posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 03:48 PM
I don't know where you live or if Metro PCS is available but I am SO glad I switched.
I have had a Verizon Droid (one of the first ones that came out about 2 1/2yrs ago). It was a good phone but it did freeze up a lot and it was
EXPENSIVE! The phone itself was $500 and my monthly bill was $140 bucks. I had unlimited everything. It was expensive. I used it for a few months and
went back to my iPhone. I have had 3 iPhones, 2g, 3g and 3gs. I love my iPhones but I'm one of
those Apple fans. I got tired of not being able
to view flash and how limited certain things were on it. I also got tired of ATT and their $130 a month fee and it wasn't even unlimited! I got rid
of it. I went to Sprint (my fiancee's phone, he is overseas so I used his.) I HATED IT! OMG that phone was a pos and it was labeled a "smart
phone." It was $90 a month and it hardly EVER worked! I could never use the internet and calls dropped all the time and there was always bad service.
It got so bad people wouldn't even want to talk to me because of the issues I had... So in September I switched to MetroPCS and I LOVE it.
Many people put their nose up to Metro but let me tell you I have had every main provider and this phone is amazing and so is the service. It's a
smart phone and it's 4G. It has 5 mega pixel camera and the camera and video are both AWESOME! It even has a front facing camera. Now with every
other provider you would pay at least $400 for a phone like this. It looks alot like an iPhone actually but I paid $130 for it and I pay $55 a month
and I have unlimited internet, talk and text. There is NO contract either! I haven't had ONE problem since I have had this phone. I was a huge iPhone
snob (yes I admit that) but in the end i wanted to save money when I no longer made the money to afford an iPhone. I know MetroPCS use to have bad
service but check your area they are popping up every where and more people are going to them because their prices and phones are great. YOu can even
get some of the fancy smart phones major providers offer for a fraction of the cost.. They aren't out to take you for everything you have. I think
it's ridiculous cell phones cost $400+. It's ridiculous.
This is the phone I have
LG Motion 4G MetroPCS
Funny thing when I bought it lol. I walked 10feet from the door and DROPPED it on the concrete. It bounced and didn't even crack the screen or cause
any issues with the phone. If that had been an iPhone or one of the other fancy new popular smart phone I'd have a cracked screen and I'd have been
screwed. Oh in that $55 a month is my insurance, $5 bucks a month! Most smart phones you can't get insurance on!
Happy choosing!!