posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:34 AM
Our society is in rapid decline.
Half of Americans think the other half sucks. And vice-versa. There is a drug problem. The problem is, we�re all on drugs. Our education system has
been lying to us about our own history since our inception. We don�t have any idea who we are. That is apparent, since we try to reinvent ourselves
every ten minutes. We are a bunch of fatasses. We eat chemicals. The television is our God. That, or we think God speaks through it. So we obey. Our
old people kill themselves a lot. The young people kill each other.
But we have the best of everything stuff. We have the nicest cars, and the prettiest women (on TV), the biggest houses. I think we as Americans are
feeding ourselves our own crap. I thought we were supposed to live in a country where we determined our own fate. Well, we live a diversion of our own
making The American Dream. Not just a metaphor anymore!
And in the media. Well, when I consider the government and the media, I think it really is representative of us. Most of the problems we have, I think
are only still problems because we announce them to ourselves with our idiot boxes every day 6 hours a day on average. We watch TV, we believe what
we�re told, and then we get to choose from the most wealthy and influential spoiled brats from the top 1% of us. Who turn around and treat us like
we�re idiots, and get re-elected. Someone loan a real leader 20 million dollars so he can buy the presidency. Oh, but we�ve made that illegal, so you
have to have 20 million dollars worth of friends at 2 grand a piece to be president.