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Google confirms: ‘Government surveillance is on the rise’

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:52 AM
Hell ATS,

As we all feared the government is rapidly attempting to censor our Google searches(removing possible search results that could affect the current government) and is demanding the removal of many YouTube videos, They are also requesting reports from Google email accounts. Surveillance is most definitely on the rise according to Google themselves.

From January through June, the US government filed more than 16,000 requests for user data from Google on as many as 7,969 individual accounts, the report shows.

Ridiculous if you ask me, they are most definitely ramping up there efforts of censoring content that could effect their "National Security". I believe they are attempting to minimize the amount of whistle-blowers they have had many problems with in recent years, just look at wiki-leaks.

According to statements made by NSA whistleblower Bill Binney at the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York this year, the US government is “pulling together all the data about virtually every US citizen in the country and assembling that information, building communities that you have relationships with, and knowledge about you; what your activities are; what you're doing."

Does not surprise me in the slightest

Elsewhere in the report, Google says it’s more than just surveillance of individual users that is on the rise. The US has also been adamant with censoring the Web, writing Google five times between January and June to take down YouTube videos critical of government, law enforcement or public officials. In regards to the five pleas to delete seven offending videos, Google says, “We did not remove content in response to these requests.”

I personally believe they will have removed the content but disguised how they did it, as Google tracks every search you type into the search bar at the top (Google Chrome), The data is sent to a data centre which then analyses the search using a keyword dictionary.

Lets hope Google are truthful in what they tell us.

Source :

Interesting info provided from Renegade2283 :

Government transparency report on removals : Transparencyreport

Transparency report on user data requests : User data requests

More information to be added.

edit on 14-11-2012 by The0nlytruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2012 by The0nlytruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:04 AM
Well that doesn't surprise me either, and I have no doubt that monitoring is going on. My question is to what extent is it occurring? Seems that if TPTB really wanted to restrict certain things from showing up, then this article that you cite would be quick to go, right? Just doesnt seem like TPTB would even request this info, if I were them I would just hack google and gather the information, then I would blame it on some extremist or something.

Anyways, I didn't seem to see a source, do you have one? Where are you getting this info?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:22 AM
Not news to me.

I don't even think they have to petition Google. I think the super computer at Langley has that covered.

I have posted several times on ATS about my Googling before a family outing at holiday world.

No joke, the key words alert DHS and they can dispatch MIB if they feel the need to.

Call me paranoid, a kook, or a quack, I do not care. I know for a fact that the monitoring setup is way more advanced than a " petition" of information.

In the day of the super computer, monitoring is simple.......everything that gets Googled is stored and processed somewhere.

Just stay away from the Islamic jihad, gulf oil spill, militia combo searches. If you watch your surroundings very carefully you will notice them.
edit on 14-11-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2012 by liejunkie01 because: damn phone spelling

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Source has been updated, See above. Sorry about that
edit on 14-11-2012 by The0nlytruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

Ah thank you. From that article I found this, very interesting statistics and info.

I urge everyone to take a look.

ETA: And this:
edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

ETA2: I would like everyone to look at the first link I posted, then see how big a percentage of the removals related to "privacy and security" are a result of an executive order and not a court order, compared to the percentage of those related to defamation that are a result of an executive order.
edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

ETA3: I found this specific removal request funny, google punked the US.

United States : We received five requests and one court order to remove seven YouTube videos for criticizing local and state government agencies, law enforcement or public officials. We did not remove content in response to these requests.

edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:06 AM
I've thought that this has been happening for years. Since well before 9/11 at least. I guess I was wrong? Anyways, I'm not shocked in the slightest, this was coming sooner or later, that was evident.

However, 7,600+ user acounts isn't much... Are there more they aren't telling us about? Or only 7,600+... Because that is far from surveillance on the majority populace if you ask me.
edit on 14-11-2012 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

As we all feared the government is rapidly attempting to censor our Google searches(removing possible search results that could affect the current government) and is demanding the removal of many YouTube videos, They are also requesting reports from Google email accounts. Surveillance is most definitely on the rise according to Google themselves.

