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Market crash decided on soon

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by LostPassword

Yes, the Fed is transparent about their plans and motives. At a recent meeting in Atlanta, they made it very clear that they fully intend to follow this QE theory for at least another year, cause intentional inflation to stave off the recession, and then use bond-buying and mandatory contractual obligations to mitigate the hyper-inflation when it begins to hit. The Fed is honest about the fact that hyper-inflation is imminent, but they think they can control it. I have my doubts.

Inflation, the Future, and the Fed

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by darkhorserider
reply to post by litterbaux

It's down over 500 points now since the election, and there isn't any good news on the horizon to arrest the fall. The Christmas sales are flat so far. We'll have to wait and see what Black Friday looks like, but if it doesn't get the retailers into the Black, then the market will continue to freefall all the way through the new year, where new taxes kick into effect.

I fully expect this crash to be worse than 2008. This is the double-dip everyone was watching for, and it is finally here.

you bring up a very key point to this equation and that is, consumer spending, or better known as consumer debt creation. our entire economy worldwide is based on debt, people buy things and most go into debt to do it. those who create the funny money real in the dough for doing nothing but issuing debt. trouble is people are in up to their asses in debt and have little money left to buy anything.

most have no jobs or the unemployment has run out, their savings have been turned to jelly filled dreams and they have had enough of being lied to and stepped on. none of this bodes well for the Keynesian model we live by. they always knew it wasn't infinite and now it's coming to a close because all they now can do, is print more funny money to keep the ponzi scheme going.

while that seems like an endless plan, keep in mind the more money they print the less the money you have is worth. this is where we stand now, the cliff of worthless money and equally worthless debt garnered by corrupt politicians and corrupt global bankers.

there is no fix coming for anyone hoping for that pipe dream. the only thing that will happen is complete collapse of the fake scam we call the economy.

there can be only one fix and that's to start over with a system that is not debt based. i don't think it matters who says what these days, from the EU to the US to all countries, they are all Keynesian based/ debt based systems made possible by the greed of man through interest charged for nothing created.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by XXX777
A new 40-week period begins February 27, 2013.
I think the most opportune time would be 13 days later on March 12, 2013.

1st of Abib = begining of the Hebrew year.


God Bless,

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:03 AM
Not that I don't believe it will happen, but is there any proof this is the real time?

So many thousands of predictions of collapse have been made I want to be sure this is the one before I ship my family to a bug out location with our supplies.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by darkhorserider
Yes, the Fed is transparent about their plans and motives. At a recent meeting in Atlanta, they made it very clear that they fully intend to follow this QE theory for at least another year, cause intentional inflation to stave off the recession, and then use bond-buying and mandatory contractual obligations to mitigate the hyper-inflation when it begins to hit. The Fed is honest about the fact that hyper-inflation is imminent, but they think they can control it. I have my doubts.

Fiscal policy that leads to even more big government spending since they can buy their own debt a ludicrously low interest rate. That is the reason we have such a weak dollar and quantitative easing doctrine. The dollar needs to be relinked to a commodity before we can ever get our fiscal house in order.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:27 AM
If by chance a "market crash" were setup purposely (and I believe there is a high chance it could be) I do not see anything happening until after Christmas, or at the very least after the Monday following black Friday.

If you were an illite looking to cause the most havoc to middle and lower class people, you would wait until just after the Christmas season where people's financial resources are at it's lowest.

With all of the people going further into debt buying over priced Junk with credit cards, one would think that this would enslave the people even more if the crash were to occure after they have already purchased said junk but had no job to pay for it.

On the flip side though, one can argue that if the crash would also cause the crash of the dollar, keeping people from being able to purchase (or receive) these things for Christmas ect... would help to cause people to panic as well, as they would not get the "things" they want causing depression and anger at one another. (sadly our society has become a society where the more you have and get, the more false happiness you have)

But all in all I believe the first option here would be the one they would go with, giving the illite companies one last chance to get the resources they need (such as gold and silver) in order to control the population even more so.

A good indicator (i would think) is a false dip in gold prices, in order for these illites to purchase as much gold as possible before the collapse.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by darkhorserider
Yes, the Fed is transparent about their plans and motives. At a recent meeting in Atlanta, they made it very clear that they fully intend to follow this QE theory for at least another year, cause intentional inflation to stave off the recession, and then use bond-buying and mandatory contractual obligations to mitigate the hyper-inflation when it begins to hit. The Fed is honest about the fact that hyper-inflation is imminent, but they think they can control it. I have my doubts.

Fiscal policy that leads to even more big government spending since they can buy their own debt a ludicrously low interest rate. That is the reason we have such a weak dollar and quantitative easing doctrine. The dollar needs to be relinked to a commodity before we can ever get our fiscal house in order.

The dollar actually is linked to a commodity.... the people of the United States.
The value is derived from their creative lifestyle and willingness to go to war.
The dollar is arguably more valuable now than ever before.
And if you think our fiscal house is out of order then maybe look toward thinning the herd of sub-standard people who live off the confiscated earnings of the productive ones.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by XXX777
The dollar actually is linked to a commodity.... the people of the United States.

A dollar linked to a traded commodity (or commodities) would prevent the Federal Reserve from manipulating interest and currency in an effort to assist the government in growing itself with cheap money.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by XXX777
The dollar actually is linked to a commodity.... the people of the United States.

A dollar linked to a traded commodity (or commodities) would prevent the Federal Reserve from manipulating interest and currency in an effort to assist the government in growing itself with cheap money.

