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Why does Bush want to destroy our economy?

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:23 PM
Less than 48 hours after the election ended THOUSANDS of people are expected to lose their jobs. Numerous small businesses have announced layoffs of hundreds if not thousands of employees.

According to exit polls around half of the voters think it's Obamas fault for some wacked out reason but the other half know it is Bushs fault. Still. After 4 years of not being in office. It's STILL Bushs fault. Stupid Bush.

So the question has to be asked... why does Bush want to wreck our economy like this? What can we do to stop him from this? We should be outraged that Obamas brilliant policies can't work because Bush is still hard at work destroying jobs. We elected Obama to help fix this but even with total House and Senate control for his first 2 years it was impossible to fix! Now we have re-elected him to finish the job! Good job America. Forward. Change. Hope. Tell Bush we can't go Barackwards...err...backwards now. He needs to stop.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:28 PM
All these layoffs that the Right has been talking about is NOT due to Obama, and the discussions and announcements were going on BEFORE THE ELECTION was decided!!!

But why stop the Right-wing nonsense now, eh? Right-wing BS never ends I see.

Maybe if many of our big-businesses didnt THROW so much DIRTY MONEY at the republicans this election, they wouldnt NEED to be laying off workers. Eh??

Now the workers have to suffer for their INFLUENCE and GREED. But the Right seems to enjoy seeing the American Workers getting the SHAFT. Thats WHY America SAID HELL NO REPUBLICANS this election!!!

Live with it!!

edit on 9-11-2012 by YourWIFI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:32 PM
I guess you're confusing corporate greed with the word Obama.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

They were going on BEFORE the election because they said "If Obama gets reelected, this will happen" because of Obamacare. Thousands of layoffs and thousands of people getting cut to 28 hour work weeks so they wouldn't have to pay for health insurance.

And I'm not a "right winger". I just think it's hilarious that people STILL blame Bush after being out of office for 4 years.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Trustfund

If I replace 'Obama' with 'corporate greed' it makes no sense. I don't get the point you're trying to make.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Athin
reply to post by YourWIFI

They were going on BEFORE the election because they said "If Obama gets reelected, this will happen" because of Obamacare. Thousands of layoffs and thousands of people getting cut to 28 hour work weeks so they wouldn't have to pay for health insurance.

And I'm not a "right winger". I just think it's hilarious that people STILL blame Bush after being out of office for 4 years.

SHOW me where they ALL said this is DIRECTLY due to Obama. I dont want to hear what the Obama-haters are ASSUMING that they are doing this for. Just SHOW ME where these employers ALL said its directly due to Obama.

And I guess Romney-Care would have made everything MAGICALLY different, right??
Because when Romney had a similar plan, everything is, well, magically different.

Maybe people really do believe in Romney's "magical underwear" and that every employer would have hired millions overnight! YEP!

edit on 9-11-2012 by YourWIFI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Bush did it that's all I hear. He becomes more of a GOD as time goes on
Get over yourselves take responsibility for your actions

Is Bush still President ? No, he has been retired at his compound in Austin TX

This is out of hand

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:53 PM

edit on 9-11-2012 by Tw0Sides because: cooler head in a Whinny thread

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

Your confusing a system designed to be used in a special instance, in one small state. And then juxtaposing the assumption it will work nation wide in the same manner,

The entire US is not Mass., the entire US doesnt have a $14 an hour minimum wage either. Which is one of the reason it works there, as compared to the rest of the states ( for the most part, several others have high minimum wages) as they are earning more and not paying the huge penalty, as the other states having $7.25 mw makes their situation ver good even for the lowest of the low.

Also, mittens never said he want to take "romneycare" nation wide, as he understood that it works in his states microcosim but not in the macro country economy.

Obamacare will be the result of many man lost jobs, on top of the many already gone, this will be the dems last president for a long time after these 4 years are gone. I think it is a good idea, the best way to defeat libs is to let them see the end result of their ignorant ways. The never work out in the positive in the long run, why do you think the EU is in such a mess?

I know, maybe we should try to be more like the EU like obama wants, he has used them as an example many times for the policies he wants to use. They dont work there, they wont work here, they will never work anywhere, as they are idiotic.

But dont listen to me, to even try to think it through, I hope you guys run head on, full speed forward with this mess, just remember, it is your baby, you will be held accountable for its actions.

Oh ya, you cant blame Bush anymore, he is long gone, and so is his economy. This is now and has been obamas.

ETA- dont even try your libtard tag line "waa waa i wanted Romney to win" on me, I have posted many many times to the contrary, it is quite well known.
edit on 9-11-2012 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

I said nothing about Romney. All you're doing is assuming. You know what happens when you do that.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

edit on 9-11-2012 by Tw0Sides because: cooler head in a Whinny thread

I saw that.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I present the winning party.
Throwing insults, calling other posters whiners, then deleting their post so no one sees it.

