Hi, ATS-ers
Usually I’m just a lurker, I enjoy these threads very much, but today I’d like to share with you what happened to me yesterday and ask for help
with identifying an object. The whole thing unnerved me and I just want to know, out of curiosity. I coudn’t think of a better place to ask, as you,
people, seem to know a lot about things
It happened in a forest, so I think it fits this thread
Let me start by making two things clear:
1. I don’t think that this event was of paranormal nature. On the contrary – I think it has a perfectly rational explanation and I’d be
delighted to find it
2. We were not trespassing. This was a public ground, there was no fence, no boards/plates or any other indications that this could be private
As for a little background information – this happened in Poland; the regulations regarding guns are quite strict here and it’s not a very common
thing for people to shoot at each other at random
But I don’t want to spoil the story.
I also need to add that this happened while we were geocaching. For those of you who are not familiar with it – it’s a kind of outdoor activity,
the main idea is to look for containers hidden in different places by other players, using a GPS receiver. Those containers are called
„geocaches”. People often go geocaching with their families, including small kids, as the game is educative (there is usually a description of the
location provided, giving details about the history of the place etc.) and fun at the same time (like a treasure hunt).
Yesterday I had the afternoon off, so on the spur of the moment I decided to go geocaching, because I want to complete my goal (1000 finds) by the end
of the year. I don’t like to go alone, as the caches are sometimes located in secluded areas and I’ve already had some unpleasant experiences, so
I asked my mom (who also had some free time on her hands) to go with me and she agreed. We decided to go for a walk and look for some geocaches at the
same time. We drove to the southern part of our city, to look for a cache which was hidden near a gorge in a woody area (there is also a residential
area with fancy houses nearby).
Let me give a brief description of the place where the cache was hidden: there is a dirt road, and on one side of it there is a high, steep slope with
a house and some trees on top. On the opposite side of the road there is a vast, flat meadow/swamp with some shrubbery and trees as well, bordering
with fields and other meadows. The cache was supposed to be hidden in the trunk of a fallen tree lying on the meadow near the road.
It was very cloudy and cold and the GPS receiver was going crazy, so it took us quite a while to locate the proper area. We were just minding our own
business, that is – the geocache, leaning over, looking for the container somewhere on the ground level. Everything was calm and still, we were the
only people in sight. Suddenly, a large number of birds started making a huge racket in the trees behind me. I was about to say that apparently we had
woken them, when that thing – whatever it was – was shot in our general direction from behind my back, without any warning at all.
It traveled over our heads, in a straight line parallel to the ground, making a loud, whizzing sound. It was very small, invisible to the naked eye,
but both of us were later able to determine the direction it came from and where it was headed. It traveled across the road and disappeared into the
slope on the other side. Now that I think of it, it seems that it was moving quite slow for a bullet – but I’m not sure about that. It didn’t
explode upon hitting the slope or anything like that; it was still invisible, but I guess it must have hit the slope as it was traveling in a straight
line and had nowhere else to go.
Well, I’m not a scaredy cat, but I was so startled (to say the least) that at first I couldn’t realize what had just happened or do anything else
except for shouting some expletives. It also scared the living daylights out of my mom, who started to freak out. We decied to get the heck out of
there. There was still nobody else in sight, we didn’t even know exactly where that thing came from. If it was just a blast, a sound of explosion,
we probably wouldn’t mind it, as kids here like to play with firecrackers, especially now, as the New Year’s Eve draws near and they need to
practice before the big day
But the fact that it went right over our heads, so close to us, was really scary. Whatever it was, I wouldn’t like it
to collide with my head. And the fact that it was shot from behind my back… Well, psychopats have no decency these days
There were no other witnesses except for the two of us (even though the area is usually crowded with people walking their dogs and riding bikes, but
that was a working day and the weather was lousy). We also didn’t look for that "bullet"/thing on the slope, we just wanted to get away from the
Upon arriving there we noticed two bikes left in the bushes nearby, but they were old, rusty and damaged and it seemed as if they had been dumped
there a long time ago. So I don’t suppose that someone arrived on them just before us.
So, basically this would be my question, out of curiosity: have you got any idea what that thing could have been, basing on my description? Tiny
object, traveling a bit slower than a bullet (but I’m not sure about that really), making a loud whizzing sound. I know it’s not too much
information for a start, but perhaps it rings a bell? Some kind of a firecracker? My guess would be a bunch of dumb kids trying to give us a fright,
but I still have no idea what that thing could be. Anyway, they sort of succeeded. Today it doesn’t seem as scary as it was yesterday and perhaps
I’m making too much fuss over it, but anyway, I’m not used to such situations and it unnerved me a bit.
Thank you for reading this & sorry for making it so long and for all the possible mistakes (English is not my native language)
misskat1 - great
thread, thanks!
edit on 5/12/2013 by Yuriko because: I forgot to mention that there was no smoke, while firecrackers usually leave a trail of