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Researchers Achieve Quantum Teleportation Between Two Macroscopic Objects For The First Time

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posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Sorry about going way off topic btw.

On topic thought:

So, in say, 50 or so years, 3d printing will be where computers are now after 50 years of development (basic tic tac toe on a litebright style screen to living breathing worlds with stunning visuals).

Using quantum communications directing a advanced 3d printer (or metamaterials that form to shapes), one could speculate on not just instant communication, but instant replication of a object from across the world/galaxy...aka, telecommuting to work would be stepping into your room and a physical form appears at the other end of the communication point..a fully realized object in the form you have, even down to texture...

We can live in matrix pods then with a brain hookup...or walk into a toxic room with no issues as your really just sitting in your home perfectly safe as your avatar is on mars doing soil samples while wearing a wife beater t-shirt, etc..

ever feel like you were born a bit too early?

I have felt as if I were born too early since I was a small child and realized all the really cool stuff was still 100 or more years off. I was born to pilot through interstellar space, and mine asteroids, and fight armies of invading alien machines..etc

I have several questions about the thought of 3D printing another me though, wouldnt that be just like a twin, where both are genetically the same, yet both are fundamentally different?

I notice your implying a form of remote control of some type, I supposse this would fix that issue as I would alwas be in control and know I would simply wake up at home if somthing were to happen, but I cant shake the feeling it would be like having an implant that simply downloaded my mental parameters and was removed after death, and used to reimprint a new clone. It wouldnt be "you' it would be the last uploaded imprint of 'you'.

Though I could just as easily be quite mistaken, as this is still in the hypothetical at present, though it has some real moral and spiritual implications.

Very interesting thought experiment though, as once one could simply go to any location in an instant like that, my lord, we would be GODS. As there would be no location one couldnt see or experience at some point.

It would be like space tourism, only real and just sooooo badass. I would like to experience spagetification while falling into a black hole, or see a super nova first hand, or experience the crushing force of 900 psi atmosphere on venus..... I think I could just go on forever thinking about all the things I would like to do with that kind of tech.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Thats a bit more down the line, the "brain in a box" scenario where your basic body structure

streamlined down to the bare bones so to speak..literally a brain in a box that is kept alive and functioning, hooked up to a network where you sort of mind control a body
One of the requirements is quantum communication...aka, this thread.

There was a movie that sort of touched on to this where people would be sitting at home, pretty much in a matrix, while their purchased mechanical body (looked and felt difference really.biochemical machine you remote controlled with your mind, you didn't know the difference) walked around town and lived their life.

cloning technology, biomechanical advances, communication, etc..all these techs will integrate to one another until this is pretty much the on the net until we need to do physical stuff, then print out a disposable body and do whatever..then when done, release control and recycle the shell.

I don't see this as a completely alien way of living, but it would certainly be an adjustment...also, I see it as a natural progression..question is, will it be in 50 years, or 500...human predictions are woefully inaccurate due to our natural short sightedness...

But these concepts (remote control bodys) is not new...frankly, its been around as long as religion..just removing the paranormal aspect with science.

The quantum teleporting of info..aka, communication, is the basic wiring that will make all this possible.
edit on 19-11-2012 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 02:07 PM
The Air Force is all whack about this sort of thing, and has been for maybe 10 years.

There are satellite constellations that communicate with each other through sidelinks. So you've got traffic from ground to the sats, and then if the satellite you want isn't in range, the network will bounce the data to you through the sidelinks around the curve of the earth.

However, there's not only a big time delay there, you also have the possibility that the heathen Chinee might put a man in the middle, intercepting the sidelink and getting the data, or worse, modifying it. Even if you use lasers for the link channel, that makes it harder to get in the right place but not impossible.

There are ways with this sort of thing to tell if the signal's been intercepted. And there are other bonuses too.

There used to be a lot of neat powerpoints from various presentations-to-brass floating about the net, I suppose they managed it eventually because there's not so much detail anymore.

