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Understanding Reptilians, The Meaning, The Misinterpretation, and Us! PLEASE READ ALL!!

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posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:42 AM
Another ATS thread on Walk-Ins
Does anyone here have pre-concieved ideas about demonic possession? Real life isn't always like the movies.

Things are about to get interesting.

edit on 10/01/11 by Wonders because: To add.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:58 AM
Oh ya it must be true because some MSM scientist has proof..... get real..... corporate science is a joke and so are their scientists. Old fashioned "real science" is dead for the most part. The science of today is designed to prove anything that they want proven. and visa versa.

I'd believe the bible and it's explanation any day over the slaves controlled by TPTB and there dumb phoney corporate science explanations.

As for the reptilians I think it's just a form of demon possession. I don't believe that Reptilians are any kind of phsycial creature like bigfoot. The repilians entity is just another name for "demon". The demon enters the human and beings to influence and or control them. In which case to be an elitist or illuminati you must go threw rituals that allow the demon to enter you.

And so those visual inmonolies I don't think are that far fetched. It seems like a common enough traight with elitists that there must be something too it. In which case I believe it's the demon somehow manifesting itself in a strange way.
edit on 15-11-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by AriesJedi

The reptilian part of our brain is analogy for the simplistic part of our brain. It's not its' real name. It just means the part of our brain that doesn't use lateral thinking, creative thinking etc..

I think the survival part of our brain is a good description too.
Its' probably where our instinct comes from, but I'm no neurologist.
And it's good to question everything but I believe that we have a reptilian part to our brain. But it's your opinion

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Grey_Mysterio

I feel sad. If this person is serious, then it could be:

A.) True(unlikely), and this person is just not very knowledgeable when it comes to speaking and just progressively loses credibility with each statement. The problem is, I can not say with 100% certainty that she is lying because I wasn't there. We would NEVER believe her anyways, so how could we believe her.

B.) Mentally Ill, and she should seek some serious mental help because this could be a sign of sever paranoia. In that case, a site like this will only make things worse.

However, it is much more likely that it is what I said earlier, just an "experiment" to see how many can be deceived. I say this because she didn't even bother to U2U me.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by r2d246

I'd believe the bible and it's explanation any day over the slaves controlled by TPTB and there dumb phoney corporate science explanations.

As for the reptilians I think it's just a form of demon possession. I don't believe that Reptilians are any kind of phsycial creature like bigfoot. The repilians entity is just another name for "demon". The demon enters the human and beings to influence and or control them. In which case to be an elitist or illuminati you must go threw rituals that allow the demon to enter you.

Why do you believe the bible over quantifiable and empirical science? So you dont believe in a reptilian aspect of our brains, but you do believe in the Illuminati and Demons? Why?

The bible has so many downright fallacies that you don't even need science to disprove, just your own two eyes will do.

Also, not all science is corporate. In any case, the bible is the best "seller". Get it, now that is the root of religion: Money and control. You probably would have been one to claim the earth is flat all the way up to the point where we took the first pictures of the earth from high in the atmosphere. Or do you think that is all a hoax?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:19 AM
Incase anyone is wondering I don't seem to have the u2u feature. I don't know how to do it from my mobile.
I am NOT mentally ill. I will try and work out the u2u but I cannot seem to find it.
Renegade I am not MAD!
As I said earlier if anyone can prove who they are, they can bloody ring me if they want!
I am fed up getting knocked all the time. I am trying so hard to be helpful to you all.


posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283

Originally posted by r2d246

I'd believe the bible and it's explanation any day over the slaves controlled by TPTB and there dumb phoney corporate science explanations.

As for the reptilians I think it's just a form of demon possession. I don't believe that Reptilians are any kind of phsycial creature like bigfoot. The repilians entity is just another name for "demon". The demon enters the human and beings to influence and or control them. In which case to be an elitist or illuminati you must go threw rituals that allow the demon to enter you.

Why do you believe the bible over quantifiable and empirical science? So you dont believe in a reptilian aspect of our brains, but you do believe in the Illuminati and Demons? Why?

The bible has so many downright fallacies that you don't even need science to disprove, just your own two eyes will do.

