This is my first real thread. I am hopeful that you all will read it and find it helpful in some way.
Faith - is belief in a god or gods or in the doctrines or teachings of the religion.
Religion - is a collection of belief systems, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral
Theology - is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession
acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.
These are defined by:
I have faith in this way:
1. strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence
6. any set of firmly held principles or beliefs
7. allegiance or loyalty, as to a person or cause
This is defined by:
I started this thread this way to demonstrate there are different ways to demonstrate faith; not all have to do with religion or theology.
I have unshakeable faith in certain beliefs as I am sure those that read this thread will have for their beliefs. It is not my intention to debate
these beliefs, rather my intention is to show you can have certain beliefs without religion or theology.
I believe in a Higher Power...I do not call it God. I believe in life after "death"...I call it rebirth. I believe we are all part of a much bigger
picture...than this tiny little planet Earth. I believe that "TRUE LOVE" is the universal language...that controls the bigger picture we are a part
of. I believe there are spirit guides/guardian angels...that help us to stay out of harms way. I believe we all have a responsibility to each not let hatred control our actions (free will). I believe that the intent of religion and theology is rooted in goodness...yet
misunderstood and abused by hypocrites to justify behavior. I believe in you and all that you are...but I do not condone hatred of any kind against
those that have the same right to believe what they want. My beliefs will never harm long as your beliefs don't harm others they are
When beliefs cross the line from acceptance to denial...this is called censorship. What right does anyone have to tell another what they believe is
wrong? None. Especially when they are not doing anything to try and shove those beliefs where they do not belong. I won't make fun of you if your
sexual orientation is different...if your religious beliefs are rooted in the many forms of religion that exist...if the color of your skin does not
match mine...if you are homeless or drive a beat up in a shack, if you are a loving decent person that tries hard to do their best that is
all I can ask of you.
However, if you are a politician, religious leader, authoritarian figure of any kind (teacher, police officer, soldier, etc.) that teaches one thing
and has behavior that contradicts the very thing you are supposed to be are a hypocrite. Pass laws, preach from the pulpit, teach morals
and behaviors, defend the rights of others while killing those that cannot defend them selves. In the meantime, we have millions of homeless people
and starving people all over the world, yet we continue to justify wars over religion and mineral rights? We spend billions of dollars on weapons and
space technology...wouldn't that money be better spent elsewhere. Does having a fancy house of worship seem proper...when the same could be done out
of a cardboard box. Those taxes and donations that they collect all over the world...for what are they really used? I think they could be better
spent. Don't you agree?
I have a very strong belief in "TRUE LOVE" and I want you all to drop the hatred...we are all in this together.
Thank you.
edit on 11/20/2012 by BrokenAngelWings33 because: Edit