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New petition on Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by alumnathe
I am waiting for at least one of you to REALLY assert your freedom by logging off and never going on the Internet again. You can gallop horses through the street ringing a bell, but you can't use the free mass media system to push your cause. If you respond to this post then you are acknowledging that you support the very system you hate.

Ready set go!

Okay, you first! Then I'll start getting the messenger pigeons ready.

Seriously, it is a start. Have you looked at the amount of people getting involved with this? Of course it has no legal bearing, but at least people are making the connection that a lot of people are sick and tired of this.

I did not vote out of protest this year, for the first time ever, and from what I understand, I am not alone. I am also not a "right winger", the people that lump all of the people that signed the petitions don't seem to realize that not all of them are. I am just someone who has had enough of the B.S., so let's see where this takes people. Sometimes that first push is energizing enough to start change.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Sink the Bismarck!

No clue on that one, then, I pledge allegiance to the creator and nothing else myself. So what is your deal? You are mad because I said Smart guy? Well, if you don't see there are many out of work now, not able to pay their bills.... You should probably open your eyes.
edit on Wed, 14 Nov 2012 08:08:01 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by rickm

Not to go all roughty toughty on ya, but I'm an attorney. And without slinging a tedious diatribe, I'd like to point some things out. First, the Supreme Court can do whatever it wants. There is always an excuse, be it public policy or interpretation, for ruling as they see fit. Second, White v Texas was a case about Federal bonds and their full faith and credit during a period of turmoil. When cases are decided, the court uses statutes and rules from previous cases to reason the case before them. But when the facts differ, such as a case of bonds and one of secession, the same rules are generally not applied and we go back to the source, the Constitution. And when we get back to the Constitution, we revert to element one, and the Justices can do what they want.
edit on 14-11-2012 by TopClass because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by muse7
I like that, let's see these fake secessionists put their money where their mouth is

I'm sure there are many right wing paradises where these nuts can go live! Where there are no social safety nets, no health care and where they can get into daily gunfights

There are many immigrants waiting to be part of this great union, we won't miss these crybabies

Of course you like that, as you share the same values and views of 0bama. Punish those that are against you. We should expect nothing less from you and other Liberals Progressives.

What a wonderful Govt we have ended up with.
No wonder the country is imploding.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by AceWombat04

I see where you're coming from but I have to ask you honestly... in this day and age, considering the very deep rooted problems that have well and truly corrupted those in power, considering the sad state that the nations collective common sense is in, do you honestly feel that all will be solved in the manner that you've described -- or in any other way excluding a pretty darn drastic event?

Just try and imagine it happening, realistically, and tell me how you see it. I wish I could picture it, but as hard as I've tried, I just can't. Secession, assuming enough of the people got behind it, is about as good as I can imagine change actually taking place... and even then it's a pretty dicey option -- for sure a lot can go wrong. But what are the alternatives?

The ship is taking in too much water and unfortunately it's too far out at sea for it to make it back whole. It's either get on a life boat, or sink with the ship.

Options are running out.
edit on 14/11/12 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by muse7
I like that, let's see these fake secessionists put their money where their mouth is

I'm sure there are many right wing paradises where these nuts can go live! Where there are no social safety nets, no health care and where they can get into daily gunfights

There are many immigrants waiting to be part of this great union, we won't miss these crybabies
If they do put there money where there mouth is (like the big money is doing) these immigrants you speak of and the Obama base won't have the tax payers to support them.
They are your meal ticket, but then again you would have to put aside your hate and use a little common sense.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:57 AM
I hope Texas is successful in succeeding. I for one will love to move there. I'm sure most people will rush there when they wake up to this tyrannical government.
edit on 14-11-2012 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Navieko

Ship sounds about good to me now. I wish I could afford a nice boat to live on, go dock it wherever

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Navieko

I have considered it carefully, believe me. I know how unlikely and unrealistic a resolution seems to many at this point. My hope for us and faith in our humanity is not so easily relinquished, however. Do I honestly believe it absolutely will be resolved amicably? Not necessarily. But I believe it can be, yes. The potential exists and I do believe we are capable. But we have to want to, and that means not reacting to every protest or opinion that we disagree with by suggesting that we exile (or worse, kill, as I have seen some advocate) those who raise them.

I am simply responding to this according to my nature, as will we all. My nature is to advocate peace, tolerance, communication, and compassion. I cannot escape or change that nature. Likewise, if it turns out that it is our society's collective nature to unravel or, in the extremity, even enter into outright conflict beyond just words, and if it cannot escape that nature, then that will be as it will be. But I will still consider it a failure on our part as human beings, and I will still be saddened by it. Because I truly, deeply believe that this can and should be averted.

In my opinion the first step toward rendering a thing inevitable, is to believe it to be so. The second, is to make it so. I do not want to see us head down that path. But it is everyone's prerogative to respond to this reality and these problems as they will. I can only add my small voice to the mass. The end result will be the average of the sum, whether I like it or not.

edit on 11/14/2012 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Navieko

Ship sounds about good to me now. I wish I could afford a nice boat to live on, go dock it wherever

Well lucky for you, the sinking ship is indeed made out of 50 nice boats clumped together, all you gotta do is grab enough hands to get one separated and you can prolong a happy existence.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by ajay59

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by Grimpachi
It amazes me of the sheer ignorance of some people. It took me a while to realize they are dead serious and they have no clue as to what they signed or the purpose or power it holds. I can say with certainty when it hits them they are going to be pissed and I am sure I will see some rants about how the system sucks mainly because they never understood it to begin with. I took this thing as a joke pretty much the whole time until it dawned on me that some of these people think they are changing something. Just wow seriously wow. They have no clue what these petitions are meant for.