Yeah this action by those who have control over this is just goes to show that we are in the "wild west" of the internet age. It is only a matter of time before they have more control over what information you will have access too. Which is a direct affect of their lack of control over what information flows freely through out the internet.

When TV and radio first came out, they did all in their power to control and funnel what information was leaked and told to the public at large. They are trying to convert the internet into another form of what TV is.

They have control over the MSM, and what is put out in the MSM is approved by those who are trying to keep people less informed, or rather skew the truths to the reality of what is happening on ground level.

With the internet, one can find unfiltered news, and information that has not yet been spun by those with control over such things. And its being paid for, and done by private sectors as to make it seem as if they are just "protecting us" or "protecting the kids".

Now on the other side of all this.. There is much information on the internet that can lead to places that should be under the watchful eye of our community. But this is not the governments job to do so. Unless this leads to something illegal or national security. However national security is being used as a guise to cover up and censor information that is not in all truth affecting our national security.

There is also the fact to consider, there is information and websites out there that should be banned, and not allowed to come up on search engines such as google. ect.
But I think we all know what I am talking about there, and that has nothing to do with information about news and world events.
No most of those are sexual deviant links that have no place in our society. But are also used as a reason why they are doing what they are doing. But lets face it. We know they are using these sexual deviant links and websites as a reason to why they need to "protect" us.
When its total Bull.
Most of us know, and do not go on the internet for such things. Its only the sick puppies out there that are doing those kinds of searches on places like google. And while I may support those links being suppressed. I do not support the suppression of youtube video and links that lead us to knowledge and unfiltered news.

The internet is the only place we have left right now that you can find news that has not been altered or changed to what those who are in power only want you to know.
This also comes down to common sense factor as well.

So do not let them tell you, they are trying to protect us from less than moral sites, when 98% of us are not online for such things. Yet they will claim, and use that to push their agenda online.

Thanks for the thread.. While this does in no way surprise me or shock me. This very well could help some of our newer members understand something they are looking for, or just starting to learn.
Ive been at this for a long time.. And rarely do I come across stuff that shocks me or comes as a surprise.
But that is from my point of view. And there are those out here, who are just starting to wake up, and need to know this kind of information.

I did not start off in this realm just knowing all this stuff.. I had to spend years and years of reading and research to be able to back up what I felt was wrong with the world.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

The information you provided has been added to the OP, Thanks for that. Any more information eregarding this issue would be helpful.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:31 AM
Is that how they figure out all these red dots?

For some reason I would think there would be more overseas but that's not the case.
Gives a new meaning to red states when looking at the map.
edit on 11/14/2012 by Connman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by zysin5

I agree with you entirely this will help new members understand how media publications are manipulated by those in power.

This RT article has been the most informative I have found on how Google deals with these requests from the US and the UN.


posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Connman

Please Flag this post, It is fundemental that this information gets out there, before somebody spins this information out of proportion.

The more that know, the better.


posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

No offense OP, but if you're going to start a topic about this you need to step up your game. The guv had computers before we did so to assume they're NOT monitoring us is naive.

I may be beating a dead horse here, but if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. I know that's not a popular notion in these parts, but the fact remains that that saying is true. Like it or not.

The internet itself is porous. The notion of total anonymity is so 80's. If you want to put some meat on this bone, if you want to make this discussion worthy of intelligent comments, start discussing the technical aspects of how this surveillance effects personal computers. I'm not interested in the guv watching me. I could care less because, by and large, they're inept. Sure, they have a few people and agencies that actually have their act together, but not nearly enough to be effective in the ways that are being discussed here. I do care that in the process of them watching me, are they infecting my computer with a virus? Intentional or not?

There, I said it. A computer virus is more adept at ruining people the the government is.

The same goes for businesses that track peoples' online activity for advertising purposes. If they track my online surfing and find out that I have a foot fetish, and as a result start plugging my computer with sock ad's, more power to them. Are they plugging my computer with a virus by doing what they're doing? That's what I care about and I have yet to see a topic here, or elsewhere for that matter, regarding this.

