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I will NO longer speak to my Zionist friends, I cut 3 friends from my life

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posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by LostPassword

Name one Islamic Country that has peace, freedom, and equality for all. Otherwise your wasting your time, your friends should cut you off. Every islamic country is a cespool of evil.

Again name one that has all three..... peace, freedom for all (including being able to practice your own religion freely), ad equality for all, you can't. Also, name an islamic country that let's it's citizens criticise their leader's without fear or retribution? You can't because islam is evil, and opresses all who oppose. Thank you for understanding now.
edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

Malaysia? over 60% muslim.. the rest are Christians, Buddhist and Hindus all living in peace & equality, but lets ignore this since you tend to focus on the negative side of things, so i'll give you the negative

Europe and the US were worse than the Islamic countries 40-80 years ago

- Countries coming out as regional powers and clashing all the time
- mass genocides, assasinations, crimes
- revolutions and protests and unrest
- African Americans couldnt sit on a bus in America***
- economical problems, depression
- territorial disputes, clashes, someone is murdered everyday
- human rights violations every single day
- huge gap between social classes spawns crimes and hate
- then comes the Nazis and they lock up the jews in the WHOLE of europe, yet we know not all europeans are Nazis, not all europeans supported the attack on jews and other minorities, not all europeans were responsible for the holocaust. Cant that come in to your brain? not all muslims are bent on death.. but when you deal them with the sword, then thats how they'll come at you, it has nothing to do with Islam, its human nature. survivalism

it took 2 world wars to fix europe up and civilise them

hell back then the muslims were living in peace during that time

now it shifted to the muslim lands and now you want to say that you are better than them? at least respect your grand fathers who died fighting for your right, I bet they will disagree with you...; regardless, now the muslims are catching up, and with the internet the gap is getting smaller. By 2020 the middle east will probably be destroyed thanks to Israel and US policy, and then by 2030 from its ashes will rise the new economical and capital centre of the world, at that time it will be the only liveable place on earth.. probably

as for the OP, good for you...

I cut my relations with everyone who I felt was useless to me and I have done much better since then; focusing more energy on things that deserve it...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:50 AM

In the 16th and 17th centuries Portugal and Spain were the main global powers. In the 18th century Britain emerged as the dominant world power followed in France and the Netherlands. By the 19th century the world was divided up by the European powers. Britain and France and to a lesser extent Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands (and Japan too in some places) ruled their separate “spheres influence” so they wouldn’t have to challenge one another.

First of all lay the blame at the right feet.

The British prime minister, Lord Salisbury, commented at an Anglo-French convention in 1890: "we have been engaged in drawing lines upon maps where no white man's foot has ever trod; we have been giving away mountains and rivers and lakes to each other, only hindered by the small impediment that we never knew exactly where the mountains and rivers and lakes were."

The current borders of the Middle Eastern nations were established by Britain and to a lesser France. Most of the borders were drawn up in 1922 by a British civil servant whose primary goal was to map out the Middle East to accommodate British military and administrative institutions. T.E. Lawrence later boasted that he, Churchill and handful of others mapped out the modern nations of the Middle East over dinner.

To protect Iraq from attacks by Ibn Saud, the leader of Saudi Arabia, Iraq was granted land claimed by Ibn Saud—all the land west of the Euphrates River to the Syrian frontier. To appease Ibn Saud, the British transferred the rights to two thirds of the territory of Kuwait, which had been virtually independent for two centuries. This land contained valuable grazing lands and oil. These were the borders that Saddam Hussein claimed were invalid when he invaded Kuwait in 1990.

The borders of the Middle East were drawn up based on British and French interests and ignored local history and traditions. Many of the problems that have subsequently arisen in Iraq, Kuwait, Israel and Palestine can be traced back to how the borders were drawn and the land was partitioned. The French drew a new border for Lebanon and Syria that paved the way for problems and civil war in the 1970s and 80s.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by LostPassword

Name one Islamic Country that has peace, freedom, and equality for all. Otherwise your wasting your time, your friends should cut you off. Every islamic country is a cespool of evil.

Again name one that has all three..... peace, freedom for all (including being able to practice your own religion freely), ad equality for all, you can't. Also, name an islamic country that let's it's citizens criticise their leader's without fear or retribution? You can't because islam is evil, and opresses all who oppose. Thank you for understanding now.
edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

Name one Western country that does...A country where discrimination is none existent and the police do not abuse their authority? A country where all religions are accepted...

I'll be waiting...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:51 AM
I cut out:

People that don't read.
Crony Christians.
Mouth Breathers.

/Forever Alone ._.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Good for your friends , i dont want to have you on my friends list.

Actually suprised they had any in the first place.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

First of all lay the blame at the right feet.

