posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos
The Javascript console is just something that will report javascipt errors, iirc
Whats your main browser? Firefox? If so click the firefox tab in the top left then goto options>options, then click the content tab and make sure the
"Enable Javascript" is checked.
If JavaScript is enabled then check your addons for something that maybe interferring with _javascript: Firefox tab in the top left then Add-Ons.
I use Chrome as my main browser, but I checked with firefox and that too works fine. Pretty much every browser will have Javascript support, including
Opera, IE and Safari. If Javascript doesnt work on any of those then ther must be something running in the background on your PC that is blocking
javacript.... maybe a firewall? or anti-virus?