Look, we all know this website is monitored by the NSA, RT and others. A few well guided clicks will lead you to that conclusion. Myself and others here have said some really disparaging things about the government through the years and, guess what? We're still here. ATS is still here and, while I can't speak for the admins of this site, no one has kicked down my door yet. You know why OP? Because I don't use words that draw their attention and my intent is not evil or dangerous. It's educational if anything. And if by chance I do draw their attention, I'm a non-issue in their eyes because, again, here I am. Outsmarting the guv isn't rocket science.

All these topics about how the personal security sky is falling aren't humorous anymore. They're annoying

If I were teacher I would grade your OP with a D for lack of creativity and relevance.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

The purpose of this post was to inform the people of how the government is dealing with clamping down on whistle blowers and that they are filing reports against us, Im not going to probe every posters machines and tell you how they are tracking you. I am simply just informing the uninformed with legitimate information. My intention is clear. I knew most will already know about this. But I have aimed this post at people who are new starters to the world of conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
reply to post by The0nlytruth

if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. I know that's not a popular notion in these parts, but the fact remains that that saying is true. Like it or not.

How do you figure? What if they build massive personality profiles to discover how to best discredit any anti-gov thought paths. Seems opinions such as this are a good example. I feel that massive monitoring centers could be used as a tool to find out the most psychologically effective means of disinformation for most people who use the net. Facebook is a good example of how much people put online about themselves. Why give the government more ways to discover the best ways for psychological control.

start discussing the technical aspects of how this surveillance effects personal computers.

Its not the effect on your personal computer, rather the effect on your, and everyone's mind that's important. See above.

I'm not interested in the guv watching me. I could care less because, by and large, they're inept. Sure, they have a few people and agencies that actually have their act together, but not nearly enough to be effective in the ways that are being discussed here.

Now that is comical. If that's what you think, then they are much less inept than you think. The people at the top are aristocrats, they have there "act together" much more than us. They have downright geniuses and masterminds at their disposal. Heck, advertisement companies have these think-tank type people working for them, why wouldn't the gov? People who make it their life to discover the best techniques for persuasion and control. And a massive data base like the internet is a perfect tool to do that.

I do care that in the process of them watching me, are they infecting my computer with a virus? Intentional or not?

There, I said it. A computer virus is more adept at ruining people the the government is.

Are you serious? The government is a lot worse than a virus. They have a massive advantage......specificity.

The same goes for businesses that track peoples' online activity for advertising purposes. If they track my online surfing and find out that I have a foot fetish, and as a result start plugging my computer with sock ad's, more power to them.

Now imagine that same process, but with much more important things like dissuading dissent. Also, the gov is much better at it. The use of suggestion is a powerful thing.

Look, we all know this website is monitored by the NSA, RT and others. A few well guided clicks will lead you to that conclusion. Myself and others here have said some really disparaging things about the government through the years and, guess what? We're still here. ATS is still here and, while I can't speak for the admins of this site, no one has kicked down my door yet. You know why OP? Because I don't use words that draw their attention and my intent is not evil or dangerous. It's educational if anything. And if by chance I do draw their attention, I'm a non-issue in their eyes because, again, here I am.

They don't "knock down your door" because that is not efficient. Instead they use the power of suggestion based on the little "personality profile" they have built for some. Probably done through the use of complex algorithms. Not to mention that you pose no real threat to them. Have you personally provided any information that is not available anywhere else that exposes some grand act of corruption by the government?

Outsmarting the guv isn't rocket science.

That is what they want you to think, and they seem to have succeeded.

All these topics about how the personal security sky is falling aren't humorous anymore. They're annoying

They are not meant to be funny, and if they are so annoying, DONT CLICK ON THEM.

edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

And I would give you big fat FAIL for your response, you clearly do not understand the importance of this. They are upping their game when it comes to Web surveillance and control of what we are doing. Whistle blowers will slowly decline as a result of this.


posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:56 AM
I just wanted to add another way that we are psychologically analyzed like I was saying before. This poster made a very good point in another thread about the reptilian brain.

