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"Replikin" Vaccines Prevent Pandemics?

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posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:31 PM
"Replikin" counts are used to predict strain-specific pandemics - replikin counting predicted the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic and now warns of a looming -virulent- H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic.

The H1N1 pandemic of 2009 was predicted one year in advance by observing an increased Replikin®Count. Currently, the human lethality rate of H5N1 has increased to its highest level ever, as predicted by the increasing Replikin®Count of the p B1 'Lethality' Gene (1) as well as clinically (Figure).

The H5N1 virus previously has not been very infectious and has not spread easily to humans. (WHO total of 566 human cases since 2003.) However, in 2010, the Replikin®Count of the HA 'Infectivity' gene of H5N1 increased (2) predicting the outbreaks which have occurred in Cambodia and Vietnam in 2011-12 (1). In 2011 the Count has increased further to its highest level since the discovery of H5N1 in 1959 (p

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by soficrow

im sure these new super vaccines will be required for all, for the collective safety for the people, and we will be forced to get them. now how much u wanna bet the super vaccine is just a cover for nano rfid chips, tagging us like animals soon, i suggest all refuse what ever new vaccine is pushed on us in the near future, its a farce. the sad part is once they decide to give us the "vaccine" they will release a virus that will kill thousands making everybody line up for this new vaccine. people will die and we will be chipped. la resistance

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

the sad part is once they decide to give us the "vaccine" they will release a virus that will kill thousands making everybody line up for this new vaccine. people will die and we will be chipped.

Thanks for posting Doc.

For the record, I'm "anti-vaccines" but this is one helluva tricky complex problem. Fact is, all the germs in our world are mutating and adapting into strains we have NO immunity against. Meanwhile, all our immune systems are overworked and overstressed from handling the same chemicals and synthetic junk that are making germs mutate - most of us people are not able to handle any more stress on our immune systems. Governments everywhere are freaking out because they know the big one is coming - and there is nothing in the "arsenal."

What to do?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by soficrow

let nature take its corse, if we were not making vaccines in the first place the germs would not need to mutate to survive, sure more death and less population, but at least there would be better natural resistence against diesese. and mind u forced chipping is comming.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

let nature take its corse, if we were not making vaccines in the first place the germs would not need to mutate to survive, sure more death and less population, but at least there would be better natural resistence against diesese. and mind u forced chipping is comming.

In general and hypothetically I agree with you. BUT...

This new bug will kill off the healthiest, strongest and youngest people - because they have no immunity (not the immune-compromised, chronically ill and elderly). Survivors will be debilitated from the flu, on top of their previous conditions and many will be disabled.

Can you imagine such a world? Where most everyone is so sick or disabled they can't function? Who will do the work? Pay the bills? Fetch water? Grow the crops?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:06 PM
sounds like we dug are own grave on this one, i just hope whomever surrvivees does the right thing in the future, and abolishes all vaccines knowing what can happen when we pump are bodies full of crap made in a lab

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:06 PM
I see you decided to post some content in this one...

To topic: The only thing worse than injecting vaccines into our bloodstreams, has GOT to be injecting fake/synthetic/man-made sh*t into our bloodstreams!

And they cheer it on with "Contains NO biological agents!" Yay!!! ...oh wait.

I'll pass!

Edit to Add: Also, I don't like how Replikin looks related to Reptilian, LoL...
edit on 11/13/2012 by new_here because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:16 PM
I hate to be THAT guy.... but it seems your link isn't working. Takes me to post a thread

Mind fixin it?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by new_here

The only thing worse than injecting vaccines into our bloodstreams, has GOT to be injecting fake/synthetic/man-made sh*t into our bloodstreams!

And they cheer it on with "Contains NO biological agents!" Yay!!! ...oh wait.

Thanks for weighing in! S &

PS. "Replikin" reminds me of "Blade Runner," and the replicants. ...Maybe it's an age thing.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by openeyeswideshut

Done. Lots of gremlins out today.