Also, not all science is corporate. In any case, the bible is the best "seller". Get it, now that is the root of religion: Money and control. You probably would have been one to claim the earth is flat all the way up to the point where we took the first pictures of the earth from high in the atmosphere. Or do you think that is all a hoax?

Well to summarize there's only two forces in the world. And when you get to know who's working on each side you understand the system. The system basically works like this..... anything on the establishment side is not to be trusted in any way shape or form. Even some main stream Christianity has been coopted to push strange agendas. So you have to be careful. The bible is one of the last bastions of truth in this completely corrupt world where deception and disillusionment is the order of the day. The bible has stood the test of time over centuries. some corporate science report? ha ha, get real.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:31 AM
I get your OP, NRE & I think it's brilliant.
Obviously can't say it's 100% true, but definitely something to think about.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
The bible has stood the test of time over centuries. some corporate science report? ha ha, get real.

Which test would that be? a popularity test?

What tangible benefits has that book given humanity?

And I love that you post using your laptop, PC, cell-phone, tablet etc, probably in your heated and powered home or mobile-home, and still proclaim that science is merely 'a joke'.

I'd believe the bible and it's explanation any day over the slaves controlled by TPTB and there dumb phoney corporate science explanations.

dumb phoney corporate science explanations such as............the theory of evolution? or just anything that contradicts your chosen 'holy' scribbles?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 11:58 AM
Ok I have found the u2u's but it won't let me reply to them.
I am back in work tomorrow, so if I get the chance I will then.
Thank you Getsmart - I appreciate what you said, I really did and as soon as
I get the internet back, I will reply in a bit more depth.

They are not harrassing me, they are just there, being Doctors, but I can see they are not your usual Doctors.
Oh noo, check out the what I said. The stance, the build, the deep voices, lack of empathy and rarely smile.
Just like hansen out of holby (funny how he has vanished off of holby in the past few days!) What do you all make of that?
I said the other day, that it isn't Doctor Who, 'where are the scriptwiters going with it?'
Then of course the eyes! Oh yes the plot thickens!
As I stated earlier they have been there all my life. From Hyde park corner to the present day.
I know that now. I can't be the only one. I think they must be in all professions. I met an abnormal 7 ft copper one night. He wouldn't look at me and I was the person he was suppose
To be liaising with. The other coppers were as miffed as I was. He was in charge, but he wouldn't look me in the eye! It was peculiar. He was tall thin with a deep voice. Typical of them.
Just because you are a GP or anyone and you don't see them,, doesn't mean they don't exist!
Trust me they are amongst us.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by r2d246

Well to summarize there's only two forces in the world. And when you get to know who's working on each side you understand the system. The system basically works like this..... anything on the establishment side is not to be trusted in any way shape or form. Even some main stream Christianity has been coopted to push strange agendas. So you have to be careful. The bible is one of the last bastions of truth in this completely corrupt world where deception and disillusionment is the order of the day. The bible has stood the test of time over centuries. some corporate science report? ha ha, get real.

Well there are much more than two forces in the world, trust me. Anyways, you didn't really answer my question. What about non-corporate science? For example, I could perform a science experiment in my garage, without any corporate influence. I could use scientific method and prove a hypothesis fact. I don't really see this method performed much for the tales told in the bible.

In the end, the bible is the epitome of corporate greed. The Vatican for example is really just a massive bank. More money had been made off of the bible than ANY other thing, period. I wont even get into the deaths caused by each "side". The bible is the farthest from the truth you can get, and its influence is destructive.
edit on 16-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by happinness

You could just be seeing things you know, you may need to calm down and rationally think about things. However I would not know about your glowy eyed friends, I try to not be in the hospital all that much, last time I was there the doctor who was in charge of me I admit was a bit weird, that and the fact that they took blood from me like every dam hour for the few days I was in there was necessary, the only thing I can say about him was that he seemed to be uneasy about me, and even a bit afraid. Not sure why, but frankly I don't care.

