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My official pyschological diagnosis of the American People:

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:56 AM
I am officially diagnosing Americans with Stockholm Syndrome.

[from Wiki] “Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.”

Originally I had this thought kind of as a joke, an exaggerated hyperbole…
But the more I thought about it, the more it actually makes sense. After all, I think it’s safe to say that ‘yes,’ the government does utilize psychological warfare and social engineering tactics. So why should we be surprised that psychological disorders shared on a massive level are being experienced?

No, this is not solely directed at Obama. Yes, IMO, even if Romney had won, this would still apply. That is because our Government has been Kidnapped/hijacked/taken hostage by interests and agendas outside those of We The People’s best interests. We are electing and re-electing traitors, criminals, and downright un-empathetic, un-compassionate, pathological liars and entrusting them to ‘do what is best’ for this country. I mean, we have to understand how inane that is, yes?

But, instead of uniting together as Human Beings against those in power who are conspiring against us, we bicker and fight and play ‘hot potato’ with the blame game. We even defend our chosen candidate (ie captor) and take it as a personal offense when someone disagrees with one of their policies or actions. How is this considered rational behavior?

We are in danger, people. Our politicians are placing us in the cross hairs. They are allowing our food and water to be poisoned. They are fabricating stories to march us off into war. They are exchanging money (billions and trillions worth) under the table and through discreet deals. They are purposefully creating a divide amongst the citizens of this nation. They are holding other countries hostage too, through economic and physical means of warfare. In short, they don’t care about you…so why do you care SO MUCH about them?

They are holding us hostage in our own country. They may not be firing at us yet, but we're idly watching as they rob the bank and attack all who try to stand in their way. And then every 4 years, we defend our captors right to keep on going. It really hurts my mind sometimes to comprehend this.


I pray for all. I pray for this nation. I pray for this world. I feel more and more removed from the process, which is nice actually. It's just like watching a movie unfold. I'm not giving up, and I'm not depressed about it. I'm working on being more and more grateful in my life, for every single moment. It really is unfolding beautifully. One day at a time. I'm focusing my attention and love on those in my immediate life, my friends, family, co-workers and anyone my path crosses. I hope more and more people choose to do the same.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:58 AM

I am officially diagnosing Americans with Stockholm Syndrome

I am officially diagnosing Americans with being lazy sheeple.
But your diagnosis looks pretty spot on as well. Pretty sad, eh?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:00 AM
It's like this, we are all 'licensed' just like our cars have a license plate, but fear not, we can 'customize' our license so that we tolerate our prison a little bit more. By giving a little bit of individuality we assume our country is not as bad as say, soviet communism, but communism collapsed precisely because the imprisonment was so obvious, whereas with 'free' america the delusion goes on and on.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by eleven44

One thing is for sure.... there are works in progress on a US national level....for some time.


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by eleven44

I prefer to say that people in America are just going crazy. They don't even know their sanity is compromised. Polarized personalities evident in the election is an example, there is no way that people should be taking politics personally. We have our own lives to worry about without getting upset at the neighbor because his football team won the game. I see a society riddled with mental illness. Maybe people can't process the amount of knowledge they are gaining and their common sense flies away. Maybe it's all the doping properties of the foods we eat or our eating foods that we shouldn't be eating because we haven't evolved to the chemistry. Maybe it's all the radio signals in the air. Or maybe it is the combination of all these things.

You are right though, something is causing all these people to get irrational. It used to be about five percent and now it is up to half of the people in the country. We have to learn to not get ourselves into situations that stress ourselves. Live within your means is the best way to fight stress. Don't worry if your car isn't new enough, just make sure it is safe and dependable.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by eleven44

I am glad I read your post. sometimes I feel completely alone with this, like im swimming against the current of a tsunami. I often wonder why it is that some are awake and others seem to be so lost. I believe the New World Order will come, but it will be temporary, We are all being tested for judgment. I have made video petition which I am trying to spread, check it out and pass it on." target="_blank" class="postlink">Have your say, anti-politics Petition

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:20 AM
Sounds about right. Television, Prescription Drugs, Beer, Fluoride, aspartame all cause a psychotic state in the mind. I must say when I stopped watching the news and TV my opinion of what is going on changed. I no longer believed in 911 as a terrorist attack, TSA was not necessary, Checking bags at Disney? what are we insane? Electing a president that is clueless and given a choice of dumb and dumber we choose dumber for more of the same. Electing a Congress that passes laws and then invests in the companies that will benefit most and that is both parties and still we re-elect them. How bout a congressmen that is mentally ill and checked in for treatment getting re-elected. Only in America. The people do have an illness but it is induced by the mind control.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:26 AM
Many of the meds and a high percentage of the additives and some of the foods themselves that they are pushing as good actually suppress the liver function. This makes it harder for it to detox the body. If the body can't detox, it often makes us sort of drunk. When drunk, we make mistakes and it compromises our common sense.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:31 AM
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by eleven44
I am officially diagnosing Americans with Stockholm Syndrome.

