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Originally posted by Jerk_Idiot
reply to post by FreebirdGirl
Well my question to you is why? Because more people see it? So what? No crime has been committed. Or is it merely more about controlling thoughts? Is the fear that because more people will see it then there is more chance of it occurring? If that is so then you will find a whole lot of people being arrested soon. For things like saying I hope Obama fails, or I hope the wars stop, or I hope people quit working at a particular company. Stop the passing around of thoughts! Do it now!
Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by rival
Only if they were talking about the President. The Secret Service has always investigated anyone who said things along these lines. In most cases they clear them, and the person never even knows they were investigated. In a few cases something turns up, and the person gets a knock on the door, and a couple of people in suits are standing there. In rare cases, they get arrested.
Originally posted by Jerk_Idiot
reply to post by Katharos62191
It makes me miss the days of Bush. In those days you could threaten to hang the president, shoot the president, or burn the president and still be left alone as a number of posters on this site could testify to as they were ones who did. You actually had to have done something to be arrested. Now in the days of Obama the messenger of HOPE you can be arrested for hoping for something. I am beginning to think people were accurate who said the right of free speech is going away. Sigh. And they said Bush was bad.
Originally posted by Jerk_Idiot
reply to post by FreebirdGirl
Well my question to you is why? Because more people see it? So what? No crime has been committed. Or is it merely more about controlling thoughts? Is the fear that because more people will see it then there is more chance of it occurring? If that is so then you will find a whole lot of people being arrested soon. For things like saying I hope Obama fails, or I hope the wars stop, or I hope people quit working at a particular company. Stop the passing around of thoughts! Do it now!