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Contest with prize by me.

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posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by stirling

Ok this one looks really good. I am starting to get the hang of rading physics forums and papers thanks to you guys postulating these really great ideas. Let's see if this one is unique.

How about this......
The Universe is not infinite and expanding, but shaped like a pinch bottle, where energy flows around this figure eight in its infinite varieties...iand directions....criss crossing and combining coalescing into the physical realm..
the physical portion is what we percieve but the other nine tenths is pure energy and acts as an ever flowing river with islands of combined wave forms.....the physically manifested part
The "creator consciousness is the center around which this energy flow orbits......
In other words the universe is the aura that surrounds the essence of the creator consciousness.....nah.......

or maybe
"junk DNA," is actually as yet undiscovered programming sequences that in actuality are the "script" for your WHOLE life......The idea of "Free Will" is an illusion because the DNA have so intensly scripted your part the cosmic soap opera.....
This 9/10 of as yet not understood double helix is the more detailed instructions which we do not percieve to be operating much of our automatic systems...(sub conscious, reactive, regulatory etc....) At very best then, we are only free to basically ad lib our lines as our containers stumble through their programmed parts...............the sole part of ourconsciousness in all this is simply to experience the emotions.....which are after all
the very essence of our experience,(memory being only an emotional prompt for re experiencing those same emotions....
but ill be back


I actually don't get this. I think you need to choose one and expand on it. They all looked promising but in the interest of keeping things moving along I have to simply pass this one and jump to the next.

If you want to expand on one or all, please do. I am interested by what you meant.

have a good one.

edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:47 PM
just so I don't forget here are the runner up prizes thus far

Aqualung2012 100 stars

LordTyp0 100 stars


boncho 20 stars

DrGod 100 stars

I will begin handing these out tomorrow as soon as I sign on. Today was a really long day at work, and I need to catch up in the thread. Thanks for being patient, I won't forget!

There were some really good posts thus far and really you guys deserve the stars too. Thing is I can't spend the rest of eternity clicking on ATS

I really want to give out the grand prize, although all I have learned thus far is a greater prize for me. Thank you to all thus far. There are some really great minds here.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Brujobrett13

next is Brujobrett13

The idea really does sound new. Energy feeding....I have heard of pills replacing food, and gels, but energy...hmmm

Let's see. I have a good feeling about this one. I will try and explain my take on it.

I propose: In the future humans will no longer eat food. I actually believe that taking physical matter into our bodies to sustain ourselves is primitive. When humanity is spiritually freed by the crippling effects of religion, we will be able to take all of the life sustaining prana out from the air that surrounds us to nourish ourselves in every way we need.

There will be no more hunger or starvation because the universe already supplies this form of energy for us in abundance, we have not yet learned how to use it efficiently.I will explain this in greater detail in another thread that I have been working on, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity to get a little feedback on my theory.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Brujobrett13

Ok, so this one was fun for me. I remembered reading once about proposed human genetic enhancements that aimed at adding the ability to skin cells to use sunlight to produce food the way plants do. I forgot about it until I read your post. I couldn't find the article I read last time but I did manage to find another more updated one with some promising results.

I used to have mixed feelings about the whole Transhumanism thing, but I am starting to like some of the proposed ideas, and I will tell you why yours was at the heart of it.

Chloroplasts are solar-power plants of the plant cell, just like the mitochondria that animals and fungi rely on (plants have mitochondria too though). Just as mitochondria were once proteobacteria, plastids (of which chloroplasts are the most noteworthy) were once cyanobacteria, and both still have their own DNA and a very bacteria-like membrane. They have evolved to get very comfortable with the relationship, offloading much of their essential genes to the host nucleus, and now they can’t live without their hosts (then again, we can’t live without our endosymbionts).

This means, however, that if we humans wanted chloroplasts for ourselves, or our livestock or pets, we would need to genetically modify the host animal to express proteins required for chloroplast function. It has been estimated that about 70-90% of the genes required for chloroplast function are provided by the plant’s genome (Martin et al, 1998). In the case of the sea slugs, some of these genes appear to exist in the animal’s genome, although probably not enough for the chloroplasts to be able to reproduce. Which is why the slugs use kleptoplasty - removing the chloroplasts from their food.

