posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 07:02 AM
I'll give you something to rant about. Stereotypes against teenagers. Common Stereotypes:
1. We call everyone "bro."
2. If you say pussy cat, we'll think not of the cat, but of female anatomy.
3. We are sexually obscure.
4. We are desperate for any kind of intimate contact.
5. We wear baggy pants, and wear chains.
6. Our grammar sucks.
7. Our spelling sucks.
8. We do nothing but talk about relationships all day long.
9. We like to watch others suffer.
10. We do ourselves fifteen times a day.
11. We call each other "dawg."
12. We all listen to rap.
13. We idolize Eminem.
14. We all do drugs.
15. We vandalize property.
16. We "check out" the opposite gender every five seconds.
17. We measure our penis size inbetween classes.
18. We dream of setting up a band and "Hittin' it hard, yo."
19. We can't take any responsibility.
20. Our tempers blow up unpredictably.
All these are applicable to certain members of my age group. It's not true for all of us. I join an online mod for Call of Duty. I set up interviews
and mingle with the community in general. The leader then jokes about how I'm doing more work than anyone in the team. He asks how old I am, I tell
him the truth, and I promptly get booted from the IRC channel, banned from the forums, and an announcement was put up, saying I had tried to
Is this fair? Is this what you would do? I wasn't making innappropriate remarks, I wasn't refrencing how many "rlly hawt gfs" I've had, I wasn't
parroting rap phrases, I wasn't calling anyone "bro." Hell, my grammar was even impeccable. I hadn't talked about my personal life. What was wrong
with them? I was congradulated for everything I've done, then promptly removed for being thirteen.
What's my point? You all are discriminating assholes. The above example is only a small sample of what I've experienced. You know what? Bring it on.
I'm gonna prove to every single damn one of you that we the the potential to be equally intelligent as an adult. You just watch it.
Edit: Title fixed
[Edited on 21-10-2004 by waternorth]