Josh Peck, a well known actor who starred in the show
Drake & Josh, is one of my favorite people.
Know why?
Because his personality on the show is his REAL personality. He is smart, responsible, and he's a sweetheart.
Also, he is very inspiring.
This is a quote of his from an interview;
“ I made a conscious effort to lose weight because I knew I could be happier as well as being healthier. I started by going on a diet a year and a
half ago and I got a personal trainer, but I definitely have a healthier lifestyle now. Also I feel that because I do so much television, I am a
better role model. I don’t really understand why I should be a role model, but I know that kids do look up to me, so it is my responsibility to
motivate people and be inspiring. I hope that I can do that for kids. It doesn't really matter what you look like though, it is who you are that
matters, of course.”
See how he is considering that his actions are influencing the behavior of young people? I love that. A good deal of famous people do whatever they
want, no matter how it will affect others, especially kids. In fact, most ordinary people do that.
I love people who take into consideration that their actions don't only affect
Another thing... I am not fat, but I am of a "bigger build." Sometimes I gain a bit too much weight, and I think it's hopeless. It's in my genetic
make-up to be built this way.
Then, I look at Josh.
He went from this
To this
You can't tell me that's mot inspiring.
There was no surgery or pills. He did that all on his own, with the help of dieting, working out, and generally wanting to be healthier.
Just wanted to share something nice.