I congratulate you on your brilliant and civilized posts Tw0Sides.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:09 PM
This pettiness and bickering from both sides is getting ridiculous. Should the blame for the current economic situation be placed squarely on Bush's shoulders? Absolutely not. We could probably trace causes back to at least Reagan. At the time though I think it's equally ridiculous to think Obama could fix the economy in a single term, let alone two years. When the recession started economists said that it would probably take a decade to fix everything. That's under ideal conditions. Guess what? The Republican's desire to make Obama look bad over actually doing their job aren't exactly ideal conditions. If people would stop buying into this false left-right paradigm we might actually get something done. Unfortunately, it looks like most people have no problem with the politicians acting like four year olds on a playground.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

The Republican's desire to make Obama look bad over actually doing their job aren't exactly ideal conditions.

Yes, this arguing between the left and right is getting ridiculous...

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Xen0m0rpH

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

edit on 9-11-2012 by Tw0Sides because: cooler head in a Whinny thread

I saw that.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I present the winning party.
Throwing insults, calling other posters whiners, then deleting their post so no one sees it.

I congratulate you on your brilliant and civilized posts Tw0Sides.
Um, OK
I wrote something in haste, and corrected it.
In other words, to myself, I said I was wrong.
Can you, or any GOP follower, do the same...
Thought so.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:24 PM
There's a thread that might interest you. In quick summary, it says that since 1882 there have been two economic downturns that haven't resulted in recoveries within 3 1/2 years. The Great Depression was the other one.

The study believes that the causes of the weakness of both recoveries were uncertainty and government policies.
edit on 9-11-2012 by charles1952 because: missed a word

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by Xen0m0rpH

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

edit on 9-11-2012 by Tw0Sides because: cooler head in a Whinny thread

I saw that.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I present the winning party.
Throwing insults, calling other posters whiners, then deleting their post so no one sees it.

I congratulate you on your brilliant and civilized posts Tw0Sides.
Um, OK
I wrote something in haste, and corrected it.
In other words, to myself, I said I was wrong.
Can you, or any GOP follower, do the same...
Thought so.

GOP follower...hmm...No, I'm an American. I subscribe to no party, thanks though for the offer.

Now, what have I said that was wrong? That was also a very apologetic post correction by the way.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
This pettiness and bickering from both sides is getting ridiculous. Should the blame for the current economic situation be placed squarely on Bush's shoulders? Absolutely not. We could probably trace causes back to at least Reagan. At the time though I think it's equally ridiculous to think Obama could fix the economy in a single term, let alone two years. When the recession started economists said that it would probably take a decade to fix everything. That's under ideal conditions. Guess what? The Republican's desire to make Obama look bad over actually doing their job aren't exactly ideal conditions. If people would stop buying into this false left-right paradigm we might actually get something done. Unfortunately, it looks like most people have no problem with the politicians acting like four year olds on a playground.

It's not about Obama fixing the economy. It's about him making it worse. People on food stamps almost doubled. I think the number is at 68% increase? maybe lower but I would have to check.
When you run ads on radio soap operas on Mexican radio stations explaining how to come and get on food stamps... it doesn't help a thing. Don't take that as fact though I haven't done independant research to verify, just numerous articles stating it as fact.
Also when you strip work requirements out of welfare it makes it nearly impossible to recover from a recession. Half the country is paying for the other halfs bills.

I understand there are people who legitimately need help. But the amount of people who now get help is rediculous. When someone would rather sit on their ass and collect a check instead of actually working a minimum wage job it's a disgrace.

I personally know someone who has 3 kids. She has stated that she "wouldnt be caught dead" working at a fast food restaurant. So what does she do? She gets food stamps. A townhouse and bills paid for except for around 90 dollars a month. She has an android phone and gets 500 a month cash assistance. CASH... to spend on whatever she wants which is usually something she doesn't need. It's disgusting. This is why people are bickering. I work hard for what I have and the neighbor RIGHT NEXT TO MY HOUSE does nothing all day except smoke weed while her 3 kids run through my yard. I could quit my job and probably keep my same lifestyle and have a ton of free time on my hands.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by Athin

If when you married your wife all the debt she racked up on her became your debt, then yes in that way Bush's spending is now Obama's deficit. Did you buy the stuff? No. Are you now responsible for it? Yes. If people asked you WTF why did you spend so much?...I am sure you would say the cause of this debt was your wife's school loans and you are just paying them off now as best you can. It's like that.