Well I explained it a couple times to some of them I don’t think they believed me anyway so I am just going to sit back and wait for their heads to explode. Which will be fun but for now I will let them live in there fantasy world where Bizzarro rules. For those of you who know what I am talking about you should just let it happen and we can all have a good laugh when it’s over. There are some decent petitions ongoing and I hope they get the attention needed to be looked at. I may put one together after all this stuff blows over. The one thing I can say for certain after the last day of reading the treads and petitions is the ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me I keep having to lower my bar of expectation with the human race. The most amazing part of it all is that there are so many of them.

Anyway have fun I got to go. I have work to do.

The petition does not hold any power. Secession comes from the state legislature, not a bunch of random people. Let's all look at this for what it is--a form of protest driven by frustration. Protest and voicing your displeasure are good things and part of a healthy republic. Perhaps the White House, who invited this whole petition thing anyway, will see that there is a large (about 50%) portion of the citizens who are not happy with the administration's decision making process and it might inspire the administration to compromise and reach out to the other side. One can onlyhope.

I'm a bit surprised that people who talk about how horrible it is to disenfranchise people, RE voter ID, votes for immigrants, former felons, etc., would wish to disenfranchise people jsut for expressing an opinion, but the disenfranchisement petition is also just a form of protest against the secession petition. I think I'll start a petition to protest the petition that is protesting the petition!

Gee, I wonder what planet these people come from to form a legislative body? What country? Perhaps the underlying meaning of your statement warrants the question, what CLASS do they come from? Why are you and others trying to diminish what is really going on here? Don't be fooled by what these people are saying to let the air out of this! It is the PEOPLE who make up these governmental bodies, it has merely been hijacked!

Class? What does the old and tired class warfare meme have to do with this? I'd imagine that people of various income levels signed this for a variety of reasons.

We are not trying to deminish the petition, just opine that the hostile and hysterical reaction to it is overblown. The petition, having not been drafted or voted on by state legislature, has no legal power at all.

Of course, those people may vote for state reps that vote for seccession, that is true and that is how a republic works.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by rockintitz

It was that petition that made me go out and create an account and sign ALL of the petitions to secede! Free trip out of this #-hole country!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by muse7

seems like you will have to move... Texas has taken control of it self twice before and not really that long ago. TX could easily be it's own country.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:44 AM

A nation of "you don't like it, you can get out" minded fellows?

LOL. The Secession people are basically saying they WANT OUT, but they want to take their stuff and your stuff with them. "If you don't like it then get out" -- no, I'll give them half an acre and a mule. Let everyone move to Louisiana or something -- it can be it's own country. And they can get rid of all that "onerous anti-capitalist government regulation." As long as we can put up high enough walls so the pollution doesn't spill out -- this will work out for everyone.

Is this where we've come as a nation? Yes. Do you need to read the signatures on the secession petitions again?

The Kenyan, muslim, socialist, not-white dude is the President. And that's freaking some people out. He's a lot like George Bush, except he can speak well, and he wants to return to Clinton-era tax structure. That's the armageddon and the thousand years of darkness that was prophesied in the bible.

The sad thing is; it's impossible to tell if someone is making fun of these morons or just reporting what they said.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by auto73912621
reply to post by rockintitz

It was that petition that made me go out and create an account and sign ALL of the petitions to secede! Free trip out of this #-hole country!

Except they don't want OUT -- they want to take a chunk of the country with them. Wow. How's that for "feeling entitled." What's going from sad to stupid, is that 25,000 give or take, are thinking THEY get to own that state. What about the 99.99% of people who didn't sign their petition?

Yeah -- they are that delusional. A pragmatist who couldn't tolerate Obama would realize they could sell their home and buy a one-way ticket. A moron is someone who starts a secession petition and thinks he'll win the discussion.

These people are the most entitled, whiney, angry babies the planet has ever seen.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by rickm

in other words nope your wrong......we can revolt.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
While this ship is heading straight for the rocks, the liberals are suggesting that people leave if they don't like the President??? I'm curious... How many of you liberals moved out of the US when Bush was President?

I rest my case! You people whined and bitched for 8 years and everyone tolerated your crap. Now show us that you're not a bunch of whiny hypocrites and tolerate the protests from people who don't agree with you! You claim to be the party of diversity and inclusion - PROVE IT! So far your actions have only served to reinforce the notion that you all are truly HYPOCRITES!

If conservatives want to secede and liberals are saying - 'see ya'- that hardly makes liberals hypocrites, or whiners, or bitchers.

I think it's the other way around

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:14 AM
If you dont want to be part of the USA, you dont need to be here, go live in another country.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I know I'm showing up late in the game but I had to comment.

It is amazing how quickly people are willing to circumvent the Constitution when it involves people that have views that are not akin to their own.

I do not agree with people wanting to Secede. However, I disagree even more with taking away their right to stand up for what they believe no matter how silly it may be.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by DaMod

Silly yes, i mean did democrats do this during Bush's tyranny? now all of a sudden people talk about "last straw" "we had enough"... yeah all because their candidate didn't win.

What do you think it would be if the other Candidate won?

This will die over... its like 0.02% population.

There was much more people asking troops to get back, and that hasn't happened.

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