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How Old is Earth? 6,000 Yrs or 6 Billion Yrs...Or?

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posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:54 AM
There is one question about God that has some people thinking, thinking hard, just where did God come from? an even bigger question about God is, did he have a naval?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I believe in old earth creation because of Gen. 1:1 which has no timeline, so whatever the general scientific facts are to the actual age of the earth I support. I also believe the creative days are longer than even a 1000 years.
A simple English phrase helps us understand this, "In the days of the Dinosaurs...." , obviously this covers millions of years.

Young earth creationism isn't just up against evolution it's up against other established fields of science that have nothing to with evolution. They give evolutionists, atheists and agnostics a punching bag of ideological fodder.
Thus the comments we have in this thread, can't say I blame them.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by MikeHawke
sorry God didnt want to go into detail about creation just for you to understand it. It wasn't made to be understood by man 100%. If it was. it would be denying the same power that made it all. its above human concept. You might as well expect dogs to know all about humans and our daily life.

That doesn't take away from the fact that your interpretation is extremely subjective and not based on reality in the least. Science has proven the earth is billions of years old. There's no way around that fact. I don't understand how one subjective bible quote makes you toss all proven science out the window.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Barcs

Science has proven the earth is billions of years old

My statement is "subjective" but this isn't? Then you must be a scientist that works in a lab all day doing carbon dating? if not You too are being subjective. Post the evidence of that up here. But if you "heard" this from the rest of the people that believe that science answers all, then you too are claiming subjective statements. post "the proof" here. Im not saying that the earth is 6,00 years old. i feel its a lot older, but im smart enough to know i wasn't here and im not going to go telling people how it got here and how old it is. How can you prove that say something like WWI happened. Well by using logic there's many stories written down about it. I know the information has been passed down through generations to prove it was indeed fact. Now why do you think so many religions spawned from stories about "something" coming down and being God-like. why is that spot in Jerusalem so important? why are all the stories in the bible real places that actually exist. its not talking abut Narnia here..also, why do these rules make so much moral sense?

1.You shall have no other gods before me.

2.You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

3You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

4.Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5.Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

6You shall not murder.

7.You shall not commit adultery.

8.You shall not steal.

9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10.You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

arguing most these is almost meaningless. everyone know that they are morally sound. nobody would disagree without looking like a dick. its really just the "God" part people have a problem with.

“One reason why many people find Creative Evolution so attractive is that it gives one much of the emotional comfort of believing in God and none of the less pleasant consequences. When you are feeling fit and the sun is shining and you do not want to believe that the whole universe is a mere mechanical dance of atoms, it is nice to be able to think of this great mysterious Force rolling on through the centuries and carrying you on its crest. If, on the other hand, you want to do something rather shabby, the Life-Force, being only a blind force, with no morals and no mind, will never interfere with you like that troublesome God we learned about when we were children. The Life-Force is a sort of tame God. You can switch it on when you want, but it will not bother you. All the thrills of religion and none of the cost. Is the Life-Force the greatest achievement of wishful thinking the world has yet seen?”
— C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity

“Science (when it becomes perfect), will have explained the connection between each link in the chain and the link before it. But the actual existence of the chain will remain wholly unaccountable. We learn more and more about the pattern. We learn nothing about that which ‘feeds’ real events into the pattern. If it not God, we must at least call it Destiny–the immaterial, ultimate, one-way pressure which keeps the universe on the move.”
-CS Lewis

“Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side. You must not do, you must not even try to do, the will of the Father unless you are prepared to "know of the doctrine." All my acts, desires, and thoughts were to be brought into harmony with universal Spirit. For the first time I examined myself with a seriously practical purpose. And there I found what appalled me; a zoo of lusts, a bedlam of ambitions, a nursery of fears, a harem of fondled hatreds. My name was legion.” c.s. lewis

edit on 30-11-2012 by MikeHawke because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by paradox

It is not necessarily "borderline retardation". Fundamentalists have built an entire wall based on their beliefs and they believe removing a single brick will cause the entire wall to crumble. For most people, attacking their belief system is tantamount to attacking the person.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by coolmanoh

they believe removing a single brick will cause the entire wall to crumble.

what brick for instance? it depends on which one ur trying to take out.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:41 AM
Why would the two go hand in hand? It is obvious that where ever the 6000 yr old story came from was maybe talking about human history more than anything else. It is a known fact that the Earth has been here for Millions, if not Billions of years. Maybe humans evolved or something 6000 years ago and they used it as a starting point...
edit on 1-12-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
Why would the two go hand in hand? It is obvious that where ever the 6000 yr old story came from was maybe talking about human history more than anything else. It is a known fact that the Earth has been here for Millions, if not Billions of years. Maybe humans evolved or something 6000 years ago and they used it as a starting point...
edit on 1-12-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

The 6,000 year claim comes from Bishop James Ussher, who died in 1656. He came up with it after adding up the ages of all the patriaches mentioned in the bible. For some bizarre reason people have taken this seriously.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg
The 6,000 year claim comes from Bishop James Ussher, who died in 1656. He came up with it after adding up the ages of all the patriaches mentioned in the bible. For some bizarre reason people have taken this seriously.

