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Israel: No Place to Go

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 06:58 AM
Well I guarantee that you won't see this in the news. Israel works with different standards than the rest of the world. Very ironic situation as well.

I say this is disgusting, and actually it doesn't surprise me one bit. If another country did this they'd probably whine about it saying it's inhuman. Europe is being overrun and yet we're dealing with them with a lot more humanity. Funny how the Israel apologists come crawling out of the woodwork when their oh so holy country is being seen doing naughty things. The worst part is that some people actually listen to these guys and bend over.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Razziazoid
Well I guarantee that you won't see this in the news. Israel works with different standards than the rest of the world. Very ironic situation as well.

I say this is disgusting, and actually it doesn't surprise me one bit. If another country did this they'd probably whine about it saying it's inhuman. Europe is being overrun and yet we're dealing with them with a lot more humanity. Funny how the Israel apologists come crawling out of the woodwork when their oh so holy country is being seen doing naughty things. The worst part is that some people actually listen to these guys and bend over.

There are no detention centers for illegal immigrants in Europe? Illegal immigrants are not being deported? There are no hate crimes against immigrants?
Funny how hypocrites are crawling out of woodwork every time Israel is mentioned.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:51 AM
Hey...Israel...Send them here to Canada...We need to population boom and our yearly immigration quota is the the 3 figures anyways. What's 60k .....Please I'm sure that they will be more than happy to come over and enjoy real freedom !!!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

if you compare the treatment these immigrants are getting throughout Africa and the middle east, Israel actually is the most sympathetic towards them.

Is this the way you show sympathy to refugees by sending them to detention camp ?
This is a CRIME
edit on 14-11-2012 by UltraMarine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:28 AM
How about this solution?
Arm and train them to defend themselves and send them home to fight for their survival...maybe with a little back up they would be successful and even grateful to the extent of being friendly?
Say a thrid of those are military age....(ibet theres more than that)...thats a 20,000 man army.....
surely they could carve a piece of their country back and hold it?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by stirling

That idea's a bit sick but somewhat genius at the same time. I mean on one hand, you could be sending them to their deaths but what if they succeeded? It would be a truely heroic tale. Maybe the Israeli's should ask them how they feel about it.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 11:16 AM
At a time when we should be uniting to rid the world of famine and displacement we are turning our backs!
I hope the price for this insolence comes to each who support it! Till then the world will continue to turn to selfish
persuits and anyone that needs help will be left out in the cold! We have advanced in knowladge but we have regressed to the dark ages as far as the social strata goes! I feel a great evil on the heart of humanity, destroying
our ethics, empathy and innocence! This is leading us to division instead of unity, which will enevitably lead to a war like no other, famine unlike any, pestilance like none before and destruction which none will be able to ignore as all these hardships will spread to any that are unprepared to meet it! God help us all!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by stirling
How about this solution?
Arm and train them to defend themselves and send them home to fight for their survival...maybe with a little back up they would be successful and even grateful to the extent of being friendly?
Say a thrid of those are military age....(ibet theres more than that)...thats a 20,000 man army.....
surely they could carve a piece of their country back and hold it?

That actually makes alot of sense except one thing; Weapons cost money and that's not including all the other stuff they would need like food, vehicles, ammo, artillery and many other things i would not be familiar with!
Also they would probably need training! If israel does'nt even want to temporarily house them then why would they be willing to spend all these funds supporting a people that have no commodities or assets? I suspect that
it will be less costly at least resource wise (though more costly morally) to just jail them in concentration camps!
Though I do believe that arming, supplying them and training them to defend themselves is the right choice!
Think of the positive media coverage they would get by helping these people! It's ashame that this is not the way of the day! Cause in this day and age there is noone that really cares about helping others unless there is something for them to get out of the deal! May God have mercy on us all!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by HabiruThorstein
And given where these refugees came from, why did they end up in Israel? They are literally surrounded by muslim nations with lots of room, plenty of petro-dollars, why aren't they going there? Hello? Anyone home there in Egypt? Saudi Arabia or anyone on the Arabian Peninsula? In fact of the arab countries that refused asylum to their own arab brethren after telling them to leave Israel so they could invade without killing muslims, but then refused them asylum once they lost? Hmm.....I wonder why they ran to Israel seeking asylum instead of nearby muslim nations......

And thats exactly how it happened. The attatcking Muslims were the main driver as to why they left in the first place and is even recorded by the King of Jordan at the time as saying "exactly that" several years after the war. These same Muslim nations still today use the Palestinians as a pawn against Israel which is why these Mulsims nations want the supposed oppression of the Palestinians by Israel at the forefront and to continue as without them they have nothing and they know it...Who is the beast here !!!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Yes but they're not surrounded with 5 seperate chain link barb wire fences. Oh and we don't use fully armed soldiers to guard them.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:08 AM
I guess the Isrealis learned a lot from the Nazis. Putting undesireables in camps, bulldozing houses with families still in them, victimizing people and warmongering. Zion and Nazi have a lot in common. The Dredel game is pretty funny, Take all ,take half ,take nothing. Nothing in there about sharing is there? I wish people viewed religion with the same ambivalance as choosing what breakfast ceral you feel like eating every morning. No one kills each other over what cereal you like. Stupid.
edit on 15-11-2012 by ceranko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:13 AM
I think people in the middle east are hopeless. And religion is laughable.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:58 AM
There was this song sung by a nation facing huge odds of surviving as a free nation as Hitlers germany tried its best to level London Coventry Birmingmam ect.
It was "There'll always be an England"
England survived Hitler but now is unrecognisable as England in many parts of London and Birmingham.
Perhaps the Israelis believe "There will always be an Israel" if so who can blame them?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:35 AM
It would be interesting to see the lifestyles and environments that people who support uncontrolled immigration live in relation to those that don't.

Simply because having lived in an area where immigrant communities made the majority, I can tell you now, it's not fun, in fact, it's Hell. I don't blame Israel for clamping down on this, it's a small country and 60k today could well be 60 million tomorrow. May be some of you who seem to think we should look after all these people from these poor countries should take time to spend a few years living in such communities, see how you're made to feel. I don't blame these people, it's down to culture and teachings, but in my opinion every country should take responsibility for its own people. Something that doesn't seem to happen at all, but when its forcing people out of those countries, that's when I feel the international community should get involved.

The whole of Africa, except a few countries, is in a total mess, pumping trillions in to the place will do nothing! These countries need to be made accountable for the state in which their own people are living in. Such a mineral/resource rich continent should not be in the state that its in, even if the environment is often harsh, so is the Middle East, so are parts of Asia, they are not in the same state! Mass immigration to other countries just causes conflict, because you are forcing cultures to clash and then saying to the locals, you're ignorant, you're racist, when they have had no say in people being forced on to them and get no protection from communities that want to live their culture but with our benefits.

Take care of your own, it goes for Britain, goes for America, goes for Israel, goes for everyone!

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy

There are already lots of immigrants in Israel.

Yes, mainly European Jews the last time i looked!!!

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter.....
The American Dream has been made possible by those same Jews . Their business skills put America together . They run everything .

That probably explained why, we are in the worst economic crisis since the 1929 Great Depression.

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