Originally posted by OneisOne

And here is something to ponder. Think about news websites and their comments sections. Most people see that as a way to make their voice heard on the subject. What most don't realize is the comments section is real-time feed back on how the story is received. Did it cause people to post an angry response or a sympathetic one? Some will even quote parts of the article that trigger the response. It's a pretty crafty way to determine how the manipulation is received, all wrapped up in a "have your voice heard" package.

Just a small piece of what I was trying to say.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Renegade2283
Are you serious? The government is a lot worse than a virus. They have a massive advantage......specificity.

Yeah well, I see that as a disadvantage. You know what they're about, what their agenda is and where they're coming from. You see them coming from all angles, and after all that if they STILL influence you, you're more weak then you are stupid. A well placed virus on the other hand blindsides you and can shut you down, or change you, for God knows how long because you didn't see it coming.

I really don't see any difference between you and the people you're trying to "wake up", because you both think the guv has control over you via their "massive amounts" of intelligence and mind games. The only difference is that you want to fight them and the others don't. I'm not going to fight anyone because I see it as a waste of time. I see it that way because I don't see myself as a victim of "what they do". Whatever the hell that is. They can't even get it together enough to keep the potholes at bay on the Jersey Turnpike, yet you want to believe they're insidious enough to get in our minds and change the way we think and do things? Get real. Just because you think they're out to get you doesn't make it fact.

All these mind games you're trying to sell me on isn't working. They don't do it me and neither do you. Why? Because it all boils down to not how intelligent people are, but how strong willed people are. Sorry, but I have a mind of my own and upgraded advertising tactics don't work on me. If I want to buy a new pair of socks, or change my opinion on a subject, I'm going to do so because I need to and no one is going to convince me otherwise.

If the people you're aiming to influence really do NEED the type of influence you're trying to push on them, you need to approach it from a different angle IMO. Quit trying to scare them into thinking people are smarter then they are and trying to use that advantage against them. Fear doesn't wake people up. Education does. You sound no better then the Bible thumpers who keep saying that the Devils biggest deception was making people believe he doesn't exist. Well, if that was his biggest deception then he's an epic failure because EVERYone who subscribes to religion, which is the vast majority of the world, knows he does. That's why they worship God you understand.

Get the connection now? People in charge, Satan, whatever else it is out there that people seem to be afraid of, well......they need to stop it. Stop being afraid of what you think you don't understand and start educating yourself. Once you do that you'll start to realize that what you once used to fear, and as a result let control you and kept you wanting to fight, you now have control over because it really wasn't that big of a deal anyway.

Go ahead and counter me all you want. I'm gonna go hibernate. See you January.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
You see them coming from all angles, and after all that if they STILL influence you, you're more weak then you are stupid. A well placed virus on the other hand blindsides you and can shut you down, or change you, for God knows how long because you didn't see it coming.

Sure they have influence, but I question everything, so I can resist their tactics ans so can everyone. By no means do I see them from all angles, just the ones in the open. Also, no need for insults as for they don't present actual information. I thought you were talking about a computer virus? That doesn't change me, just my computer. Firewalls and Virus protection do a good job of protecting against most, and in any case I can always get a new comp. There is no fool-proof firewall for your mind and your mind is always in use.

I really don't see any difference between you and the people you're trying to "wake up", because you both think the guv has control over you via their "massive amounts" of intelligence and mind games. The only difference is that you want to fight them and the others don't.

They don't control me, and I never once used the term "wake up". In any case, the people I am trying to "wake up" don't think that, or I wouldn't need to "wake them up". Also, I like how you say you don't see any difference, then go on to state a difference.

I'm not going to fight anyone because I see it as a waste of time. I see it that way because I don't see myself as a victim of "what they do". Whatever the hell that is. They can't even get it together enough to keep the potholes at bay on the Jersey Turnpike, yet you want to believe they're insidious enough to get in our minds and change the way we think and do things?

That is because they don't care about the dang Jersey Turnpike, so not much effort is invested. Anyways, I think they are different agencies handling each task. Once again, you say you don't know "what they do", then go on to say that they "get in our minds and change the way we think and do things".

Get real. Just because you think they're out to get you doesn't make it fact.

No articles like this and many others make it true.