What, he thought that the world was 6000 years old because of a few numbers in the bible?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg
The 6,000 year claim comes from Bishop James Ussher, who died in 1656. He came up with it after adding up the ages of all the patriaches mentioned in the bible. For some bizarre reason people have taken this seriously.

What, he thought that the world was 6000 years old because of a few numbers in the bible?

Yes. I think he claimed that the word was in fact created on 23 October 4004 BC. After tea-time, obviously.

People have been using his work for years. Mostly laughing at it admittedly.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Yes. I think he claimed that the word was in fact created on 23 October 4004 BC. After tea-time, obviously.

People have been using his work for years. Mostly laughing at it admittedly.

Considering around that time was apparently the dawn of civilisation, there may be something to it... But then again, maybe thats all BS as well.

Obviously not the age of the Earth but maybe something to do with humans etc.
edit on 1-12-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Well, one of the earlist settlements that we know about was Jericho, which was first settled in about 9,000 BC if I recall correctly. Damascus is almost as old.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:31 AM
Organized religion is a form of control.
The bible is a work of fiction.

All of the human traits we assign to God are asnine.

In the vastness of the Universe, why would a God care about a bunch of evolved apes on a small blue planet in an insignificant solar system in the corner of a galaxy? I'll tell you why. Because we need God to. We created Gods love for us and the support structure of religion and the bible to support it. We even threw in a human that was birthed from a virgin and is the son of God so that we could feel even closer to God. We need to believe in a higher power.

God does not need to believe in human. If fact, why would God care about humans? The omnipotent being/thing/power that is god would be above all of the petty thoughts we have. I would assume that the being that is God is thinking and working on a level so far removed from our primitive thoughts that we couldn't even fathom it.

I believe in a higher power called "God". However, the perverted way we go about praising God and supporting religion is a pagan ritual at best that falls on deaf ears (if God has ears).

I have as much power as the pope, I just don't have as many people who believe that i do.

edit on 1-12-2012 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by jude11

The garden of eden is not the start of the earth it is a start of a new age of man. We are at the moment in the fourth age of mankind...

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg
reply to post by DarknStormy

Well, one of the earlist settlements that we know about was Jericho, which was first settled in about 9,000 BC if I recall correctly. Damascus is almost as old.

Yeah your right.. Its pretty hard to link 6000 years with anything really if we know about civilisations and settlements prior to it.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by wdkirk

Organized religion is a form of control.
( i think some are) others are just for good)

The bible is a work of fiction. I have as much power as the pope, I just don't have as many people who believe that i do.

God believes you do. Catholicism is built on lies. same with Judaism.

Matthew 23 New International Version (NIV) A Warning Against Hypocrisy 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. 5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others. 8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Rev 2
"I know about your suffering and your poverty--but you are rich! I know the blasphemy of those opposing you. They say they are Jews, but they are not, because their synagogue belongs to Satan.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by coolmanoh
reply to post by paradox

It is not necessarily "borderline retardation". Fundamentalists have built an entire wall based on their beliefs and they believe removing a single brick will cause the entire wall to crumble. For most people, attacking their belief system is tantamount to attacking the person.
You sure hit the nail on the head here!!

Look at how many people believe in Macro-evolution. Try telling one that it doesn't happen and watch their heads spin.


posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:13 PM
I believe in micro evolution. not macro, seriously if skulls are your best counter to it being true then i feel bad for you. that's like finding any human skull and trying to pretend you knew all about his life, job, favorite color, etc all before dental records. its mere guesses. yours is no better than a scientists when it comes to that. your making a scientist out to be a god by believing in his word. he better not be wrong because your going to look real retarded then. you wouldn't catch too many scientist these days claiming two different species were once the same thing a few years ago and they just changed according to the similarity in their skulls

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by MikeHawke

Erm, you're not seriously claiming that there's no difference between the skull of a Homo Sapiens and a Homo Neanderthalensis are you?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by MikeHawke
I believe in micro evolution. not macro, seriously if skulls are your best counter to it being true then i feel bad for you. that's like finding any human skull and trying to pretend you knew all about his life, job, favorite color, etc all before dental records. its mere guesses. yours is no better than a scientists when it comes to that. your making a scientist out to be a god by believing in his word. he better not be wrong because your going to look real retarded then. you wouldn't catch too many scientist these days claiming two different species were once the same thing a few years ago and they just changed according to the similarity in their skulls

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