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Most ETs or Aliens would most probably be mostly female?

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:32 AM
I think that if any ET visited us on purpose to make contact it would be of female gender and here is why.

1.) As you may know any UFO reported is deemed a threat right away without question. With how quickly humans turn to violence they would have to send a female so as we do not kill said visitor right away. Surely any act against a female ET would be instant intergalactic war.

2.) An intelligent population would be mostly women. Men are the beasts of war and with a high male population war and violence would be uncontrollable like it is here on Earth. As long as there is war on Earth humans will never leave it. Women are the barer of life and know the true meaning of community and working together for the growth of said created life.

3.) An ET society would mostly likely have come to peace by women refusing to bare male children unless that male is used to increase female population. So selective breeding of slave males. Like what ants do the the drones. After a hundreds or thousands of years or so male populations would slowly start to increase once male induced crimes drop off.

4.) With the right tech 20-25% male population would be plenty to defend the cave if need be and still be peaceful. Strength is not needed when everything is light weight or can be moved by machine.

I was having a nice convo with a friend of mine (black female) and we pretty much came up with aliens would be female. There is nothing a female needs from a man to survive and they only need one thing from man to reproduce and it's not very hard to convince men to give up. Women only sit in the background because they are taken care of by men. She says why would a women stay in the kitchen now when man has leveled the playing field for women. Women are just as smart as men and as soon as society catches up from the ideals of the 1500s women will bring lots of good changes. Unless men brainwash women into being violent. I think that Earth will have the same fate. Either women will stop baring children till wars stop or the female population explodes as millions and millions of men are killed in wars. But all in all I think that only a population of mostly females could ever call themselves a peaceful global society.

Anyone else care to add to the subject or your opinion?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:41 AM
/Feminist rant?

Just kidding. But that's the vibe I get from you.

Worst part is I agree with your perspectives. All of them. Men can learn and change but its a cycle and must be kept in check.
edit on 12-11-2012 by TruthHurtsDenialKills because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2012 by TruthHurtsDenialKills because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:43 AM
That whole idea is based on your assumption that females are the same even if they come from the other side of the galaxy...

That's not a good way to think

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:45 AM
I'm sorry, but all of those conclusions are just poorly thought out. It begins and ends with the assumption that an alien race would be essentially identical to human beings, just with better technology, which is an enormous mistake on every level.

1. Assumes aliens either feel the same way about women being more "delicate" or whatever as humans do, or else know how we feel and intentionally choose a female alien to prey on our own perceptions.

2. This is just a sexist comment and should require no explanation.

3. This is just a completely made-up scenario, and there is absolutely no reason why this would be any more or less likely to happen than any other scenario.

4. This is extremely narrow-minded and, again, is just a made-up scenario.

It seems like this idea stemmed from a biased notion of female superiority.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by TruthHurtsDenialKills
/Feminist rant?

Just kidding. But that's the vibe I get from you.

Worst part is I agree with your perspectives. All of them. Men can learn and change but its a cycle and must be kept in check.
edit on 12-11-2012 by TruthHurtsDenialKills because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2012 by TruthHurtsDenialKills because: (no reason given)

Not a rant just logically speaking. I agree that every person on earth should be treated the same as the next regardless of any differences if that makes me a feminist then so be it. I don't get what you mean by cycle? There is no cycle of humans. We have only been at war since cave paintings and obviously before that. Humans globally have never ever seen peace in any form of the word. I just don't see any other way for Earth to be peacefully without women taking over or for 5+ billion people to die at once. As crappy as it is to say men have had tens of thousands of years to bring peace to Earth and no dice. If the greatest achievement of societal peace was the great pyramid 2,500+ years ago then yeah men are the reason.

Creators of the nuclear bomb most devastating weapon on Earth used it twice killed 100,000 people in an instant. Promised to never use a nuclear bomb again then builds 10,000 more nukes = Man

Blind and Deaf person who learned to read, write, speak. Developed schools and created ways for deaf, blind and mute people to communicate with each other = Women

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:59 AM
Perhaps Aliens may have come up with a way to increase species intelligence so they would not have to put up with hopeless threads.