All these mind games you're trying to sell me on isn't working. They don't do it me and neither do you. Why? Because it all boils down to not how intelligent people are, but how strong willed people are. Sorry, but I have a mind of my own and upgraded advertising tactics don't work on me. If I want to buy a new pair of socks, or change my opinion on a subject, I'm going to do so because I need to and no one is going to convince me otherwise.

I never said that the tactics work on you, which explains why your so upset about this. I wasn't trying to act like you were unintelligent or were not a critical thinker capable of spotting propaganda. Honestly, I assumed you must be questioning something since your on this site after all. Didn't mean to offend.

If the people you're aiming to influence really do NEED the type of influence you're trying to push on them, you need to approach it from a different angle IMO. Quit trying to scare them into thinking people are smarter then they are and trying to use that advantage against them.

I wasn't trying to scare them, if they feel fear then that is all them, not me. I was giving opinions based on facts. Also, I never said they where more intelligent, just that they were geniuses. I assume many of the people on this site are. I believe many have the capability to become so if they are not there yet (yes, I believe intelligence can be improved, Tabula Rasa). Most of your problems with my statements are based off of assumptions on your part.

You sound no better then the Bible thumpers who keep saying that the Devils biggest deception was making people believe he doesn't exist. Well, if that was his biggest deception then he's an epic failure because EVERYone who subscribes to religion, which is the vast majority of the world, knows he does. That's why they worship God you understand.

Oh come on, I am nothing like those people. I have solid and quantifiable evidence that this manipulation is attempted. And yes I understand, though not every religion has a "devil".

People in charge, Satan, whatever else it is out there that people seem to be afraid of, well......they need to stop it.

The difference, people in charge actually exists, the devil does not. I do not ask for fear, rather understanding. Understanding through education. If it is fear that you felt from that, then I am sorry.

Go ahead and counter me all you want. I'm gonna go hibernate. See you January.


posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Ummm, no hard feelings okay?..............................Extends hand............steals a kiss if female ( If I could afford to buy you an Oregon Duck jersey, I would)

I think we need to agree to disagree on this one issue. If I got a little too rough I apologize. In the 6 years I've been here the points of view that you share just keep coming and I still don't understand them. I should know better by now then to try and change peoples' opinions about something like this. I understand why you're adamant about what you believe and you should understand why I hold my point of view.

You handled this all really well, better then I deserved really, looking back over what I posted. I'm actually a little embarrassed for myself right now.

I do see this place as kind of a family at times and, like family, you can say things you regret later because you get so used to certain people. You're new here and you didn't deserve what I gave you.

I do agree that surveillance is on the rise, but part of what I do for money makes me dependent on Google and myself somewhat transparent in the online business sector. In the course of helping to pay my bills, I make myself available for government scrutiny. So what can someone in my position do? I do my best to keep the firewalls up and current, my 30+ e-mail addresses, the lions share being Google, as private as possible, I move my IP from time to time ( just because I can and it's fun) and use a Proxy when a job calls for it...............and that's about it. But I do all this to keep the machine clean and quick. Aside from some of the trash talk I do here, I don't really put much stock in what the guv. does, because I just don't have the time to invest in worrying about it. I suppose when the time comes when the guv. starts getting in my way of making money, then I'll get really pissed.

So if I came across as being crass and rude, again, I apologize. Don't take it personally. It was more me then you on this occasion.

And no, I'm not going into hibernation. I was just freaking exhausted when I wrote that.

edit on 15-11-2012 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2012 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Aww, thanks, though I am not female. Also, I wouldn't really want a jersey since I don't much care for sports.

I too realize I was being arrogant with my statements. I would like to clarify that I don't believe that the government is watching every person with surveillance technology or anything like that. I was more trying to say that the gov likely performs experiments on how different demographics react to different stimuli. Much like a corporate survey only you don't know you are participating in it. Kinda like what I related from another poster above with the comment section of news articles.

Anyways, I did really come of as a little to conspiracy nutty, and new-agey with my explanations, though it is rather hard not to with topics like this.

So, once again, thank you for showing understanding and bringing this back to a calm discussion.

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