posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 01:33 PM
You know what I see here? I see a line of people obsessed and hopelessly addicted to the rat race of consumerism and this notion that he with the most
toys, somehow wins. Outside of the people who just can't get over themselves, I really see people giving up their evening and knowing they
could even get hurt to judge by past events. They do all this for the same reasons my other half stood in a line like that last
year....although the money fairy is on strike this year so there wasn't a point in this household, this year.
Parents and people who care enough to freeze their butts off, lose their sleep and look like lemmings just so their kid can light up in one of those
special moments a parent only gets a few times in life. It may be sad for what brings it, but it's worth standing there to see.
I also see some real pathetic man who needs to ridicule others and put them down to make himself feel good. This same guy can surely be found at
Walmart or Target when he needs to buy supplies for his own house. Maybe someone needs to follow HIM around awhile and ridicule him in public for an
extended a little traveling fan club. See how he enjoys the flip side of his own nonsense.
edit on 23-11-2012 by Wrabbit2000
because: (no reason given)