The Bible is filled with symbols. It's a great mystery. Life is a mystery. . . a grand jigsaw puzzle.
I've read the first few chapters of Genesis many times trying to understand. I know for one thing that it serves as an example of what NOT to do when
we are faced with temptation. Both Adam and Eve were deceived. Adam could have said, "No woman, we are not supposed to eat of this tree." But, he
didn't. They BOTH listened to the snake. The snake told them that they could be like God. Well, Adam and Eve were
already like God. They were
created in his image.
Much of what the enemy, or the snake, or Lucifer, etc.....does is twists the TRUTH.
Jesus shows us examples of what TO DO when faced with temptation. We don't THINK about what the enemy is asking....because that opens the door to
deception. We instead use the Word...the Bible and speak/think the truth.
Now, the Bible is deep with, what if the tree is not a tree as we know it? It's a symbol instead? What is it a symbol for? We acquired
the KNOWLEDGE of good AND evil aka the "fruit" or "apple." What does that mean? After Adam and Eve gained that knowledge, they had become like
"one of Us."
We already had everything the snake claimed we could get..... So, did Adam and Eve take a short cut, instead of doing things in the order they were
intended to be done? After they disobeyed, they suddenly noticed they were naked and were ashamed. Why? It wasn't a problem before. My dog doesn't
have a problem with being naked. What's the big deal?
The knowledge of good and evil is the problem. We are stuck in that....what is every story, movie, or book about? Good vs Evil. Everything is based on
whether it is evil or good.
This is a very interesting subject that I ponder on often, and i still do not know. It's fun to think about it tho