posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:25 PM
Ever since I was a small child, I had these momements in my life where it seemed as if I had went through it before. Its extremely weird, because I
know this exact situation has never happened ever, its almost impossible.
Here's an example
I was a friend's birthday party, and we were around a table talking away in his kitchen. Suddenly this weird feeling came to me, and I felt like I
had been here before, though this is the first time I've ever gone to the guy's house. I could almost say the exact words that everyone would say,
and I had this extremely weird feeling inside my head, almost surreal. This has happened to be many time before, the recent example from this week. I
dont why this happens, or if I can control it. Also, my best friend one day approached me out of nowhere and told me he has the same thing happen to
him. I thought that was odd, because neither of us had brought it up until that point.
Anyone have experiences like this? Is it just me? Can I somehow control this?