[from Wiki] “Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.”

The statements say it all, now I know what happend to by fellow Americans...

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:50 AM
Well it's not very original, it is something you hear often.

I personally do not consider this worthy of being called a Syndrome, because it is simply all human nature.

It is the Will to Power.
Human nature is drawn towards power like a moth to flame.

They will strive to be near to that source, and their midns and bodies will be imprinted by it, whether consciously or not; whether that power is being used in ethical balanced ways or abusive ways: whether they are themselves victims of that abuse, or others are.

We all do it. Especially when only one choice is made available to us- if there is no other equal force of power around to percieve. It's part of the "becoming what you hate" phenomenon, it is why trolls exist, it is why people grow up to become just like the parent they hated, it is why bullies have their cliques.

It is why those who put down americans are wearing a sweatshirt with american writing on it, eating a Big Mac while using their iPad.
edit on 9-11-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:43 AM

I personally do not consider this worthy of being called a Syndrome, because it is simply all human nature
reply to post by Bluesma

Well, if it is human nature, then we are all screwed, no?

However, there have been times in history when people have collectively woken up and said with one loud voice, NO MORE!

I suppose if it is human nature to fall for our captors, it is also human nature for said captors to keep pushing their luck until the people they are holding hostage become so angry that the captors are marched on and removed..

It is human nature for a captor to sit in their ivory tower and look down with distain upon the people they are causing suffering to. Who cares about these unwashed, ignorant masses? So what if they cannot afford the basics in life? Why can't they just bow down and stop their grumbling and complaining?

Such were the thoughts of Marie Antoinette, before her head ended up in a basket.

Human nature, I guess.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:03 PM
I agree with the Stockholm Syndrome, and Sheeple Syndrome. But I think there is a lot of Battered Spouse Syndrome going on as well. Too many people making excuses for the abuse, thinking they deserve it, believing that they deserve it.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by eleven44


I agree with the Stockholm syndrome part but I do not think Government is the captor.......

I also think it isn´t just the american people suffering from this condition.

Big business is running the show.... money, money, money.


posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by eleven44

I am on record many times on ATS saying this exact same thing.
I am glad someone else sees it too.
It is mass Stockholm Syndrome and it is pathetic as well as sad.

I was not cut out to live in this country of ours in this day and age.
In order to buy into the gigantic lie called the American Dream it takes a special brand of brain dead idiot and I just don't meet the qualifications.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by mrchillydog
Sounds about right. Television, Prescription Drugs, Beer, Fluoride, aspartame all cause a psychotic state in the mind.

I suspect mental illness is a luxury.

The rise of mentally ill persons in places like America I think can be directly linked to people having money and time to pay doctors to tell them what their problems are. Other countries are just as bad I suspect, they just don't diagnose. America is in the bracket though where people poison themselves voluntarily.

I do have a question though ... How will Americans (or anywhere) know when they are cured of this diagnosis? I imagine it would be difficult to tell.

The average person isn't that politically well educated. They're slaves to the media machine which is slave to money and endorsement which is given by the very people that need to break out of that chain in a never ending cycle. Their consumerism is driven by a predictable stoic rejection of limitation on their 'rights'. The right to pure freedom is also the right to drink, smoke and drug yourself to death as well as completely ignore the world around you. I honestly think banning cigarettes would get more activity than killing an innocent.

Imagine you have a button you can push right now. You push it, and everything flat lines to a nice perfect zero with the media and the two party horse race vanishing into a black hole....

I honestly think America would have the exact same system they have now up and running within 12 months. They will vote for the persons promoted by the media machine, and want to believe the lies. Opposition parties will realize very quickly that lies = votes and its all back out like a bunny from a hat at the end of a magic trick.

Whilst normally I wouldn't endorse diagnosing entire populations with mental health issues, you have touched on something I do kinda worry about! I suspect it's the people who are the problem. They created the hoops for the politicians to jump through when they first decided that lies sounded better than truth, and the popular media was more interesting than being educated and informed.

Can we really blame Obama for clambering through the hoops and pushing the buttons when they're just neatly laid out and waiting for him?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:04 AM
I experienced this when I met that social eingeneer in the other topic I posted a long time start caring for them and loving them.

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