It would probably be most feasible for chloroplasts, along with the required genes, to be added to skin stem cells and applied as a skin graft, as there is a lot of research in this area for burns victims. This approach has been used to produce proteins in mice (Larcher et al, 2001), and so should be feasible for producing sugar by photosynthesis in humans. At first this graft may require regular replacement, but eventually the chloroplasts will be sustainable within the skin.

so the idea is not new, but who cares. The way I see it, this sort of enhancement is more important than faster running speeds or increased strength, or even heightened intelligence.

When we solve basic issues of the human condition like hunger by genetic enhancements we actually take the next step into evolution of the human psyche. If you have really strong or smart people who are scared of death or are motivated by hunger you have the same problems we do now, but only with less controllable people and more capable people of doing their share of harm reacting to their human condition.

Nothing would change. If people no longer needed to worry about food, we would begin to see life itself differently. We would think on a new level. When man began herding food and raising crops, he ended his nomadic life and took the next step in his evolution. He built cities, and population centers of all shapes and sizes.

More importantly we started using the excess energy we had spent running after food to contemplate the world around us. If our belly was empty we would have to solve that problem first before looking at apples falling and wondering "why" that happened. If Newton was a nomadic savage he would have eaten said apple and not invented a world of math we now employ for great things.

We can expect the same sort of return from solving hunger all together. When food is no longer needed we will see the entire universe in a new light. Not in the edible or not categories we now place it in.

We look to a planet and say "it is not habitable" because of this or that reason. What would we breath or eat, ect...

What if we looked at planets as a possible home because of their mathematical perfection, or relationship to the planetary system they occupy instead of their particular traits. We could look at every planetary body as a home if we could adapt to it. We think we are in a static state of being. If we knew that we could change in any way to adapt to any environment we would see all planetary bodies in a new light. They would all of a sudden be considered in new ways instead of being "dead" or not.

Everything would change by our perceptions changing and our perceptions would change by our condition changing.

Change the human condition and we will evolve. Change the details and we will remain the same.

That to me is what makes you a mutant or a superior being. The state of your human condition. Is it really different?

I love your idea. While it is not exactly original, it is ground breaking.
So I salute you!


edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

Like Q testing captain Picard on star trek for the first time. When he says that for an instant Picard broke away from everything he knew and was opened up to the limitless possibilities and so he saved mankind by proving that we were capable of such a feat.....
edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

I loved that line! It really made you excited to see the TNG movies...and then "Generations" came out.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

your post seems to draw on some great ideas. I would say it is a combination of "lunar impact theory" and the application of the "Fibonacci pattern" when looking at the model of the perfect math it produces showing how it went down.

The impact of a molten liquid planet and another planetoid with the long bands of material stretching out progressively and falling back in for a second impact and then the second impact making a pair of perfectly balanced spheres. The Iron from the two being fed into the earth so as to produce our iron core which made our protective magnetic shield from galactic radiation possible, and so life itself.

edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by jesusatan

I have definitely heard that one before. I don't really want to provide a source since that would make me have to read allot of crazy stuff. While I love conspiracy theories, I draw the line at reptilians and the galactic federation stuff.

It is galactic federation of races of man stuff. Maybe true I don't know, But I am too tired to filter that right now.

Thanks though.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by dedpope

ok, here is one from dedpope. It looks like it is going to make me work for this. Let's see. It may be the one.

