posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:57 PM
We're only going to think the way we are trained to think, in the world we live in. And no, it's certainly not a new idea.
It's the simple law of being a product of one's environment for most people.
You look at any nation, people, be it now or a thousand plus years ago. Most people are much, much more willing to go with the flow, even if there are
two tubes to choose, rather than swim against. You can lean to one side or another, but you are still going where they want you to go.
This is how revolution happens, be it social, political, governmental. But then again, are you, the free thinker, absolutely certain of your own free
will and intelligence, are you absolutely certain you aren't swimming the direction they want you to for their own ends?
Frankly, I could give a you know what about Israel or Palestine. Or any other country or people I am not personally associated with. I don't care
about other countries and peoples. I don't pretend to feign love and support, or hate toward others I don't know. We have enough problems in our own
lives to debate and judge others.