posted on May, 1 2003 @ 10:41 PM
First lysergic I think it's foolish to say that the problem with mexicans is they work crap jobs (you seem to think that defines the mexican).
I don't care if they work a crap job or are a CEO of GE, they should just be decent, no gang relations no "hommies" and bad language, they should
talk like English royalty.
Now Fox, how is Whites forming an "All white prom" racist?
I mean really, if a white or black wanted to go to a "mixed prom" let them, no one is stopping them in fact the Blacks said "anyone wants to come
come" and I'd probably go.
But to whoever wants to go to the "all white prom" let them.
There's no harm in it. When you try to force people to be "diverse" they're only going to be more hateful of eachother and do this kinda crap.
Just let them do their own thing as long as they aren't killing eachother, cheating eachother out of money, burning eachother's homes down and that
sort of stuff.
Believe it or not, you can be "seperated" willingly and NOT be hateful.
What makes you think everyone going to the "all white prom" is going ot set fire to some black after the prom huh?
No one's rights are being infringed.
I wish that I had lived in the south.
Nothing pisses us off more up here, then the "Hispanic club" and the "black club". When we tried to make our "white club", I'm more then
certain you know the response that was given.
What's that I hear? Racism, against whites...not minorites, but whites.
Frankly, why should we sit there and be racists against, without returning the favor huh?
So let the south have their way or there might be one day riots of just lynchings left and right. I'm sure the southerns are just as pissed off of
not being able to have their "white club" as we all are.
And it's not about having a white club, it's about "If they have a black club then we SHOULD HAVE A WHITE CLUB, WHERE'S OUR RIGHTS?"
But you live in liberal haven, where there is no such thing as a white. The white man in southern california must become a mexican or an asian or a
"black man" or he's just an outsider, a prepy, or some poser. Some "rich fancy boy" who knows nothing, and is treated like dirt.