A society heavily skewed female is not any nicer. The weapons of choice change. Poison probably makes no 1. Women can be more savage and more likely to hold grudges for longer time periods.


posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:06 AM
Aliens will probably be blobs of protoplasm with a thin exo-skeleton containing appendages from various parts of their bodies who reproduce by something resembling cellular fission. They won't have sexes, and if they did we wouldn't know how to tell them apart.

Your thinking is too narrow.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:07 AM
Well we know the Roswell incident was a female...

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by mr10k
That whole idea is based on your assumption that females are the same even if they come from the other side of the galaxy...

That's not a good way to think

True I do make the assumption that ET beings would be similar to humans in the way they care for themselves and how they show emotion toward each other. I can't help to think this would be the norm for higher life. A male and female gender requiring both to reproduce.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:14 AM
Female animals are usually the hunters and killers so yea. ...Who's so warlike now?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by marbles87

I think you are assuming alien visitors are going to be human or at least look human?

Can you tell the difference between a male and female squid?

What about a snail? Then again, snails are typically hermaphrodites.

What's to say life elsewhere in the universe adheres to the Male + Female paradigm we know about here on Earth?

There's many differing scenarios depicted in science fiction literature alone that could be equally, or even more viable and successful as a solution for procreation among alien species. Who's to say what nature, or active self-design by aliens that don't think in human terms could bring?

Aliens could be colony organisms where two or more undeveloped young merge with multiple others to create one adult with every brain of the young in the unified colony of one adult merged and functioning as one singular adult.

A variation on that would be a distributed intelligence, where something like an ant colony becomes sentient, with each individual autonomous ant means next to nothing, but, millions, billions, trillions, or more all distributed and working as one mind could very well be possible.

What single cell or group of cells in your brain controls the rest of your brain? It doesn't work like that. thus, a distributed ant-colony similar intelligence could very well function similar to a single brain, just distributed over a very large scale macro environment.

I suspect that if ever we do meet aliens, everything we ever thought we knew about any aliens we have imagined, or thought might be real will be found to be woefully lacking and totally wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by marbles87
True I do make the assumption that ET beings would be similar to humans in the way they care for themselves and how they show emotion toward each other. I can't help to think this would be the norm for higher life. A male and female gender requiring both to reproduce.

Well learn to help it, because that's a silly way to think. Even on Earth, we don't always see lifeforms that require two separate genders. Some species can even switch between sexual organs. Male seahorses are the ones who give birth.

Your whole perception about this seems very narrow-minded. Just look around Earth for all of the different varieties of life. There have been (and I think still are) tribes where the women went out to hunt and provide for the community while the men stayed home and took care of the family and community. There were plenty of wars.

Animals are at war all the time. Human beings are animals too, and even if we assume ETs have reached some higher degree of civility or intelligence or consciousness, they're still animals to a certain extent too.
edit on 11/12/2012 by Damsel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:32 AM
The chances that they would have genders like we do is very low. If they did though, they would most likely need both genders to reproduce on the way, since even at light speed it would probably take hundreds of (Earth) years to get here.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by marbles87

Most ETs or Aliens would most probably be mostly female?

I have no problem with that... beam me up now!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:03 AM
Too all of you saying "Who says ET will be like human" I am assuming they will be humanoid/erectus style. From an animal perspective the human form is near perfect if not perfect for life on earth or other planets. Other than fine changes like skin color due to geographical location humans don't have anywhere to evolve physically. Sure we can get taller, faster, darker skin but we won't be growing a tail or anything significant. I have to feel like this form will be ideal for most intelligent life. For humans it has been 200,000 years they are saying and only very minor changes in bone, hair and the like in human evolution.

I just can't see a space ship full of alligators landing and greeting us. And most "real" pictures of aliens show them in some kind of humanoid shape.

I'm not trying to be a man hater or anything but given what we know about humans and what we think we know about aliens I'm not far off in thinking that most if not all will resemble humanoid and I believe in order to get an intelligent life form a male and female must mate. Sure there are asexual organisms but none of them are close to intelligent life though. If this was the case some larger asexual creatures would be around. Asexual breeding also leaves out the introduction of new genes into the family tree so their evolution probably wouldn't get far. Starfish I think is the largest asexual creature we have on Earth. I guess some sharks reproduce asexually but only in low male environments so I won't count them since they still mate male/female naturally.

