LOL Estragon and do not mean that in a nasty or aggressive way I truly enjoy our conversation and
hope this one is as simulating for both you and me
Let�s get to it...
Look around you Estragon what is the one item that 40 years ago was really not so apparent. Look at you car and give it a tap remember that first one
you had, what is missing?
Despite the fact that our fleet of commercial airlines are
as old as you and me where are the plans to make new ones?
Exactly how much oil is used to produce a ton of plastic?
Ever wondered as to how much the cost of making the barrel, which carries the oil, has risen since 1962?
Ever priced the cost of building a steel frame structure as opposed to going with concrete?
When the day comes that you need knew hinges for your door and at the store, which offers such products, there are only plastic versions then will you
We are running out of recources but oil is the least of our worries and
long before oil realistically becomes an issue, our grandchildren will
be driving plastic cars with porcelain engines.
How are we supposed to deal with this problem? This is a planet, which is running out of the minerals needed to make just about everything we need.
Clearly the limits are very real otherwise your car would still be made of steel and Hurricanes in the East Coast, would be the last thing on anyone�s
What is the solution? Again the planet is running out of mineral recources where oh where are we going to find a means of replacing them? What kind of
technology will that require? What presumably could go wrong?
As funny as it may seem to you, integral to a resolution of this issue is addressing the problems of the human condition.
And with respect to asking why, simply stated if access to unlimited mineral resources were plausible
then an industrialized planet would be capable of processing those resources at a rate, which would be unprecedented. Matters related to pollution
control are issues related to alloys and with access to unlimited recources the problem becomes irrelevant.
As yes the Romans Estragon with respect to sincerity one question often comes to mind, why it is they used columns with respect to there buildings?
As I understand it the Columns in China have a rather unique history and for the record it was the Chen family who made that history as well as built
columns for buildings, which predate the same Roman effort (an allegory perhaps, related to an event integral to western society ??).
Now to freedom perhaps it would surprise you to learn that we have the technology what is needed is a collaborative effort. One which supersedes all
the misinformation (such as the
fact your link provides no information with respect to atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein against his own
Or the matter that with respect to the Cold War Saddam Hussein was armed with Soviet Weapons let us not also forget the fact that it was Iran which
the US considered it ally and protected against Iraq at all cost).
Finally Estragon would like to make clear that the Chen family is not only the same family which is currently in control of the Triads. But also is
the same family from which the term "The Emperor, who ruled for a thousand years," is derived from. So beloved by its people was and is this family,
that after the Opium Wars they would not allow them to disappear into obscurity. To those who are true believers of the Buddhist faith Emperor Chen is
also known as the
Black Buddha (the skinny guy they made statues of and also known as
death). They are not my chums they are my
relatives and for the record, they are relatives whose company I have shared.
Estragon in 300 years we will still have oil,unfortunately there will not be enough metal to make tooth picks.
Perhaps that is why today they are made of wood and plastic. And perhaps that is also why we as a world need to start to get our act
What are your thoughts?