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Originally posted by LeatherNLace
Originally posted by Xtrozero
Originally posted by LeatherNLace
Even if they call Obama's "bluff"; as a middle of the road middle class citizen, I'm willing to tighten my belt and let the Bush tax cuts expire for all....just on principle....YES, us liberals have principles too! Let's see who flinches first.
I just love it every time a liberal says "Bush tax cuts" make me all giggly inside...
You better put some more holes in that belt...we are going to need to raise taxes on everyone..including you middle class liberals that believe Obama's promise he will not raise taxes on the middle
He will blame it all on Bush I'm sure and you will believe him, so it is all good.
I'll take the tax hike just to watch you suffer. Is that blunt enough for you? Forget "Bush tax cuts"....this is a Leather N Lace tax increase aimed directly at you and your ilk. I can afford it and welcome about you?edit on 10-11-2012 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by DarkSecret
It's really simple what the Republican party needs to do...
Stop protecting a bunch of rich at the top who don't need protection because they're doing just fine on their own. Ironically a lot of them are rich liberals who won't even vote R and publicly advocate for more taxes and donate lots of money to charity. Being taxed at 15% or 35% won't make a difference because they will keep making money - just less of it. But their natural greed and inclination to make more money will keep the real "job creators" going.
Stop being socially conservative. Hating gays, imposing religious views on women, trying to deport all illegals won't work too well. Let gays marry and be as miserable as heteros, let women have their abortions and bear their own consequences and legalize and tax all the illegals for the services they're using. Would you rather have cheap illegal labor drive down the wages for all of us? Would you rather have foster children and orphans or welfare moms which are supported at tax payers' expense?
Stop being anti-worker. Unions may have crossed some lines but that doesn't mean they're bad at the core. Paid vacation, sick time, 40 hour workweek, unemployment insurance are all benefits that have been secured by unions.
Originally posted by DarkSecret
Stop the war on the poor and needy. The 47% remark was what pushed me over the cliff and I've voted every republican out of office. It just shows how out of touch they are to label half the country takers and useless eaters. Lots of low income people work AND need more income to get by. The elderly paid into the system as much as they had to. Vets served their country. Would you rather have all the poor living on streets? How many prisons will we need to pay for to keep them out of view and how many cops to keep them away from our property?
The message of small government needs to be refined. It needs to sound like a government that will only serve social needs rather than help those in power to keep power. Cut spending on wars, keep an elite mercenary military, invest in schools and research and public health so that we have an educated, healthy nation.
Originally posted by Xtrozero
I don't think the democrats do well here either...they push social agendas that we will not be able to afford and I'm sure they understand that quite well, but it doesn't stop them from saying it.
As the left feels that the republicans want to protect the rich in some way, I really see the Democrats focus on the ignorant masses who's life's goals have little to do with personal success and they dangle carrots out in front of these people that can never be reached. The fact that their numbers are quite large and that these people will never see the stick holding the carrot makes this group a rather easy win for votes when done right.
I agree the Republicans have failed miserably here and it will take more than a message of "jobs" to get their vote...I guess they will need a carrots of their own.
Originally posted by Xtrozero
The republican message was very simple... create new jobs....period.... seems it was not as popular a message as Obama's which went every which way to "help" our poor American's..well other than to actually create new jobs for them.
Originally posted by OneMansOpinion
It must be tough being a Democrat. Your side won the election but you still need to wake up full of hatred and contempt for other Americans because they disagree with you politically. You chastise Republicans for not working with the president but Harry Reid made it perfectly clear that if a republican won the presidency he would refuse to work with him. Not to mention that anyone who disagrees with anything that President Obama says or does for any reason is instantly branded a racists. My hope is that the Democrats and Republicans continue their hate war against each other and paralyze the system and the rest of us can get on with our lives.
a theocracy of crazy lunatics who only want to screw the poor, women, and middle class and let the rich and corporations run wild.
Originally posted by MastaShake
What was the number 1 priority for you guys when you took control of the house? was it to fix the economy? decrease the deficit? help fix our education system? nope. the number 1 prioirity was making obama a 1 term president.
well needless to say you guys tried your damnedest to get that done. shooting down all of the presidents suggestions (even if they were in line with republican beliefs) and pretty much making asses of yourselves at every turn. your reps say stuff like women cant get pregnant from rape, god will stop climate change and claiming that half of the country feels entitled to government handouts. lies stream out from the right like never before on a daily basis and you people have the audacity to say the election was rigged?
Ever since the internet came around the republican party has been on a decline for one simple reason. facts. 10 years ago Mitt might have won the election with all the straight up lies because a majority of the people would have no way to check and make sure what is being said is real but now thats not possible. 10 years ago Mitt might have gotten away with flipflopping around on EVERYTHING because there was no youtube to make him look like an ass. Ironically enough the reason the democrats won this election is because of how the republicans conducted themselves.
Hopefully there can be some bipartisan co-operation during his second term but chances are slim (very slim). i wouldnt be surprised if the republicans start trying to get obama impeached because of some bull crap that they make up.
Also, i'd like to point out that the republicans failed on their #1 prioirity but their #2 prioirity (making money for billionaires) was a total success
edit on 9-11-2012 by MastaShake because: (no reason given)
The republicans tried every dirty disgusting game in the book
Originally posted by DarkSecret
Watch this clip starting about 3:22. This is straight from the crazy lunatics mouths. I would never vote for such people. I would never support a party that harbors such people. And the elections showed I'm not alone thinking of this.
Originally posted by TehSlenderMan
Didn't Mitt technically win? Mitt had more votes whereas Obama had more electoral votes. Witch got him the win. Which, in my opinion, is pure bs.
Originally posted by TehSlenderMan
reply to post by MastaShake
No need to be rude, it seems i'm thinking about something else. Regardless, Romney should have won, Obama already proved he can't do the job after the first term. God knows why he was re elected. Lets just take away all those on welfare, homosexuals, and 75% of Latinos, and you have a loss. That is the only group of people that voted for him. Now we get to sit through 4 even worse years than last time.