You have spotted the root of the problem. None of the states in the Levant have any legitimacy beyond that given to them by European powers. Rather than admit that they are all illegitimate and hold a conference to draw more equitable borders, the leaders of these arbitrarily created states have singled out one as being the most illegitimate, and use its continued existence to justify retaining their own power. It's a lose-lose situation.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:59 AM
Zionist or Jewish? because there is a difference

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by DeadSnow

Name one Western country that does...A country where discrimination is none existent and the police do not abuse their authority? A country where all religions are accepted...

It's called "Canada." I'm surprised you never heard of it. (But then, you only ever hear about ships when they sink.)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:04 AM
Zionists place Zionism above simple human decency and that crosses my line in the sand.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Solidarity brother.
I no longer frequent the Zionist World Domination, Jewelry, Hair Care and Notary Public Emporium.
I no longer have waffles at the Annual Zionist Conspiracy Club breakfast.
I stopped getting hummus flavored yogurt at the Not-Quite-Lite Frozen Yogurt Factory.

I still eat hummus though.

Why are we mad at Zionists again?

Have you tried the Kangaroo brand pita chips? They're good.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:08 AM
So how I see it is. ALL our dear leaders are trying to fix a problem they themselves helped create.

And look at us, instead of seeing the BIGGER picture we go all tribal.

That is the way of it, this is how it will always be, until we annihilate one another.

We just make bigger spears.

Is it any wonder that great minds foretold our future,

Cold, calculating, heartless, ruthless.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Oh ye perfect Canadians, I over looked you...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by Stormdancer777

First of all lay the blame at the right feet.

You have spotted the root of the problem. None of the states in the Levant have any legitimacy beyond that given to them by European powers. Rather than admit that they are all illegitimate and hold a conference to draw more equitable borders, the leaders of these arbitrarily created states have singled out one as being the most illegitimate, and use its continued existence to justify retaining their own power. It's a lose-lose situation.

Yes, it seems to be a lose lose situation.

Is it any wonder the humble masses are always looking for a savior?

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by omegafire

Originally posted by omegafire

I dont understand why you would do that? Israel is stopping muslims, it's part of a muslims nature do expand, destroy, and conquer evreyone who does not bow down to islam. I'm Chrisitian, if I must be ruled by someone I rather it be a jew then a muslim who beheads and rapes people for being another religion.

Israelies are not all Zionists and Muslims are not always religious extremist! Most extremist can come in any claimed religious sect! When we group those in with a sect because we can't see who is really involved it is bigotry, prejudice and assumption all wraped up into a hateful package! We need to open our minds
to truth and an acceptance of hate that is based on a race or a religious belief is what's dividing humanity! Only through unity will we overcome those profiting off of this division!
I do not know for sure but by seeing who had the most to gain we can take an edjucated guess on who perpetuated 911! This is most likely the Military industrial complex but how this was achieved I really don't know for sure! Though I don't like to assume we can probably believe that the US executive office and factions of intelligents communities of different nation are culpable because of facts & the events of that day and the behavior of these people afterwards! We can also see how those that were supposed to be investigating were covering up those events! I believe the truth of that fateful day will never fully be revealed!
As for who we should be ruled by. We are supposed to be living in a representative democracy! this if noone realizes is when one or more people represent the majority of persons in a state, city or nation! I realize this is not the case and over the past 100 years our government has been hijacked by the wealthy elite to better represent their interest over that of the masses! This is a fact I believe none would dispute and their religous ethnicity does not have any bearing on this fact! depending on the amount of prejudice these representatives conceal they may favor Jews if they are jewish, muslims if they are muslims or christines if they are so but only those of the upper social strata! this is proof that those represented are defined more so by status then race!
It is not hard to see the facts once we remove our emotions as well as our preconcieved ideology from the equation!
Keep an open mind, don't allow your emotions to sway your views and of coarse you too can deny ignorance!

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by LostPassword

You and your people are so full of crap!

Not only are you blinded by the propaganda that your people put out, you can't even think for yourself.
Israel was and is home to the Jewish people, has been for thousands of years. You will never drive them out again. They have a tiny strip of land and never wanted any more, yet you commit horrible crimes against innocent civilians not just of Jewish descent but many others all over the world that don't want your god or his prophet. there are no Christians, Buddhists, Hindus going around killing people for believing differently than you.

Your mentality disgusts me

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by LostPassword

Israel has plenty of oil!!!. Soon you will see.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:28 AM
So..... If I were to become a zionist, does that mean that close minded, bigoted people would no longer speak to me? Sign me up!!

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:54 AM
The problem with Israel is that they are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the Jews in WW2, many politicians keep saying that what has caused this recent reaction is the missiles from Gaza & that they should stop, but the only reason the Palestinians are doing this is because Israel has stolen their land.

What other country justifies assassinating another countries democratically elected representative's ?

What Israel is doing is turning people around the world against them & their cause, they say they want to be left alone, yet they keep prodding & provoking the Palestinians & we all know what happens if you keep poking something with a stick, it turns round & bites you on the ass.

Israel is committing genocide.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:54 AM
double post
edit on 18/11/12 by DanaKatherineScully because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Lots of shills in this thread.
edit on 18-11-2012 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

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