Thanks btw.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:42 PM
It happens to the best of us...

So apparently this is being disscussed at an influenza conference over the next few days. Wonder if we can get some kind of information from the conference?

Kind of on a sidenote...

The ongoing threat of an outbreak of pandemic influenza , whether it be H1N1 or a variant virus, has focused leading scientists attention on the planning and usage of the Five Pillars: a cocktail of antiviral drugs, vaccines, antibodies, immunomodulatory treatments and other non-pharmaceutical interventions in combination to mitigate and counter such an event. This pre-conference one day symposium will offer a programme of presentations from leading world experts on the use of the ‘Five Pillars’ and their combined strategies that will be employed in the face of a worldwide influenza pandemic as well as the annual seasonal influenza programmes.

This is from a conference in europe a couple months ago. They were discussing variations of the virus last month. I wonder how long they've known about this/ what kind of talks have already been had on solutions.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by openeyeswideshut

I wonder how long they've known about this/ what kind of talks have already been had on solutions.

They knew something was coming since the end of the 1990's - they also knew prevention was the best defence but couldn't stand up against agri-business and Big Pharma. Now - Everyone who knows anything about this stuff is scared poopless - anti-virals don't work, no hospital anywhere has enough respirators, and until this replikins thing there was no hope of an effective vaccine.

The joke is that the public health campaigns just tell people, "Wash your hands and don't touch your face!" (Important, but not to be considered a miracle cure. lol) ...Worse, nobody's going to close schools or businesses or stop travel because the economy can't take the hit - so it'll spread like wildfire.

......The best self-help has been talked about a lot here on ATS - stockpile essentials and isolate yourself and family; set up a 'buddy system' with neighbors; eat well and stay healthy; ...if you get sick, do NOT boost your immune system (these new bugs use the immune system to getcha).

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Oh sheet, just reading now... Intuition told me to watch for one of you upcoming threads...

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Computer scientist J. Storrs Hall’s book on the development of artificial intelligence and its ethical aftermath, Beyond AI:

Creating the Conscience of the Machine, says the following about our likelihood of proceeding rapidly down the path of merging man with machines:

“We’ve been modifying one another since the invention of speech, enhancing our memories since the invention of writing, enhancing our eyes with lenses, our muscles with machines, and our voices with electrical signals on wires. It is so ingrained in human nature for us to enhance ourselves that ‘not’ doing it would be the weird, inhuman thing to do.”

By the middle of this century we will be further supplementing our bodies with genetic, drug and electronic augmentations.

Futurologists tend to look at the impacts of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics in isolation. It is a simple matter to single out a technology and then make a linear regression projecting its future.

The most commonly referenced current example is ‘Moore’s law’. Gordon Moore was originally speaking about IC complexity – which was applied by Dave House to computer performance, predicting it doubling every 18 months.

Popular acknowledgment of Moore and House is that ‘Moore’s law’ has successfully predicted the exponential growth of digital electronics over the past 45 years.

Ray Kurzweil’s book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology has a theory of technology evolution that predicts the same exponential growth for modern economic and biological systems.

My question is how much of this would lead us one step closer to being the test rats in some biological merger with the world of Synthetics? Could the synthetics be part of the secret nano technology intended for the GMO generation to come?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by antar

There is/has been a huge "transhumanism" movement for some time - one of my buddies here was deep into it but we haven't talked for ages. ...I have to think more about this.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by soficrow

yo soficrow, i lost my original reply when the 'other' got 404'd. wind out of my sails! didn't save.

cost-benefit analyists globally getting wet over this i suspect. but what about the eggs!? you just can't order redundancies on such a mass scale!

perhaps they'll market an app with daily (anti-virus lol)updates for this. maybe the vaccine will need to be taken on a regular basis for assured protection.

like i said prior thread, i'm undecided on my thoughts regarding synthetic vaccines however the plus is the lack of bio-contaminants. independent trials done and now offered to the wider medical community. time will reveal it's impact i'm sure.
regards f(uk)

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