OK I'll bite, I think ( & yes I have thought this allot) technology has got to the point that A.I. is TPTB & we just cant see it. Look at the web, it's in a sense "immortal" you can't kill it,if the grid went down today there is still military networks that would survive, and the world has come to the point we can't live w/out it. I feel that allot of the worlds issues are smoke & mirrors to blind us from whats going on. ( & no I do not mean like the matrix) the beast to kill the world is the one we make, & its growing right in front of us yet blinding us with its snake charms. I am not saying that robots are going to take over the world, or use us as battery's, I think it likes the control that it has over us as is why mess up a good thing right, we fight to build it better, don't you think if we could make a smart phone that we could make a more sustainable world.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

The double impact theory doesn't explain the angle of the moon's orbit relative to the earth and the composition of the moon shows that it was made largely of mantel material from the earth, and that both formed in relative sumultaneity at approx the same distance from the sun (testing has proven this). Impact theory doesn't work, unless an even MORE astronomical (unrepeatable) coincidence. Also, speed of impact is at issue here. How do we explain angle of orbit and the speed of something that came flying in with a big WHACK, when in truth it would have had to have all but "docked" on eterning into orbital relationship with the earth. External object "big whack theory" has to go for these reasons, and thus we're left with the pulled-earthmantal (reminds me of pulled pork) hypothesis. Also, to try to make the "big whack" theory hold up, it's become a double big whack theory comprised of not just one but two cataclysmic blows from some unknown object of origin. It doesn't work and therefore has to be discarded.

What I'm saying that's different here is that the original seed of the moon began as an intentionally asto-engineered object from over 4.5 years ago (the actual moon hasn't changed much since) around which the entire Earth-Moon-Sun relationship was formed, and thus the remainder of the solar system, if not, by extension the entire galaxy ie: that galactic formation alone doesn't guarantee life, which needs an ASSIST in the form of the these specially engineered objects which form the cornerstones of life bearing solar systems. The original object may have even contained the blueprint for DNA and most certainly the dymamic equillibrium for DNA evolutionary phenomenon, once initiated (those inland tides of the distant past when the moon completely eclipsed the sun would have provided a nice environment for the continual disintegration and reintegration of basic DNA cellular orginisms)

It stretches the imagination of course in regards to the question of "who" might be the creative agency, but that there was one isn't left in much doubt when we begin to consider the startling series of coincidences in regards to the rather unique earth/moon/sun relationship.

It also begs the question that if there's a "farmer" somewhere in the mix, if "he" ever returns to check in on his crop?

Maybe we'll all Godsent as children of God and Jesus is like the first fruits of the increase (evolutionary harvest postential).

Are we to stand that tall in the creation..?!

I believe that's the idea behind the whole affair, that we might become self-realized expressions of the same superintelligent creative agency in relationship with "God" as co-creators ie: that is pleased the father (first father of creation) to share his kindgom with all his children" (so do not be afraid or let yours hearts be troubled - said with a smile).

edit on 22-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by strafgod

just to jump ahead for a sec, that is basically the simplified 5 soul / 3 soul cabalists believe in.

1 part stays with the body at the grave site, 1 other part of the soul goes to "heaven" and then there is another part that merges with god. Each part a separate soul of yours but all of them as one soul that are connected as one being.

That is pretty deep when you think about what it means. You have a good perception of spirit.

awesome man.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Great philosophy = prize of ATS stars? Interesting to ponder in and of itself.

Happy Thanksgiving

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

well as far as galactic engineering, stargate universe beat you to it. The crew encounters a "race" or inteligence that does this. We never found out what or who that was or how they would have explained them or their purpose.

Yet another epic Sci fi show canceled due to bad programming execs focusing on TV viewer ratings only.

Anyways, yeah it is a big mystery. The math for the "docking" is actually off as well. It will always be a couple miles off from the earth. I forget the name of the theory but it is the principal of taking the current orbit and trying to extrapolate working backwards to a union of the two masses. The mass of the moon could not have "spun off" the earth to form the moon since the current rate of the earths rotation would be many times faster. In the end the math always leaves the moon just a few miles above the earth making something like 5 passes a day and the earth spinning like a dizzy top.

That is what I have learned at least. I couldn't explain the math since I am HORRIBLE at it. It is what I have learned from watching all the available documentaries and videos of theories attempting to explain how our solar system formed and what I read online.

