posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:30 PM
Go spend some quality time with your family and/or house pet. You may never seem them again. It might not be today or tomorrow, but the truth is,
these are very unstable, freaky times were living in. Just check the front page of ATS, or better yet, CNN/FOX news, for assurance of this. I'm not
hear to fear monger but i think i just had a moral epiphany as my brother is in the hospital and almost died today, the doctors said. He caught
salmonella from eating a tainted batch of chicken. My dad ate from the same batch and was throwing up and had diarrhea all day yesterday. Seeing my
dad in that condition made my gut quench. I mean my dads a tough guy; he will still go to work on a full blown flu. But this, this was something else.
He couldn't even talk, eat,or walk. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to endure that kind of sickness. He still went to work today, believe it or not,
while my brother is still hospitalized. Why them? My brothers one of the nicest guys iv'e ever met, and someone like that should never endure the
torture he went through, and still is going through as he spent the last 48 hours in a hospital without eating, in a hopeless state. I cried a lot
today, and it really hurt. I felt horrible as i kept putting myself in his shoes. It made me wonder, "why is there so much suffering and pain going
on all over the world, including my closest family, and why am i living comfortable with great health? What makes me different than the 80% of the
world suffering? Why not me, instead of them?."
It hurt really bad.
So anyways, the fact of the matter is, you never know what you have until it's gone! Stop quarreling with your sister, call up that forgotten mother,
and forget all pasts arguments with your beloved family, for gods sake!
Right now is the time; tomorrow is uncertain. These times have been predicted and ancient prophecies are occurring. Mass human suffering, i hate to
say it, is dominated these times. Sooner or later, this apocalyptic world we live in is going to affect you, or your family, in some way shape or
form, as it has my family. I'm just hear to give you a heads up to cherish your family or loved ones, and realize in a blink of an eye, they can be
taken away from you.
So express your love for your family today, because, trust me on this, the realization that you may never see someone again hurts, bad. Especially if
you haven't reconciled your differences!Call your brother up, and go drink a beer or watch a movie or something, while you still can! You don't want
to regret not having done so!
Sorry about the rant, I feel like i had to get this off my chest.
Peace, and feel free to reply how you feel about this.