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Why cant we stop a hurricane before it hits us?

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Method #1: Fly Supersonic Jets Into It

This method has the benefit of being totally awesome: in a nutshell, you would fly supersonic jet aircraft in concentric circles around the eye of the hurricane. The jets would generate a sonic boom that would disrupt the upward flow of warm air that creates the hurricane. University of Akron at Ohio professor Arkadii Leonov and his colleagues applied for a patent for this method back in December 2008, as New Scientist reported.

In their application, Leonov’s team claimed that because sonic booms spread out as they travel away from an aircraft, you might only need a small number of jets to stop a hurricane. They wrote: “Two F-4 jet fighters flying at approximately Mach 1.5 are sufficient to suppress, mitigate and/or destroy a typical sized hurricane/typhoon.”

It goes on to cover many other ideas, including "nukes" if you can believe that, lasers, cryo bombing the surface of the ocean, and pumping the warm surface water to the sea floor to try and rob the storm of its fuel source, as well as several others

I spoke to Leonov on the phone. An excitable man with a thick accent that sounds a bit like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, he told me that he’s published “220 different papers, in absolutely different fields of studies.” And stopping hurricanes is just one of the many topics that he’s got opinions about.

An illustration of hurricane-interfering jets: Arkadii Leonov Leonov says “the professionals” in this area have “simply ignored me. I tried several times to talk to MIT or Florida Hurricane Center. The answer was silence.” He adds that he visited the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration a few months ago and presented his ideas. And they encouraged him to write a paper for the journal Atmospheric Research, which he submitted recently.
I found this article to be fairly enjoyable reading, and also quite timely, considering the recent effects of Sandy and talk of trying to stop future hurricanes.

Method #3: Project STORMFURY This was a government project to seed hurricanes with silver iodide, in the hopes of strengthening the clouds around the hurricane and creating an “outer eyewall.” According to Willoughby— who helped put the project to bed once and for all — researchers seeded clouds in hurricanes Esther (1961), Beulah (1963), Debbie (1969), and Ginger (1971) with silver iodide. And at first, the results appeared promising — the hurricanes seemed to slow down somewhat. But further observation revealed that the hurricane changes were consistent with what you’d expect a hurricane to do, and it turned out that hurricanes develop an “outer eyewall” on their own, without any human intervention. And observations in the 1980s proved that there just wasn’t enough supercooled water inside hurricanes for the silver iodide to have much effect.

The Potential Unintended Consequences of Screwing With Hurricanes The biggest worry about screwing with hurricanes is, you might create an effect that’s worse than the problem you’re trying to solve. Just like with other huge geo-engineering projects, “we just don’t want to mess around with complex geophysical phenomena without knowing what we’re doing,” says Gleick. Hurricanes actually have some beneficial impacts as well as harmful ones, adds McFarquhar. They supply moisture to parts of the world that would otherwise be bone dry. They also transport heat away from the equator, towards the poles. “Are we wise enough to know the downstream consequences of large-scale modification? I doubt that,” said Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute. “There are obvious downsides to fiddling with things that we don’t understand!”

Along with several other reasons, including "nukes" if you can believe that. Also cryo boming the surface of the ocean with liquid nitrogen, to rob the hurricane of its power supply, and pumping the warm surface water to the ocean floor. as well as several others I didnt mention.

edit on 8-11-2012 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2012 by inverslyproportional because: there I think I fixed it now

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:43 AM
The power output ratio between a hurricane and something man made, is many orders of magnitude apart.

Hurricanes are produced by global processes. The amount of energy to counter act said forces would be beyond our current scientific means.

Not possible now, but perhaps in the future for sure.

I wouldnt want to fly that plane


However the more i think of it, the more i am leaning to possibilities that could not stop a hurricane, but perhaps redirect it. There are instances were a little bit of power applied to the right point can have a dramatic effect.

I may have to do some more thinking on this. Cool post!
edit on 8-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by MDDoxs

Ya sorry I didnt have the link up yet, I was posting from my phone, when wouldnt you know it, the dog knocked it out of my hands.

The battery popped out and everything, so I just jumped on the laptop to finish it up. It will be better in a minute.

Very good point, it talks about using lasers for that in the article

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Why cant we stop a hurricane before it hits us?

We can. But making it publicly known we have the technology to stop or dissipate hurricanes, also makes it publicly known we have the technology to create them as well. We can't have that, now can we?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Very good point, it talks about using lasers for that in the article

Everything can be solved with more LASERS

Isuggest caution to those that wish to play with our global climate. We may inadvertently trigger something we cannot undo.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Very good point, it talks about using lasers for that in the article

Everything can be solved with more LASERS

Isuggest caution to those that wish to play with our global climate. We may inadvertently trigger something we cannot undo.

Nice, Lasers are always the answer, I saw it in star wars.

I believe we are gonna be the cause of 'global climate change" with our misguided attempts to tinker with it, we dont even know what will happen if we leave it alone, how can we expect to know what would happen if we add power to it?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:22 PM
Interesting topic.
The methods sound like they might do more harm than good.
It could steer the hurricane into a dangerous path or this idea of pumping warmer surface water to the sea floor, churning up the water like that could generate energy and trigger a tsunami? What if that happened? I don't know if it could, but I wouldn't want to find out.