Anyways to assume that were all human just because we got a label saying so would be a mistake. Now if you got any real complains like they did something bad to you, then I suppose that would be something till then it is sort of a mute point. But so far you even said it yourself they did nothing to you, they even did not harass you, and other then that you may have seen something there really is nothing more to it. So really there is nothing more to it, like I said doctors are doctors, now if they were bad or crappy doctors then you may have to worry.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver

Originally posted by Renegade2283
Sorry for the double post, but I just went ahead and read the rest anyways.

Now I must say that I agree with most of what you said. I have read much on the reptilian part of our brain myself.

My main question is:

Why did you not say this right off the bat?: "I am NOT saying that reptilain shapeshifters are REAL!! I am saying that this is a distraction from that it really means, If you see what the reptilian part of our brains actually does (as shown above), and how it is being controlled (as shown below) if we showed reptilian figures as the pictures above, and just left out the photoshop, and the word "shapeshifters" this would make much more sense."

Also, can some people have a stronger/weaker reptilian aspect to our brain? Or is it all about control of it? I almost feel that the reptilian aspect of my brain is weaker/less pronounced. I have noticed that I display the emotion/thoughts that are associated with the mammalian and human parts more than others I personally know. That and I just feel generally, more "warm blooded".

The true purpose was to engage in conversation, and use something that has content that will cause people to think

Peace, NRE.

I see, so you were trying to grab interest by starting with the well-known reptilian agenda theory than the reptilian brain part. Sorry, I just assumed you were trying to change your story to not make yourself look ridiculous. Honestly, I wouldnt mind discussing the reptilian aspect, it was more the religious rhetoric that I had a problem with, because it gets a nit old and boring.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on my questions?

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Thank you for your reply. Yes the last two Doctors I saw seem on edge when I first walked in. He appeared nervous when I went to lightly shake his hand. Even though I a m awoman I was just
Greet them, being polte. The Doctor who's hand I shook felt cold and clammy and it was like he couldn't wait to draw his hand back.
So that made me a bit nervous and I had been ok before that. There was this emptyness about them, I cannot explain.
Even refered to me as 'she'. The only time he smile was when his eyes started to glow. For a few seconds there was a wry smile, but then he looked down at his desk and never looked up after that.
I could see the top of the table illuminated by two beams of light.
The other Doctors eyes were the same, but he just kept trying to distract me nby looking left to right!
That too was at a famous London hospital, not that far from st. Georges. They are in Georges too. I just haven't seen their eyes glow yet, but maybe one day I will.
At guys the MRi was messed up by the technician, who had a smerk on her face. Its like they know there's something, so they will tell you you are ok, which you are.
However if it is something foreign and they don't want to expose anything, then they can do what they like. What makes me laugh is they try and tell me I get audio and viual hallucinations!
What a joke! I can see them as clear as day. Now wonder I never got a follow up apointment!
St Georges is different, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Not due to go for another eighteen months


posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

I canoot see very well on my phomne I may have replied to the wrong person. Sorry. H

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by happiness

Just like V innit...
edit on 23/10/12 by Grey_Mysterio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Grey_Mysterio

Yep! You can guffer and s'n-word' all you like, they are there!!

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:22 PM
I have been trying to get my head round this for ages, thank you a very good thread. I believe there is more going on than our five senses can pick up, we are limited and can only see what is in visible light, like we can only hear a small part of the sound spectrum,

So many culture speak of serpents, dragons, Jinns, etc that the truth is blatant that it is hard to believe, people are trapped in a prison of their own minds and they have been violated by evil and suppressed from expanding their minds.

We have tough times ahead and I am not sure what the outcome will be.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by AprenticeofLight

When you think about it, its remarkable how so many shutter at the thought of being considered associated with a "reptile" in any way. It makes me think that the horror of snakes/reptiles has worked.

Even with me clearly stating this wasnt about what people think it is, I am surprised that so many still cannot see that their inherit fear of this has been implanted in their minds.

Peace, NRE.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 05:34 PM
First I would like to apologize to those that were interested in this thread, I had abandoned it due to being upset about where it was sent (skunkworks), which clearly opened a window for debate on the subject, even though I stated its true intent.

I had lots more to share about this, and have decided to continue on with it, so there it is, sorry about that.

I will return with the evidence and proof that this is in fact something that needs further investigation.

Peace, NRE.

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