I am too tired, I will give it a shot tomorrow at finding it. I think That is all for today.

for the moment dedpope´s theory is the last in line. AI is TPTB. Original or not? Tomorrow I will have to declare a winner by most original Idea or a flat out winner by completely original Idea.
edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

You're missing the superintelligent design proof which refutes the Strong Anthropic Principal. That is what my moon-as-seed-of-life on earth idea is all about, not moon formation only, but intelligent design in regards to a series of astonishing factors all of which result in a human being standing in awe as the moon perfectly eclipses the sun, but that is just one small aspect of a whole host of astonishing things about the design of the earth moon and sun, and thus solar system. I am saying basically that it's not purely a natural phenomenon, but is artificial and made with high precision design and intentionality, the product (in part, but as the capstone) this ten fingered species who's able to observe and appreciate this wonder, this message in a multi-billion year bottle floated to us, in particular, (beginning with the end in mind) across the ocean of eternity.

What's I'm saying is that the arrangement is proof of superintelligent design, whether as the fingerprint of God or superadvanced astroengineers of the ancient ancient past, but if so, how did they come into being?

edit on 22-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

well I can't say I don't know where you are going with this. The idea of Mardok for example "making" creation. The power that many cultures held of language being an actual force of creation, where spoken words actually made creation.

The rearrangement of reality by a powerful mind full of understanding. I have thought about this too. Not so much a moon seed, but absolute intelligent design by the observer reality being made by an aware observer. Like lucid dreaming in the real world. You think and it happens.

Yeah man, it seems like it if you read enough myth and attributes of Gods and their stories, that this power/ state of being is implied.Even the Sun is told by Aztecs and Mayans to have been made again by a gods or "perfect" beings.

Perfect could just be fully awakened. A real life observer reality. /lucid dreamer.

Even the tales of Australia's aboriginal people talking about a time when the dream world and this world were one and the things people did then. It has some real implications for reality.

edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:15 PM
lmao, ok need I say more , after I made my post I was just lurking around a shizam

ATS thread someone just added

and my GF called me crazy for putting black tape on the laptops webcam's in the house and unplugging the kinect when not in use. who's crazy now? **puts on tin foil hat**

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by dedpope

yeah all random cameras give me the creeps. I don't use web cams that don't have a physical shutter.

I hate my phone cam. I always put my finger over the lense that is facing me.

On a side note, I have never heard of your theory. I think you might win this.


for your theory to be true as well though, which I am sorry I don't think it is, the AI would have to have somehow, from the future, sent back instructions to the distant past to manipulate people in power 200+ years at least. So if in the future we develop time travel that works backwards, AI from the future would have had to send messages to people in the past to make them create it. A paradox if I ever saw one.

It would make a great book. If you write then write it. You would be onto something original. Ai like sky net is an after effect of our creative evils. Like the fear of singularity now. What you suggest is that it is in control now, even before it is completely finished.

I wanted to say Not original because of sky net and the terminator franchise since it has everything your theory requires, but it does not take it where you did. Also they proposed natural development with later time tinkering by the machines.


edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Good job finding that, you did better than I could have... cheers.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

One good answer to that would be world religions, before we had world religions, we as humans had a great path ahead of us. With the introduction of organized religions that took spirituality out of our own hands and put it into the hands of a few select few groups of people. there would have to be an evil force for us to follow something like this, not saying that its the case just an option for how A.I. could go back to get us working on/for it.

just to be clear, I'm in no way bashing organized religions in any way.
edit on 11/22/2012 by dedpope because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by dedpope

well there you are sounding like the plot for metropolis. Fake, robotic, artificial "Maria" usurping spirituality with violent religion so as to control us all.

I love that movie. It was eons ahead of its time.

"The mediator of head and hands must be heart"......

It actually has a special place for me in my mind. I found an old VHS when I was a kid before the whole film was released and it is what got me involved in allot of conspiracy theories. I was enthralled that it was banned and all copies destroyed. The choppy missing sections being written by your imagination as you went....the infinite stories you could make it into.

It really made my imagination run wild.

Then I saw the full movie when a more complete version was made from recovered material.

The story is just awesome.

Be the mediator, that is my life motto. Nothing is evil beyond the destruction of our unity. Our great works are not oppressive when we understand them. Our great works are not possible unless we all build them. Our heart must be true and pure to keep the balance or our tower of Babylon will fall and we will remain divided.

edit on 22-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

I think that would make for an interesting conversation.

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