Possibly they might find ways to weaken a storm in the future, but until then its best to find other ways to avoid being in the path of one. It's not like they can't forecast them now and give ample warnings. It's people who ignore the warnings that contribute to the death toll. This is one disaster that has a forecast, with the opportunity to get out of the way . An earthquake strikes without warning.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Klassified

Proof that this technology exists,please.And no,HAARP isn't proof.While I love this website theories that they exist are not hard evidence nor are members opinions.So,I won't hold my breath that you can provide any real proof.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:30 PM
with what, your umbrella.

mankind can conquer storms like hurricane sandy.

the techniques, engineering and materials available can produce a house and storm shelter that can withstand and survive a hurricane.

common sense, readiness, preparation and safety training can help a person survive as well.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by Klassified

Proof that this technology exists,please.And no,HAARP isn't proof.While I love this website theories that they exist are not hard evidence nor are members opinions.So,I won't hold my breath that you can provide any real proof.

If there were "proof" you would accept, you would already know about it, and it would be fact instead of theory and opinion, like most conspiracies. I have read and seen enough evidence for myself. Everyone else will have to do their own homework.

I don't expect you or anyone else to take my word for it just because I posted an opinion, but I do expect that ATS members might try to do a little objective research of their own. If you've done that, and you believe it's bunk, then we agree to disagree.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Because it's a waste of resources. Why don't people simply get out of the way?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:55 PM
Wait a second.

Hurricanes are part of nature, nature is what keep this planet alive, just because humans are in the way of hurricanes dosn't mean we have to remove them.

What's next, remove oceans because people drown in them

edit on 8-11-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:58 PM
Of the methods mentioned, only ONE is remotely worthy of continued consideration. That would be the one involving supersonic booms. The reason for that is that all the other mentioned methods will have obviously catastrophic effects on the ecosystem of the sea.

The fact that nukes feature in this at all is an absolute bloody disgrace.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:06 PM
You may see this to be related or not, please bear in mind that I am new to posting (an ATS virgin-if you like).
I have no links, no resource to verify my claims, no links to back up my theories, some will say that its the ramblings of some mad old fool (I am only 33) but it is something that I have been thinking about. Give me a minute or two and I will explain.
Bush monumentally screwed up, to the cost of thousands of people, when Katrina hit New Orleans. We all know the disaster that happened there and the cost to Bushs' credability when he failed to help the hundreds/thousands of families that lost everything and are still suffering today.
We have all heard of cloud seeding where you can change the course and severity of a hurricane, so what if you could create a hurricane (HAARP) and ensure that it hits one of the most fragile areas of America? 100's of square miles at or below sea level, a financial backbone of America due to the stock exchange.
Reply swiftly and effectively and without dely, and you will have an election winning formular.
Like I said earlier, I have nothing to back up my theories but I will leave it to you to make up your own mind.
Oh! on a side note. Anyone seen Phelem 123? A guy causes a threat to manipulate the stock exchange. I believe that the next natural disaster can be predicted through the stock exchange lows and highs, as the worlds elite have a vested interest in making money.

Like I say I will be mocked for my views but hey! not as strange as some of the stuff that I have read!!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I dont see that doing any good either though, as a sonic boom is simply loud, it doesnt impart any power onto a non solid mass.

It is the equivalent of "yelling" a storm away, it will do nothing but risk air craft and pilots lives.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I dont see that doing any good either though, as a sonic boom is simply loud, it doesnt impart any power onto a non solid mass.

It is the equivalent of "yelling" a storm away, it will do nothing but risk air craft and pilots lives.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

What is sound in essence? It is the movement of air molecules, that is picked up by the ear, and recognised by your brain.

The sound of a sonic boom, therefore, is the movement of air that has been displaced by the passage of an object moving faster than the speed of sound. The shockwave produced by such a thing is not an insigificant entity.

Also, it doesnt matter a damn wether THAT one works, as its the only one whose side effects are not potentially worse than the effect of a hurricane.
edit on 8-11-2012 by TrueBrit because: added a point that I failed to add first time because I have flu and cannot be expected to perform perfectly right now.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:22 PM
There are a few plans to do this :

Good news, folks. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has turned his attention to controlling the weather.

Five U.S. Patent and Trade Office patent applications, made public on July 9, propose slowing hurricanes by pumping cold, deep-ocean water in their paths from barges. If issued, the patents offer 18 years of legal rights to the idea for Gates and co-inventors, including climate scientist Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.

Hurricanes, most famously demonstrated by the deadly intensification of Hurricane Katrina before its landfall in 2005, draw strength from warm waters on the ocean's surface. The patents describe a system for strategically placing turbine-equipped barges in the path of storms to chill sea surfaces with cold water pumped from the depths.


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Hurricanes move lots of water and energy from point A to point B. What happens when that water and energy no longer have this path for grandiose movement?

My 2 cents.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

All of these methods that involve messing with the hydrological cycle in some way are out. They are all too bloody dangerous for the long term stability of the seas ecosystems, which are drivers for global weather, and must NEVER be messed with more than they already have been by fishing, by drilling for oil, and by pretty much every oceanic activity we partake of.

Nukes are out because... well.... JUST WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING? Preventing hurricanes from doing damage would be great, but preventing them from happening at all WILL kill more people, ruin more cities, and bugger up our world in so many more ways, than allowing them to occur ever will.

The only realistic way to deal with the EFFECTS of hurricanes, is to build or rebuild EVERY coastal city, or simply move the hell out of them. Messing with the ocean in ANY way is not an option that will come to anything but the most rotten of fruit.

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