posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:58 PM
I dont really like the behaviour of many BF shoppers and no I really dont agree with making people employees miss out on Thanksgiving. But
regardless, I have a special hatred for people with their panties in a bunch over BF.
Anyone who read my rant would know why.
I didnt do BF shopping for a number of reasons. But hey, if there was a sale on say, an Xbox360, and I had the money I'd consider showing up.
OOOOOOOHHHH!!!!!! Yeah, well So f#ing What. I like the games on Xbox. They're fun. I wasnt brainwashed by advertisers. This is just something that
gives me genuine pleasure. Some people like other things. Thats all there is to it. We like things. We are a thing making and thing using species. But
that DOES NOT automatically make us shallow materialistic monsters. And if you could care less about the things well thats great! But dont sit in your
self made ivory tower and cast overgeneralizing judgements over the lives of people you think you've got all figured out.