posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 05:56 PM
There is just no doubt that we are in for some extremely strong CME's and flares from our Sun. It has been proven by two independent studies that
13,000 years ago, the Earth & Moon got very hot for a very short period of time. This was established by finding rocks on both that showed
micromelting and dating the age of the event. Both came in at 13,000 years. This burned all of the forests to the ground. About 12,000 years ago Earth
was reseeded with sentient beings plus flora and fauna, as needed and every person alive on Earth today is a descendant of that seeding. This is what
happens when an ELE takes place. Earth is very old and has had dozens of fully developed civilisations, that disappeared due to ELE's.
The video below is 42 minutes and most of it, although well done, is not new info. The best part, with new info, at least for me, starts at 34 minutes
in. The author, promoting his book, examines the planetary positions at the time of the 1859 Carrington event and found some very significant
alignments that certainly greatly influenced the 1859 event. He goes on to show that there is a similar alignment Dec. 21, 2012.
One would have to ignore much solid evidence, to not realize that our planet is going into macro changes. We can easily say that all but 5-10% will
survive the next few years. The Iron Age is drawing to a close and the Golden Age follows. Humans will develop many new abilities.
The first event we can expect is a global coastal water event Jan 1 - June 1 2013. Both Courtney Brown and his remote viewing team and Web Bots, have
combined and carried out double blind experiments and came to the same conclusion. It looks like the coastal event will occur over more than one month
in the said period. The inundation of water will be 200 miles but vary based on coastline elevation. Mt. Kilimanjaro on the east side of Africa, will
be reached by the ocean water and it is 200 miles from the ocean. The best guess regarding the cause, is the breakage of the Pacific tectonic plate
and there is increasing evidence that this is true. When you consider that most world population is close to the ocean, the result of the massive
tsunamis, will be horrendous.
TPTB, in there greed and obsessive penchant for power and control, built hundreds of nuclear power plants that were very unsafe and conned the sheeple
into believing otherwise. This is what happens when the inmates run the prison. Mass extinction is impossible to avoid when and it won't be long,
until all of these plants have no power to operate and there huge piles of spent nuclear fuel will go unattended, due to massive human deaths in
natural disasters and the shutdown plants will all go critical and emit planet killing radiation. We have done so much, so wrong for so long that it
is impossible to expect anything but mass extinction. People are waking up to an uncontrollable nightmare.