posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:48 PM
Paula Broadwell on the Daily Show
I just watched this interview in its entirety. I saw some moments when she appeared to react very unusually. Now, if we didn't know about the affair
with Petreaus already, it might not be so obvious. However, we DO have that information so it appeared, at least to me, to be very noticeable.
Specifically, at around the 0:40 second mark, Stewart uses the phrase "embedded with Petreaus," and, Man! - she appears to take a big gulp and stare
off for a few moments. (perhaps thoughts of being IN BED with the general??)
Again at the 6:30 second mark, while discussing her husband, Stewart says, "well, there's integrity all around" referring to Broadwell and her
spouse. Again, her reaction at this point was noticeable enough to me. (thoughts of her LACK of integrity, insofar as INFIDELITY perhaps??)
I thought I would share this to see if anyone else would see the same.