This is what tips my finger in favor of women leadership or at least a 50/50 is that we now have on Earth the ability to feed everyone, clothe everyone, shelter everyone, and provide the energy we use on this Earth in an intelligent manner but we REFUSE to do at all costs and it will take a female to see these things come to fruition. I think there is just too much testosterone in control. And if they say history repeats itself then ETs have been through this same stuff. If we can't get over war in 2012 then a peaceful Earth is probably impossible and in which case wars world wide will cause the male population to plumit anyway which I think is happening they are saying that women are taking over every war at a time.

Just my opinion.

I didn't know I would get so much hate for thinking that females are more peaceful then males. And sure women are just as unpredictable as men but how many women do you think would dirty bomb their own people or enslave one another.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:25 AM
The Islamic Mahdi. Mahdi = "primordial mother"

President Ahmadinejad of Uran told the leaders of the world in his latest UN speech that the Mahdi will come

“to voice the divine and humanitarian message…to you and to the whole world.”

“to bring about an eternally bright future for mankind, not by force or waging wars but through thought awakening and developing kindness in everyone.”

"to grant kindness, hope, freedom and dignity to all humanity as a girl."

Be careful. You are primed for deception.

edit on 12-11-2012 by WhoKnows100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:32 AM
Why would we assume that any ET's would even share genders with life on earth? Let alone gender "characteristics"...

Even in the early days on life here on earth there were more than just male,and female. Indeed it is thought that were several different types of genders, until evolution whittled it down to our binary system.

Whose is to say that ET's out there don't have 6 or 8 genders in their species?

I feel safe saying that anything life we may find in the stars will be so different from earth life that it will push the limits of all we know...and test the sanity of a few groups.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by marbles87

2.) An intelligent population would be mostly women. Men are the beasts of war and with a high male population war and violence would be uncontrollable like it is here on Earth. As long as there is war on Earth humans will never leave it. Women are the barer of life and know the true meaning of community and working together for the growth of said created life.

I agree with you that sex differentiation provides distinct sets of behavior, body makeup and psychological specialization traits but I disagree that a line can be drawn straight across the sexual divide today that would have any real meaning, there are of course a percentage of those that still retain an high degree of differentiation but society has been moving toward uniformization (where possible) and the wining model seems to be the feminine.

What I disagree is that human females are less conflictual than males, they strategies are just different. Females are more social oriented but also more involved in the acts of violence, more visceral. A female will tend to use more personal reasons and methods for aggression, often more devious and better structured (rationalization and planing of violence is greater in females). Deception, subterfuge is how they have been evolving. They also have a less structured/defined social power structure that promotes not only competition but scheming. (Note that I'm only focusing on the conflictual aspects, these are balancing traits, women are not worst than men in violence, but also not less violent).

This without getting into a groups structure, women will collaborate easier without a clear defined leader but paradoxically will respond more quickly to a power figure they see as accepted by the group and scramble to get a better social power position. It is not by chance that the saying goes that "Behind every powerful man there is a powerful woman". (men are more hormonal, visual driven and often social inept, they require more formalized and stable structures)

Again today the line is not as clear but it is interesting to note for instance, examples on the more obvious exception, gay men and women in general provide a clue (if we disregard social bias friction) on their achievements, preferred functions.

One thing that we should also always keep in mind is that all human being today had a mother, women have had so far the capacity to shape society that is unparalleled by any other aspect, even above social indoctrination.
edit on 12-11-2012 by Panic2k11 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by marbles87
I think that if any ET visited us on purpose to make contact it would be of female gender and here is why.

Also considering the number of UFO's that have supposedly crashed, they must have females driving.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by marbles87

Every animal is near perfect thanks to evolution, there is no perfect form. The chances that independent life would evolve in to a humanoid form is so minute that it's pretty much safe to assume they wouldn't be anything like us, it's all chance.

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