I have had quite a few. Just as in the title it is so hard to know for sure. Maybe not meant to know either. Sadly i feel that these occurrences have
left me, occurrences where you actually see a glimmer of what is possible. My stories below can be coincidences so best for others to view them that
I will type them out quickly so pardon the errors.
1. My grandmother had a child who died, not sure of his age but he was younger than 10 years old when he passed away, not even sure how but i assume
he was just sick. My father was younger and not old enough to remember him in any meaningful way and to be honest not sure if he was even born when he
One day my father shows me a picture of the boy who died. The picture had distinct objects and scenery. The boy (we will call him steve here due to
wanting to change the names if a family member comes across this.
) was standing in what looked like a park, there was a tree behind him and to the
left (left if looking at the photo). Grass, some dirt and there was steve standing the in a vert distinct position. Left food (his left) pointed left
and right foot straight ahead, he was wearing plaid shorts, his right hand fingers were shaped like the ok sign only facing downward since his hands
were basically at his side. One leg straight and the other bent slightly at the knee as if the foot was on some kind of mound or rock, which i
couldn’t see in either photo.
So my father shows me this and then takes out a photo of my brother (still alive) and what was so shocking about this is not only did they look,
facial features, very much alike but their height was nearly identical so i say very close in age to each other. My brother was wearing plaid shorts,
standing in front of a tree that was to the left and behind him AND his right hand…same exact position with the ok sign.
Here is what their left hand looked like only like i said their hands were pointed down.
ok sign
Actually to be accurate it was their right hand, left if looking at the photo.
OK sign pointed down for no other reason than to make it less obvious meaning they were not consciously making an ok sign. But this i will say, the
images and posing were identical. I estimate that my brothers picture was around 20 or 30 years after the original pic was taken.
I thought about my father posing my brother but he is not into paranormal stuff at all. One time i asked him if he ever had sleep paralysis and he
looked at me like i was crazy. Also the way he showed me these images was in a kind of serious way and i have never known my father to lie to me just
that is how the pictures came out.
I say these images probably around 20 years ago and have not seen them since, but just remember them like i saw them yesterday.
2. At around 25 years old i had a medical emergency. I felt my heart beating very strangely and palpitating, fast intermittent beating i.e., not
normal. I got on my knees and crawled towards the bathroom. As i am crawling the image in my sight was flashing to black like stop motion or perhaps
just what people call fading to black. Not really fading but flickering like losing power. I remember distinctly, even recall wanting to crawl to the
bathroom because it just seemed logical to crawl to the bathroom and be found there. Another weird thing was this taste i got in my mouth and i was in
a cold sweat.
Half way to the bathroom i look to my left and see a white bird out my window staring at me. I stop and look at this bird (looked like a dove but
could have been a white pigeon). So anyway, when i looked at the bird a voice came inside my head and said this:
“If you want to live just get up” I got up went and sat on a couch and fell asleep. When i woke up i was fine. I don’t want to get into what
brought this on except medical emergency and was critical. What happened between crawling and getting back up was a few seconds and like chaos to calm
in a matter of seconds.
Funny thing was i could swear this bird was communicating telepathically and there was another feeling but i would rather not say what that was, it is
too personal.
That is what i remember as it happened.
3. One of my best friends died, this was over a decade ago. I spoke to the person closest to him at the time and he said at the time he ran up a
flight of stairs to get outside (the person dying) and was screaming that he saw his father. He ran about half a block, or walked, and fell over into
bushes. His father had died years earlier.
4. My aunt and cousin were super close, i would say nearly inseparable and as close as two people can be. My aunt passed away and a few years later
her daughter passed on. What day did the daughter pass on? Mothers Day. Funny thing is no one else even mentioned this except in passing during that
Here is the latest ones:
5. My mother was very sick and on life support. In the hospital she told me she saw my deceased grandmother, cousin and aunt asking her about playing
cards and seeing them one day. That is what she told me, i never asked her but of course maybe she dreamt that. Again my mother is not into this stuff
and never was, i doubt she even believes in this stuff.
Edit: I am updating number 2
edit on 24-11-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)
Here is one that is not paranormal (seemingly) but was somewhat odd to me.
6. I worked for a florist in HS. I was unloading a truck and a wire hangar was at the back of the truck to weigh stuff. It was just hanging there and
had an upward hook cut knarly with clippers. I am carrying something in my hands and i am bout to jump off the truck and the wire caught me between
the eyeball and eyelid. Now here i was standing there with one foot literally off the truck and a coat hanger lodged under my eyelid. I literally felt
it pulling my eyelid and the hook end was about 2 inches long and stopped where it hit the top of my eyelid and brow bone. I reached up and pulled it
out and there was no difference before or after, not even slight discomfort.
edit on 24-11-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)