Last I heard, they were talking about DSP being the first refit if they managed it in a fieldable form.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 02:35 PM
Don't raise your hopes on human beings ever being teleported by quantum means. You see, there's just a small problem; the human soul is not composed of physical atoms. You can transport all the atoms your future teleporters can deal with. But junk in - junk out. All your output will ever be is a small pile of atoms in the corner on a planet light years away.

But, of course, that won't inhibit physicists. After all, they will then still be seeing themselves as machines, won't they?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 03:19 PM
I am surprised that this still comes up. Quantum teleportation can not be used for faster than light communication.

Teleported is quantum state of some object. For this to be successful you have to tell the other guy what you did with your entangled bits(what you measured) by the means of the old boring speed of light information transfer. Only with this info he is able to replicate your quantum state.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 03:41 PM
The whole entanglement business is like playing with specially prepared dices. If throwing one of them gives an even number the other is guaranteed to be odd. But only having one of the dices won't get you very far as your results will be perfectly random. Well you will know what the guy with the other dice will get, but it won't help him either if you don't tell him your results.
edit on 19-11-2012 by moebius because: clarify last sentence

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by moebius

That is where your thinking too small, we would not have that problem.

What our saying is that if I send a mores ode message, the guy at the other end cant read it, as they dont know the code yet.

Where as, we would have a simple to understand up/down( binary 1 or 0) system, where if reaction A happens then it means blank, or if reaction B happens it means blank plus 1.

We are more then capable of having the codes worked out in advanced silly. We have been doing this for manyy years now.

Indians didnt have to run to the other mountain to ask what 2 puffs of smoke meant, they already knew before hand.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by micpsi

We are simply chemical/physical organic vs mechanical machines at our fundamental level, there is no difference, unless our religious, at which point, your religious views have absolutely no place in a scientific discussion, as our God "didn't build that" we did.( sorry about the Obama quote, it was to funny to not use in this situation)

Religions teach that humans are special because of a "soul", but what is that? Is it self awareness? Many animals are also self aware, many are equally as smart as us, for example, dolphins, whose brain is comparable to ours, or Orca whos brains are way bigger, and have a much more complex societal and speech structure than ours.

I mean what are you trying to say really? Dont be shy in one of my threads please, I want the hard unadulterated POVs, I am thick of skin, dont beat around the bush.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Thats a bit more down the line, the "brain in a box" scenario where your basic body structure

streamlined down to the bare bones so to speak..literally a brain in a box that is kept alive and functioning, hooked up to a network where you sort of mind control a body
One of the requirements is quantum communication...aka, this thread.

There was a movie that sort of touched on to this where people would be sitting at home, pretty much in a matrix, while their purchased mechanical body (looked and felt difference really.biochemical machine you remote controlled with your mind, you didn't know the difference) walked around town and lived their life.

cloning technology, biomechanical advances, communication, etc..all these techs will integrate to one another until this is pretty much the on the net until we need to do physical stuff, then print out a disposable body and do whatever..then when done, release control and recycle the shell.

I don't see this as a completely alien way of living, but it would certainly be an adjustment...also, I see it as a natural progression..question is, will it be in 50 years, or 500...human predictions are woefully inaccurate due to our natural short sightedness...

But these concepts (remote control bodys) is not new...frankly, its been around as long as religion..just removing the paranormal aspect with science.

The quantum teleporting of info..aka, communication, is the basic wiring that will make all this possible.
edit on 19-11-2012 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

Saturn, I really think your reading my mind, I believe the same thing, my brother and I have been talking about this since the mid 80s ( 8 for me 6 for him). It was only simple reason to arrive at this conclusion, as one day, after the singularity, we will be one with the tech, at present we have key boards and phones and laptops, in 50 years, we will have implants, and brain wave hats etc..

