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Mushroom cloud over Tucson, AZ

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:28 AM
This was an interesting picture that I took in the summer of 2003 in Tucson, AZ. It was during the infamous summer 'mountain' fires which happened to be close to my University of Arziona campus on Mt. Lemmon. These pictures were taken from west Tucson. I just like how it really looks like a nuke just dropped over the docile city. I wish I would have taken the picture at a higher resolution, but anyway...for your viewing pleasure:

[edit on 10/21/2004 by Simulacra]

[edit on 10/21/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:35 AM
wow the picture kinda reminds me of iraq, old buildings and all.

cool picture though, you should see what it's like near the blue mountains in sydney when bushfires occur. The sky above the mountains glow red and the mountains are set ablaze.

Truly a beautiful site.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:36 AM
Yea I can only imagine. I'm sure that I have more pics somewhere on my 2nd hardrive in my apartment. I'll find them and throw them up on this thread.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:40 AM
That is eerie looking isn't it.

I've seen lots of pics and video of forest/brush/city fires, but never saw like this - over(wind), up, fan out, then up again.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
That is eerie looking isn't it.

I've seen lots of pics and video of forest/brush/city fires, but never saw like this - over(wind), up, fan out, then up again.


Yea it caught me by surprise. Mt. Lemmon is massive, but to see that mushroom cloud extend about 3 times the height of the mountain was remarkable

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:11 AM
What I find most striking is, will try to define rather than install Photoshop and circle it ........... the smoke is following the wind, where it appears to stop flowing, I see an upsurgance of the smoke, as if a force pushed it up into the air rapidly -- then there is the mushroom effect, first the shroom fan, then the head above it.

Blow it up to about 1500x1200, is plenty of resolution still, to see why I bring this up.

Yep, odd.


[edit on 21-10-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
What I find most striking is, will try to define rather than install Photoshop and circle it ........... the smoke is following the wind, where it appears to stop flowing, I see an upsurgance of the smoke, as if a force pushed it up into the air rapidly -- then there is the mushroom effect, first the shroom fan, then the head above it.

Blow it up to about 1500x1200, is plenty of resolution still, to see why I bring this up.

Yep, odd.


[edit on 21-10-2004 by Misfit]

Hmm, yea I see what you are talking about. When I go back to my apartment I will be sure to locate the other pictures that I have of this mushroom cloud and post them.

[edit on 10/21/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:20 AM
Man if you didn't know that there were fires raging, and come outside and saw'd kinda be a bit nervous...and looking for the nearest FEMA bunker.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:35 AM
Forest fire warms air causing rising of it and also produce lot of smoke particles which work as condensing nucleis.

Even normal Cumulus Congestus clouds can look like mushroom cloud and they indicate strong rising air currents so they're reported in METARs with "code" TCu. (Towering Cumulus)

Look of clouds can be very weird, or what you say about this:

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:07 AM

There is another pic from the Kelowna Firestorm of 2003 taken from ground level fairly close to the starting point of the fire... You can see how the "plume" is going up some what, I remember on calm days that there would be "mushroom" type clouds above this area.

Here is another, I just loved this pic... Looks like liquid fire (from the Kelowna 2003 firestorm).

[edit on 10/21/04 by HumptyDumpty]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Here are some of those pics that i promised. Sorry it took so long.
All those pictures were snapped within a mile.

[edit on 10/22/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 02:59 PM
the place you live looks post apocalyptic... i like it!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:39 PM
these pics on your 2nd hard drive took a while to find hey? or maybe they took a while to photoshop?

the "mushroom cloud" is identical in shape in every picture, unless you were in different places at the exactly the same time with the same camera of course

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:44 PM
how come you're from wales and you're at uni in arizona?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by fanthorpe
these pics on your 2nd hard drive took a while to find hey? or maybe they took a while to photoshop?

the "mushroom cloud" is identical in shape in every picture, unless you were in different places at the exactly the same time with the same camera of course

I can assure you these arent photchopped. Get any photo expert in this forum and have them analyze the pics. Matter of fact, I encourage you.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by fanthorpe
how come you're from wales and you're at uni in arizona?

I'm not from wales. I went to school at the University of Arizona 2000-2004. Now im at a University in Wales getting my postgrad degree.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by GeniusSage
the place you live looks post apocalyptic... i like it!

Yea I remember watching Final Fantasy: Spirits within(?) and they proclaimed the Tucson area a 'wasteland'


posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by fanthorpe
the "mushroom cloud" is identical in shape in every picture, unless you were in different places at the exactly the same time with the same camera of course
Of course cloud looks same because all pics were taken places close each other!

At least second and fifth pic are taken from same road. (those parked white cars and powerline)
Also right edge building in first and sixth pic is same.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by E_T

Originally posted by fanthorpe
the "mushroom cloud" is identical in shape in every picture, unless you were in different places at the exactly the same time with the same camera of course
Of course cloud looks same because all pics were taken places close each other!

At least second and fifth pic are taken from same road. (those parked white cars and powerline)
Also right edge building in first and sixth pic is same.

Yea its pretty evident that these are not photchopped. Not really remarkable is happening, just bizarre looking cloud from a mountain fire in tucson

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by fanthorpe
these pics on your 2nd hard drive took a while to find hey? or maybe they took a while to photoshop?

the "mushroom cloud" is identical in shape in every picture, unless you were in different places at the exactly the same time with the same camera of course

Nice try at what?
Offering pics of stated fire smoke that looks cool to him?
Is the subject line the ONLY thing you read?
One can drive one block, take a pic, and the area in the frame looks different.
There are plenty of differences in the smoke of each shot.
Have you ever watched a cloud on a no-wind day? Don't change much do they?



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