posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 10:37 AM
"One For the History Books" may have a different meaning to a scientist as it does to the average person.
What's incredibly exciting and groundbreaking to a scientist may seem like much ado about nothing to most people. Case in point is times in the past
when NASA has held a press conference to announce some really new and exciting finding, people always start speculating BIG things (such as contact
with aliens), but those people are usually disappointed when they hear it is some esoteric (albeit scientifically "exciting") finding.
And I'm not exaggerating about the people speculating that a NASA news conference is about alien contact. It has happened before right here on ATS.
NASA announces a press conference, and some ATS members start buzzing about alien disclosure being imminent.
Who knows? Maybe this will be such a big finding that the average person may find it exciting. However, it could also be a big scientific finding
that leaves the common person saying "so what?"