We need to restore the tax system in place prior to Reagan. The country has been sliding downhill for 20 years. We also need to repeal the Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy and let them expire, keeping them in place for the poor and middle class. We need another stimulus as well as plans to repair our infrastructure and put people to work on the jobs that need doing. Thanks but we don't need any more investment bankers.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Athin

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
This pettiness and bickering from both sides is getting ridiculous. Should the blame for the current economic situation be placed squarely on Bush's shoulders? Absolutely not. We could probably trace causes back to at least Reagan. At the time though I think it's equally ridiculous to think Obama could fix the economy in a single term, let alone two years. When the recession started economists said that it would probably take a decade to fix everything. That's under ideal conditions. Guess what? The Republican's desire to make Obama look bad over actually doing their job aren't exactly ideal conditions. If people would stop buying into this false left-right paradigm we might actually get something done. Unfortunately, it looks like most people have no problem with the politicians acting like four year olds on a playground.

It's not about Obama fixing the economy. It's about him making it worse. People on food stamps almost doubled. I think the number is at 68% increase? maybe lower but I would have to check.
When you run ads on radio soap operas on Mexican radio stations explaining how to come and get on food stamps... it doesn't help a thing. Don't take that as fact though I haven't done independant research to verify, just numerous articles stating it as fact.
Also when you strip work requirements out of welfare it makes it nearly impossible to recover from a recession. Half the country is paying for the other halfs bills.

I understand there are people who legitimately need help. But the amount of people who now get help is rediculous. When someone would rather sit on their ass and collect a check instead of actually working a minimum wage job it's a disgrace.

I personally know someone who has 3 kids. She has stated that she "wouldnt be caught dead" working at a fast food restaurant. So what does she do? She gets food stamps. A townhouse and bills paid for except for around 90 dollars a month. She has an android phone and gets 500 a month cash assistance. CASH... to spend on whatever she wants which is usually something she doesn't need. It's disgusting. This is why people are bickering. I work hard for what I have and the neighbor RIGHT NEXT TO MY HOUSE does nothing all day except smoke weed while her 3 kids run through my yard. I could quit my job and probably keep my same lifestyle and have a ton of free time on my hands.

Running ads on Mexican TV? I'd love to see one of those ads. I am not saying they don't exist, they might but who has anything to gain by this? It does neither party any good. What would be interesting and that I expect to find is a set-up blaming everyone but the guilty. The guilty might be farm owners looking for cheap labor.
Paragraph one is just wrong and you admit it is not fact checked so I won't get into it but more people were eligible for food stamps. That's true. Think about that. More people were eligible. Which means the country's largest growing faction is the poor. We can blame them for it but that will do little to solve the problem.

Half the country is not paying for the other halves bill....that missing money has been skimmed off by the wealthiest 1% and within that group there is an upper echelon who make up 1% of 1%.
Through loopholes and amendments that serve only themselves they are hording, stealing and sucking money out of the economy - money that previously was used to help balance gross inequities and care for the poor and destitute.

As useless as your neighbor sounds I would not believe all the BS she tells you she gets for free and I would not trade places with her for a minute. Even if she could find child care she could afford and go out and work #1 there are no jobs and #2 Minimum wage is not going to pay her bills. She is probably selling her food stamps now and screwing someone for the electric and rent. It is a moot point being that there are no jobs out there and sad that peoples lives have amounted to this but you can't blame Obama for that either. For the first time in so many years Obama has stepped in and instituted some of the strictest measures to actually prevent Welfare Fraud and abuse to the system saving that program millions that has been better used to provide for those who really need it.

Don't blame the poor or the rich and don't blame Obama.
Blame the system designed to benefit the rich and then change the system.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by KonigKaos
Bush did it that's all I hear. He becomes more of a GOD as time goes on
Get over yourselves take responsibility for your actions

Is Bush still President ? No, he has been retired at his compound in Austin TX

This is out of hand

Bush did do it and no matter where he lives he still did it.

You are out of hand.
Accept responsibility when it's yours and quit trying to kick the can down the road.

BUSH may be a GOD in your eyes but most people are waking up to the fact that he screwed us over royally and we are still reeling from the aftermath.

Hell we are still feeling the effects on this economy of the Reagan Era, redistributing the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor. I didn't hear anyone complaining about re-distributing the wealth then.

Obama had nothing to do with it.
Obama has no congressional cooperation to fix or change anything and so nothing has changed.
The rich want to keep their tax breaks, loopholes and incentives that screw all of us out of money for social issues, infrastructure and growth of the economy. That is causing a problem that has grown into a monster for the past 20 years and it is one that becomes bigger every year. Four years from now Obama won't be President and you will be blaming the economic disasters of Reagan and Bush on another guy then.

edit on 10-11-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

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