posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:07 AM
As to homosexuality, I, as a follower of Jesus, am called to love such people who engage in homosexual behavior, but not to condone their sin as I
cannot condone my own sin. Rev. Phelps is deadly wrong to call such people names. Such names do not seperate the people who Jesus loves and died
for from the sin which is evil, but no more evil to God than any other sin in the world.
It was Jesus Himself who was blasted by the Pharisees for eating with the drunkards and other sinners in society. Too often, we believers focus on
being right about our belief as opposed to forgetting about ourselves and just reach out to a lost world in love. Part of humility is forgetting about
our own needs and trusting the Lord for to meet those while we meet the needs of other people. Focusing on being "right" in an argument is still a
focus on ourselves and therefore not reflective of the true heart of Jesus. As the old saying goes, "People do not care how much you know until they
know how much you care."
I understand more clearly from more exposure that people who engage in homsexual behavior to not see a choice in their behavior or their desires. They
cannot see any way out and to have God tell them it's wrong behavior leads them to hate God for persecuting them for something they do not feel they
can control. There are many stories I have heard of people who were gay who came to the end of themselves (as most who come to Jesus often have) they
have given their problem with homesexual desires and behavior and let Jesus heal them from the behavior and desires. Of those, many have become
heterosexual, some have not received complete healing, some have simply abstained, and some have fallen back into that behavior. So, yes, it is
possible to even have come to a belief in God, Jesus, and all of the Bible and still have homosexual desires. God still calls that sin and it is no
different or more serious than any other sin that many of us commit daily since none of us are perfect by any means. Many followers of Jesus fall into
the "sin which so easily entangles us" - Apostle Paul.
I cannot say the behavior is OK because God does not say it's OK. He is clear that such people must come to Him to be healed of this. Unfortunately,
many people who are gay do not come to Him for healing because they do not believe God can truly change them from the inside out or they are afraid of
what life will be like without their identity as a homosexual, or what life will be like as relationships in which they are engaged may be
dramatically affected.
But, as the old saying goes, if, out of love, I see you driving toward a cliff that you do not see, it is the loving thing to point that out to you,
not simply let you go over the cliff. And the cliff of God's judgement of all mankind is quickly approaching. I don't have pride here about being
"right". I have enough of my own past and recent sin to not apply my own judgement to others. Out of care for others, I do have a responsibility to
bring the light of God to others to hopefully turn them to the only hope any of us ever have.
There is another issue as well that we will all consider in the next three years. It is mainly the large amount of sin of homosexuality and the
massive shedding of innocent blood through abortions in this country which will bring corporate judgement from God on the USA in these next years.
In general, an examination of the decline of civilizations has been precipitated by three major factors:
1. The shedding of innocent blood.
2. Advocation of homosexuality or other perversion.
3. Failure to support or ally with Israel.
America is already doing #1 and #2, and starting to waiver on #3.
Lucifer, the Archangel who rebelled against God out of pride, accuses people and nations constantly and God, who is both merciful and just, is
removing His hand of protection over this country.
There are people in the world who know that God (YHWH) exists and that the story about Lucifer's fall, becoming the devil, is true and don't to know
either one or are foolish enough to believe that being the devils friend will guarantee their safety in this life and in eternity, but nothing is
farther from the truth.
The devil uses his followers as pawns. He hates all mankind and would just as soon destroy every one of us if given the chance. Those who curse God
keep breathing because God holds some level of protection over them even as they rebel against Him. If God removes His hand of protection from people
or from nations, then literally, all hell will break loose.
Almost like a constant trial, Lucifer accuses all of us of our wrongs in front of the throne of God to attempt to force God to allow judgement against
people. It is Jesus Christ Himself who advocates on our behalf in front of God the Father to appeal to His mercy based on the price Jesus paid for our
sin on the cross.
According to the few modern prophets I trust (I am not a prophet, I am an analyst), 9/11/01 was a short-term removal of God's protection to warn
America of coming judgement and gave us three years to repent of homosexuality and overturn abortion. If we did not sufficiently repent, there would
come an irreversible judgement on all america that would start with more severe natural disasters. That three year period ended on 9/11/04 and the
word is that our repentance was far from sufficient and the cumulative sin even getting worse now.
The four hurricanes that hit Florida have happened before (1886) and so these events do not indicate to people a beginning of judgement allowed by God
Himself because of the sin and corruption in America. However, there will be many more successive waves of natural disasters on the coasts and the
southern perimeter of the US to the point that you will hear the following phrases quite a bit from now on:
"In history" "In State History" "Unprecedented" "In Recorded History"
Then afterward, there will be attacks on our soil of a devastating nature on our soil from China and Russia, probably to reduce our competition for
oil in the world economy. God will allow it to drive us back to repentance of sin.
So, while it is easy and obvious to state that everyone's sin is their own business, when God allows corporate judgement on a mass of people because
of the sin of some, but not all, then perhaps imploring people to repent and turn to Jesus to be healed becomes a more urgent matter.
In addition, if the government develops laws to openly allow such sinful behaviors, then while, it is easy to say that leaves it up to each individual
what they will do, it ignores that some other people may be standing to close to a person when God removes His hand of protection and lets the devil
have his way with them. Others will be affected by the judgement to come who have engaged neither in homosexuality nor in abortion.
On an online posting site, no one FORCES or can successfully DEMAND that anyone do anything, all we can do is admonish and implore and point the way
to Jesus.
Many will not agree what I have written here and say all kinds of things back to me. Just please remember this warning as you see the unprecedented
in this country in the next few years and realize that there is power, holiness, and justice in our Lord, that He is alive and an all consuming fire.
He is not a set of antiquated beliefs in an old book.
[edit on 21-10-2004 by managerie]
[edit on 21-10-2004 by managerie]