I am officially diagnosing Americans with Stockholm Syndrome.
[from Wiki] “Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors,
sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims,
who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.”
Originally I had this thought kind of as a joke, an exaggerated hyperbole…
But the more I thought about it, the more it actually makes sense. After all, I think it’s safe to say that ‘yes,’ the government does utilize
psychological warfare and social engineering tactics. So why should we be surprised that psychological disorders shared on a massive level are being
No, this is not solely directed at Obama. Yes, IMO, even if Romney had won, this would still apply. That is because our Government has been
Kidnapped/hijacked/taken hostage by interests and agendas outside those of We The People’s best interests. We are electing and re-electing traitors,
criminals, and downright un-empathetic, un-compassionate, pathological liars and entrusting them to ‘do what is best’ for this country. I mean, we
have to understand how inane that is, yes?
But, instead of uniting together as Human Beings against those in power who are conspiring against us, we bicker and fight and play ‘hot potato’
with the blame game. We even defend our chosen candidate (ie captor) and take it as a personal offense when someone disagrees with one of their
policies or actions. How is this considered rational behavior?
We are in danger, people. Our politicians are placing us in the cross hairs. They are allowing our food and water to be poisoned. They are fabricating
stories to march us off into war. They are exchanging money (billions and trillions worth) under the table and through discreet deals. They are
purposefully creating a divide amongst the citizens of this nation. They are holding other countries hostage too, through economic and physical means
of warfare. In short, they don’t care about you…so why do you care SO MUCH about them?
They are holding us hostage in our own country. They may not be firing at us yet, but we're idly watching as they rob the bank and attack all who try
to stand in their way. And then every 4 years, we defend our captors right to keep on going. It really hurts my mind sometimes to comprehend this.
I pray for all. I pray for this nation. I pray for this world. I feel more and more removed from the process, which is nice actually. It's just like
watching a movie unfold. I'm not giving up, and I'm not depressed about it. I'm working on being more and more grateful in my life, for every
single moment. It really is unfolding beautifully. One day at a time. I'm focusing my attention and love on those in my immediate life, my friends,
family, co-workers and anyone my path crosses. I hope more and more people choose to do the same.