posted on May, 2 2003 @ 09:57 AM
The chat software was slow because of the old web hosting structure. Now, as with all of ATS, it's on a new server and has more CPU, memory, and
bandwidth than it needs. Most of you remember the lag associated with the chat room in the past, especially when there were several members chatting,
that pain has been alleviated. The chat room has always been one of my favorite pieces of ATS! I've been terribly busy the past month or so but plan
to join you all again soon.
What�s even better is its integration with the XMB member database. You have to be a registered ATS forum member to chat. This prevents the spammers,
hackers, and general evildoers from messing up a good chat! If you have been discouraged in the past from chatting, I urge you to give it another
(and a big thanks is owed to William - the chat room improvement has been all him)