It is a fore gone conclusion, we all see it happening, it will come to pass very soon.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by inverslyproportionalThis isn’t Star Trek-style teleportation, but the transfer of information--of quantum states--from one place to another without that information crossing the space between them in any way.

oh but it is.. at least when both mechanisms producing the effect have scanning and nano-molecular printing technologies perfected.

scan an object at the origin mechanism...
...communicate the data...
.... print a copy at the designated destination mechanism while simultaneously deconstructing the original version.

could be used for mass production actually.
atom-exact cloning even.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:01 AM
I'm gonna stretch it here...

On-topic, this is incredibly interesting. I always believed that if man can imagine it, then it can be done. It will be exciting to follow this development. I don't expect to see proper info teleportation or internet in my lifetime, but maybe my kids will

Now to the stretch.

We know now that teleporting info is possible... I mean... we can actually entangle energy in that size to reflect eachothers states.
Now knowing this as a fact... take it one step further. In many years time, we might not only be talking quantum sized energy or objects. I'm thinking tangible objects... visible to the human eye.
From the study, we also know that this infomation change or sharing is instantaneous....

Ok... the stretch... crop circles... I mean, waaaaaay down the line. Maybe they are blue prints after all.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:17 AM
I would like to know what "they" are teleporting in the top secret labs.

This is all fine and dandy, but I think we are really light years ahead of this report.

Just my take in all of it.

To much money is being spent to justify the little bit of rewards we the public are bring told about.
edit on 20-11-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by moebius

That is where your thinking too small, we would not have that problem.

What our saying is that if I send a mores ode message, the guy at the other end cant read it, as they dont know the code yet.

Where as, we would have a simple to understand up/down( binary 1 or 0) system, where if reaction A happens then it means blank, or if reaction B happens it means blank plus 1.

We are more then capable of having the codes worked out in advanced silly. We have been doing this for manyy years now.

Indians didnt have to run to the other mountain to ask what 2 puffs of smoke meant, they already knew before hand.

No, you don't understand. This is not about encoding. You can not simply say this is going to be one and the next will be zero. You don't know the state of your entangled photon until you measure it. And then you will get a nice random distribution of zeros and ones over a series of measurements. You will only see the entanglement if the other side repeats your measurements on their counterpart. Their results will also be random but strongly correlated to yours due to entanglement.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by moebius

That is where your thinking too small, we would not have that problem.

What our saying is that if I send a mores ode message, the guy at the other end cant read it, as they dont know the code yet.

Where as, we would have a simple to understand up/down( binary 1 or 0) system, where if reaction A happens then it means blank, or if reaction B happens it means blank plus 1.

We are more then capable of having the codes worked out in advanced silly. We have been doing this for manyy years now.

Indians didnt have to run to the other mountain to ask what 2 puffs of smoke meant, they already knew before hand.

Moebius is actually right, for the most part.

Quantum teleportation is almost always misunderstood.

It is not about FTL data tansmission, or4 transportation of matter, but it can be used for coding and decoding.

As the other poster pointed out, a secondairy, normal signal has to be sent in a normal way in order for the quantum values to make any sense.

This mistake is always made in threads here on ATS at least, and it is the result of a lack of understanding of Quantum entanglement processes.

It can and never will be used for FTL communications.
edit on 20-11-2012 by WoodSpirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by flice

No matter is transported with Quantum teleportation, and it never will. The only thing that is being `transported` is the state of the particle, from one particle to the entangled partner, but this only works if there is a normal communication between the two locations about the state of one of the particles.

Quantum teleportation, or entanglement-assisted teleportation, is a process by which a qubit (the basic unit of quantum information) can be transmitted exactly (in principle) from one location to another, without the qubit being transmitted through the intervening space. It is useful for quantum information processing. However, it does not immediately transmit classical information, and therefore cannot be used for communication at superluminal (faster than light) speed. Quantum teleportation is unrelated to the common term teleportation – it does not transport the system itself, and does not concern rearranging particles to copy the form of an object.
edit on 20-11-2012 by WoodSpirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by mcx1942

Cryonic freezing! More viable than you think. Just buy a $250,000 life insurance policy and make the cryonic company the beneficiary.

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