posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt
Check out Colloidal silver, and do not be dissuaded by the blue man videos which is pure disinformation to keep people from using this incredible
substance. Colloidal silver is a better blood thinner than Coumadin or plavix, and has virtually no harmful side effects compared to either of those.
It can be manufactured for next to nothing once you acquire an oz of 99.999 pure silver. (About 30 bucks at present time)
It is also an incredible antibiotic and is good for all sorts of topical wounds and infections of just about any type. I have seen it cure MRSA in
very short order when other antibiotics were not working.
Following this post there are sure to be a few people flaming me for pointing you in this direction, but I assure you, I know from personal experience
what a lifesaver this stuff can be. The blue guy in the videos was NOT using colloidal silver that was properly prepared, but instead used another
silver compound and used it for years to make him turn blue, and this is disinformation in it's purest form.
To make it I use distilled water, two 9 volt batteries connected positive to negative, running a wire from one positive and one negative post with an
alligator clip pinched on the ends of the wires. I cut the bar of silver into 4 strips and use one for each electrode so that the polarity makes no
Clip the two pieces of silver about an inch apart to the rim of the glass container, and fill with distilled water up to the point that the two
electrodes are partially submerged, but not up to the steel aligator clips. You want nothing in the water but the silver.
The small current from the two batteries will cause the silver to bond on a molecular level with the water, and it usually takes only two hrs or so to
make a batch. I use a laser pointer and shine it into the water. After a couple hours the beam will become much more visible as it reflects the silver
particulate in the water and you will know it is ready. You can use a simple PPM guage to get an even better feel for when it is right, you are
looking for between 5 and 20 ppm if you use one of these.
Colloidal silver prepared in this manner will not effect the color of your skin whatsoever, but will work very effectively as a blood thinner if used
Good luck in your search...