Alright I'll take another approach.... the dollar itself is a traded commodity. It trades for whatever people think it is worth. Sure, one could argue that the ''purchasing power'' of the dollar is eroded since the 1930's, but on the other hand today's dollar buys more than it ever did before. We live like kings on these pieces of fancy paper! The trick is in balancing the growth of the money supply against the growth of the productive people. Gold has an antiquated value. It is shiny. There is plenty of it above ground today if one needs it.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 03:36 PM
And the "average" investor has no idea about market ups and downs nor timing. The ones "in the know" drove appl up to $700.. and then shorted and are making tons right now. The overall market will do the same. It may run back up until Decmber and then when everyone is all nice and snug in their warm beds for Christmas, the Grinch is gonna come in and start shorting the overall market and the little folks of "whoville" are gonna be fleeced once again.

I love it. Trading these markets for over 25 years has taught me one thing. Whatever you see on a message board like this, do the opposite and you will make tons of money.
One thing I have noticed about ATS and other boards is that people are SO upset about others making money. I saw someone post something about David Icke making 2 mill on his books or something. WOW!!!
Do you realize there are guys (that work in finance on Wall Street) that fly home to the Hamptons on Thurday and their jet fuel cost is more that 99% of the people on these boards made in a year? They just did billion dollar deals for the DAY and folks bitch about how much they make??!!!!!
Educate yourself and make money from upturns or downturns and stop fearmongering and complaining about people making money.
The overall market (the bs DOW) should be about 6500 right now for fair value. Why do you think it is where it is at? Just like the housing market, it has reached a top and is now gonna come down hard and adjust. MAke money on it and quit worrying about all those folks that are "losing their lifesavings" in a rigged market.

I don't really care if I get bashed or not on some chat board cause I know I can see the market down 2000 points next week and I will come on here and see abunch of bashing of me and then I will go look at my $$$ in my account and just laugh.

Educate yourself and learn how the real money is made...and, NO it is not MY responsibility to tell you how.
Check your nutsacks before posting replies...


posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by XXX777
Gold has an antiquated value. It is shiny. There is plenty of it above ground today if one needs it.

Commodoties are still the best indicators of the financial climate, gold being one of them. As to there being plenty of gold this is proved flase by its price, if there were enough to satisfy demand the price would be far lower. This is simple economics.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by XXX777
Gold has an antiquated value. It is shiny. There is plenty of it above ground today if one needs it.

Commodoties are still the best indicators of the financial climate, gold being one of them. As to there being plenty of gold this is proved flase by its price, if there were enough to satisfy demand the price would be far lower. This is simple economics.

No. You are wrong. The price of gold, as indicated by the ''futures'' price, is artificial. There is hardly any demand at all for gold. Who uses gold? I didn't use any gold today.

It is a game.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by XXX777
There is hardly any demand at all for gold. Who uses gold? I didn't use any gold today.

Unless you happen to live in a cave then gold use is part of every person's daily life. There is gold in televisions, airbags, cell phones, audio equipment, smoke dectectors, computers, etc. The fact that you are totally ignorant of this disproves your point.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by LostPassword

A market crash is something that we may no even become aware of it due to the crafty ways that the Markets has been programed to work since the implementation of new high frequency trading in the last 5 years, what we see now on monitors from the Markets is an illusion of liquidly that may or no be there at any given time, all we see is numbers on a board.

The fed is bailing out the markets constantly with the QEs that started soon after 2008 and up to this day they are ongoing, perhaps the talks that are going on right now is how to implement the next wave of QE that will be the 4th meaning more bailout money to keep the banks from crashing.

So you will see the EU crashing first before you see US markets following.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by darkhorserider

The Dow is not down 500 points since the election. Right NOW it is at 12,869.39....that is only a couple hundred points from it's all time high which was before the crash. Stop the fear crash is coming. The thugs and criminals on Wall Street got exactly who they planned for POTUS.

Not only that...if they were going to crash the thing on purpose...doing it before the end of the Christmas shopping season would be totally stupid and retarded. There will not be crash until they have bled everyone's Christmas money out...then...rising costs of food will prob start a chain reaction in consumer confidence...which that might cause a problem next year.

but it ain't gonna happen before Christmas...
edit on 11/22/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
The fed is bailing out the markets constantly with the QEs that started soon after 2008...

You are exactly right. We would not be able to print money, buy our own debt and continue to do so at historically (and detrimentally) low interest rates. If the dollar was linked to a commodity (-ties) this would not be possible.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

So far that is what the QEs are doing, the Fed ability to order the Treasury to print money to bailout Wall Street banks without the permission of the president or congress tells who owns America and who truly runs our government.

But don't tell people that because they never understand how politics are run in America, and we the tax payer and voters are not even part of it.

edit on 22-11-2012 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

At Noon on election day of November 6th, the DOW was at 13,200. At the time of my post, the DOW was down to about 12,700, and it continued to fall all the way to 12,400 before starting to stabilize and it only shot back up to 12,800 on this Monday the week of Black Friday.

My post was not doom-mongering it was entirely accurate. In fact, as of today, the DOW is still down about 400 points below where it was halfway through election day.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by darkhorserider

Come Jan. the FED will be dishing out 85 billion a month:

40 billion for mortgage toxic assets
45 billion for bond purchases

and the length of this, until the market stabilizes.....but little do they know that what they are doing is making things worse

But as to going to crash next week, lets see some proof, something other then a banned members word.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

I don't know if it is intentional or not. Personally, I think it is just piss-poor management, and enlarged egos that make them think they can control everything.

If it is intentional, then it is bigger than just the Fed. It would be an orchestrated financial war intended to use the US's strong economy to crash the entire world's economy and then just barely keep the US afloat. It would be a type of economic chemotherapy, where they prescribe as much economical disaster as possible to kill everything except for the healthiest of the healthy economies.

I don't know if that is the case or not, but I know the crash is inevitable, and the Fed believes they can mitigate it with their current policies.

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