the works, whether or not they can carry out their plans remains to be seen. Focus on Good and a World you want to see instead, and seek to remove greed and also, negative ideas, think what heaven or eutopia would be like and that whats blocking this lies in us, so its us we have to deal with overcoming.

I believe over time, not on a date, this school is being upgraded. That there are sides, that the other side has limits, always trust in the Good.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

The color temp of our sun is being altered.
The very white light from our sun is hitting our moon and giving you an odd feeling
about our moon.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by DrGod

Does this sound familiar?
Triangle on our sun? It looks like the technology exists to make the singularity larger
so you can fit through it.

I think Captain Janeway could have used this technology while on the U.S.S. Voyager.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

I sungaze, though not as much now that we are getting massive rain all the time, and when I saw something black, as if the corona was light and it was covering something else. But we still need the sun's benevolent rays, but also would like to know more about what it is precisely, beyond its mirror like attributes.

With the moon, not sure Im implying there is no moon as this man suggests, but rather that they may be practicing holograms, because some of the time it doesnt look normal, and laying on top of clouds just seems wrong.

However here is an example of telescope and seeing the moon. Its still there.

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